Ch: 142 [Mystique]

Ch: 142 [Mystique]

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As Emma tapped into Cerebro, her telepathic powers allowed her to pinpoint X-23's and the other two mutant kids' location. She relayed the information to Professor X and the team. At the same time, Cynthia contacted and informed them that she is chasing after a lead while Mystique has disguised herself as one of the guards taking the missing kids to the airfield.

"Professor, leave them to us. I think you have a bigger problem on your hands. Those survivors won't survive long without proper healing. Get my son's help. He is on Lizard Island," Cynthia said, her voice filled with concern.

Professor X and the team exchanged worried glances. They realized the gravity of the situation. The survivors, who had been subjected to the AMO's cruel experiments, needed immediate medical attention and care. They couldn't afford to lose any more lives.

"Let's get going," Erik said after learning Alex's location.

"You are not going, Erik," Storm walked forward, "I will take them to Alex."

"Yeah, I think that's better. Given your aggressive nature, you would end up a hundred feet under the ground without a coffin. Since Cynthia and Mystique are alright, I will join you, Storm," Ophelia said.

They prepared their jet and left for Lizard Island with the survivors. Meanwhile, nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived and surrounded the area, ready to secure the facility and gather evidence.

Professor X swiftly dealt with the situation and handed over the evidence to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He knew that they would take care of the legal proceedings and ensure justice was served. His relationship with Fury made it easier.

However, amidst the interrogation and capture of the AMO's executives, Erik disappeared from the scene without anyone's notice.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Mystique, disguised as one of the guards, maintained her cover as they reached the airfield. She knew she had to act quickly and decisively to secure the safety of X-23 and the other mutant children. With her shapeshifting abilities, she blended seamlessly with the guards, biding her time for the right moment.

As they approached a secluded area of the airfield, the guards relaxed their guard, thinking they were in a secure location. Mystique seized the opportunity. In a swift and fluid motion, she incapacitated the guards one by one, swiftly dispatching them without raising an alarm.

She made her way toward the carrier vehicle.

Her movements were a mesmerizing dance of stealth and efficiency. She swiftly disabled her targets using a combination of acrobatic maneuvers, precise strikes to pressure points, and well-timed grapples. She dispatched each guard swiftly and silently, ensuring that not a single sound alerted their comrades or jeopardized the safety of the mutant children.

Mystique's mastery of combat and her innate ability to mimic the appearance and skills of others allowed her to navigate the chaos with ease. She seamlessly transitioned from one guard to the next, adapting her form and fighting style to match theirs flawlessly.

"Key secured," Mystique mumbled as she killed the agent in charge and copied his palm with her mutation. Right now her left palm can open the containment cells.

With the area secured, Mystique swiftly moved to the transport vehicle carrying X-23 and the two other mutant children.

Mystique's new form was that of a tall, muscular guard with closely cropped black hair and piercing blue eyes. Her uniform fit her perfectly, and she carried herself with a confident air, blending seamlessly with the other guards.

Approaching the driver, Mystique's voice took on a gruff, authoritative tone as she spoke, "Hold on a second. We've got new security protocols in place. I need to inspect the cargo before we leave."

The driver, a burly man with a stern expression, hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright, but make it quick. We're on a tight schedule."

Mystique nodded and climbed into the back of the transport vehicle, her eyes scanning the interior. X-23 and the two mutant children were confined in some kind of metal-made containment cells.

Mystique approached the containment cells, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew she had to act fast to free them without raising suspicion.

Mystique focused her attention on the first containment cell, where X-23 was being held. She pressed her palm against the scanner, utilizing the copied handprint of the agent she had eliminated earlier. The device recognized her as an authorized personnel and the cell door unlocked with a click.

As the door slid open, Mystique could see a young girl no more than 16 years old.

"Arggg!" The girl tried to jump at Mystique only to fall on her knees due to the excessive sedatives.

"Easy there," Mystique said, her voice gentle as she reached out a hand. "I'm here to help you. We don't have much time, so we need to move quickly."

The girl, X-23, eyed Mystique warily but slowly extended her hand, allowing Mystique to help her out of the containment cell. Mystique's appearance changed, shifting into a more neutral form to put the girl at ease.

"I am Raven... What's your name?" Mystique asked softly as she helped her up.

X-23, still groggy from the sedatives, looked at Mystique with a mix of confusion and suspicion. She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, her voice hoarse.

"X-23... That's what they called me," she replied, her gaze still wary.

Mystique nodded understandingly. "Well, X-23, it's time to leave this place behind. We have people waiting to help you, to provide you with safety and care."

X-23 glanced at the two other mutant children still confined in their cells. "What about them? Are they coming too?"

Mystique gave a reassuring smile. "Of course, I'm here to rescue all of you. Let's get them out as well."

Using the same copied handprint, Mystique proceeded to unlock the other containment cells, freeing the two mutant children. They stumbled out, disoriented and weak, but relieved to be out of their confines.

The first mutant child was a young boy with fiery red hair and freckles dotting his cheeks. His vibrant green eyes held a mixture of fear and hope. He wore tattered clothes, remnants of the experiments he had endured. Vines were wriggling around his arms. His power is plant manipulation.

The second mutant child was a teenage girl with long, flowing brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She had an ethereal beauty despite the exhaustion and fear etched on her face. Her clothes were torn and stained, evidence of the mistreatment she had endured. Her fingers were sparking with electricity.

As Mystique helped them out of their cells, they clung to each other, seeking comfort and support in their shared experience. Mystique knew they needed immediate medical attention and care, just like X-23.

Suddenly, the driver returned, his expression stern as he surveyed the situation. He noticed Mystique's altered appearance, "Well, fuck!"

"AARRGGG!" X-23 screamed as she unleashed her claws and jumped at the driver. She plunged her claws into the guard's chest, slamming her claws on his dead body over and over again.

"Enough!" Mystique couldn't help but yell. They were running out of time and more guards might be on their way, "We need to get out of here fast." She pulled back X-23.

X-23, still fueled by her anger and adrenaline, reluctantly withdrew her claws and nodded, understanding the need to leave. She took a deep breath to steady herself, "Let's go."

"Going anywhere sweetheart?" The sudden voice made them jump up in action.

The guards, Mystique killed earlier seem to have somehow come back to life and surrounded them.

"What the fuck?!" Mystique couldn't help but curse. The reason was simple. The guards were walking as if they are alive except for the fact that some have twisted necks while others have twisted and broken limbs, "Deadites!!!"

The realization hit Mystique hard as she faced the reanimated guards, their bodies contorted and broken, yet still moving with an unnatural persistence. These were no ordinary guards. They were Deadites, creatures possessed by demonic forces that animated their corpses and twisted their bodies into grotesque shapes.

Mystique swiftly assessed the situation, her mind racing to find a way out. She knew they had to fight their way through, but the odds were stacked against them. The Deadites outnumbered them, and their inhuman strength and resilience made them formidable opponents.

X-23, the fiery-haired boy with plant manipulation powers, and the teenage girl with electricity sparking from her fingers stood ready, their fear replaced by a fierce determination to survive. They understood the gravity of the situation and knew they had to fight alongside Mystique to escape.

Mystique's shapeshifting abilities came into play as she morphed into a more combat-ready form, her body gaining increased muscle mass and heightened agility. She needed every advantage she could muster to face the relentless Deadites.

"Stay close to me and watch each other's backs!" Mystique commanded, her voice firm and authoritative. She had assumed a leadership role in this dire situation, guiding the mutant children and coordinating their efforts.


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