Ch: 143 [Road Kill]

Ch: 143 [Road Kill]

AN: Help up the ratings.


[6:00 AM]

As the Deadites closed in on Mystique, X-23, and the two other mutant children, their twisted bodies convulsed and contorted in unnatural ways. Grotesque faces contorted into sinister grins as they unleashed a barrage of foul language and taunts, their voices filled with demonic resonance.

"You think you can escape, you pathetic mutants?" A Deadite snarled, its broken jaw creaking with each word. "We'll tear you limb from limb!"

Another Deadite, its limbs twisted and elongated, hissed, "You can't hide from us! We'll feast on your souls and revel in your suffering!"

"Raven was it? Charles, fuck toy. We will make you our fuck toy, you fucking blue whore," A cursing yell came from behind. Another Deadite with a twisted neck. Her head was hanging from his neck.

Mystique's eyes narrowed, her expression hardening as she absorbed the vile words spewing from the Deadites. She refused to let their taunts break her resolve. She knew that their words were meant to provoke fear and doubt, but she had faced worse in her lifetime.

"You talk big for a bunch of rotting corpses," Mystique retorted, her voice dripping with defiance. "But your empty threats won't save you from the beating we're about to deliver."

X-23, her feral instincts heightened by the Deadites' presence, growled lowly, her claws extending with a metallic scrape. Her eyes glinted with a mixture of rage and determination.

"You're already dead, you sick fucks!" X-23 snarled, her voice laced with a primal fury. "But I promise you, I'll make you wish you were never born!"

The fiery-haired boy, his powers of plant manipulation surging through his veins, glared at the twisted Deadite who had insulted Mystique. Vines coiled around his arms, ready to strike.

"You're the ones who should be afraid," he spat, his voice carrying a fiery conviction. "Nature always finds a way to reclaim what's been tainted. And you... you're an abomination against nature!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The teenage girl with electricity crackling at her fingertips stepped forward, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of defiance.

"How the hell are you all still alive?" she taunted, her voice laced with electricity. "What in the hell are these things? Ghosts?"

The Deadites hissed and cackled in response to the mutants' defiance, their distorted voices intertwining with eerie echoes.

"Ghosts? Oh, we're much more than that, little girl," a Deadite sneered, its twisted limbs writhing with malevolence. "We're demons from the darkest depths of hell! And we're here to drag you down with us!"

"And we will chew on your tender bones and souls," Another demon taunted.

Mystique's eyes darted around, assessing the situation and formulating a strategy. She knew that brute force alone wouldn't be enough to overcome the relentless Deadites. They needed to exploit their weaknesses and fight with precision.

"X-23, take out their heads! The rest of you, target their legs and restrict their movements! Remember a simple scratch from these freaks will turn you into one of them," Mystique commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos. She knows that there is no escaping them since they are completely surrounded. So, the only choice was to kill them.

"DIEEEE!!!" With a feral roar, X-23 launched herself at a group of Deadites, her claws slashing with lethal precision.

X-23's movements were a blur of deadly grace as she sliced through the twisted bodies of the Deadites. Her adamantium claws tore through decaying flesh and shattered bone, severing limbs and silencing the vile taunts with each strike.

"Give me your soul, bitch," A Deadite jumped at X-23 at a blinding speed.

"Get away from her, monster," The fiery-haired boy summoned his plant manipulation powers, causing vines to burst forth from the ground and entangle the legs of the Deadite, smashing it on the ground.

"Haaaa!" As X-23 flipped in mid-air, her metal claws glinted in the sun light, slashing downward towards the Deadite that had lunged at her. With a swift and precise strike, she impaled the Deadite through its face, splattering blood and brains all over the ground.

After a pause she stood up, "That was a good save."

The fiery-haired boy grinned, his eyes filled with a mix of adrenaline and satisfaction. The vines that had restrained the Deadite with twisted limbs receded back into the ground, returning to their natural state.

"You are such a kick-ass... You are just awesome," he replied, his voice laced with a touch of pride. "We've got each other's backs in this. We're getting out of here together."

The teenage girl, her electricity sparking with increased intensity, unleashed a bolt of lightning towards a group of approaching Deadites, sending them flying backward with a cacophony of screams and sizzling flesh.

"That's it! Zap 'em like the sorry bastards they are!" she exclaimed, a smirk playing on her lips. "No one messes with us and gets away with it!"

Mystique managed to bypass the carrier truck's security and started it, "Hey, kids, get in." She yelled.

The mutant children quickly scrambled into the carrier truck, their adrenaline-fueled bodies moving with urgency. Mystique took one last look at the battle scene, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the remaining Deadites closing in on them.

"Time to grind some Deadites," Mystique declared, her voice filled with determination.

"Let's go, grind'em to slushie," The girl cheered up with a large smile.

With a swift motion, Mystique joined the mutant children in the carrier truck, slamming the door shut behind her. She revved the engine, the roar drowning out the screams of the approaching Deadites.

As the truck surged forward, plowing through the horde of Deadites, the mutants inside braced themselves for the chaotic ride. The twisted creatures clung desperately to the vehicle, their gnarled hands clawing at the metal, but they were no match for the reinforced technology meant to hold deadly mutants.

Mystique continued to run the truck over the Deadites.

The sickening crunch of bones and the splatter of putrid flesh echoed through the air as the truck mercilessly mowed down the remaining Deadites. Their taunts turned to anguished screams as they were crushed beneath the massive tires, unable to withstand the sheer force of the mutant-powered vehicle.

"You kid's ever played zombie smash?" Mystique shouted, her voice filled with a mix of triumph and vindication.

"No, what's that?" X-23 asked.

Mystique grinned mischievously as she accelerated, sending the truck crashing through a group of Deadites, their bodies splattering across the windshield.

"It's a mutant specialty," Mystique replied, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You see, it's like a game of bowling, but with zombies as the pins. You aim, you accelerate, and you smash them to oblivion!"

The fiery-haired boy laughed, his voice filled with exhilaration. "That sounds insane! Count me in!"

The teenage girl's eyes lit up with a wicked grin. "Hell yeah! Let's turn these Deadites into roadkill!"

As the mutants continued their rampage, crushing and pulverizing the remaining Deadites in their path, their laughter mingled with the agonized screams of the twisted creatures. The truck surged forward, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in its wake.

Amid the chaos, X-23 couldn't help but smile, feeling a surge of adrenaline and camaraderie with her newfound allies. They were outnumbered, facing a horde of relentless Deadites, but together, they were unstoppable.

However, their momentary victory came to an hault when a fifteen feet giant mass of flesh towered before them, blocking their path. Its grotesque form writhed and oozed, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

The mutant children gasped in horror, momentarily taken aback by the sheer size and hideousness of the monstrosity. Mystique slammed the break.

"What the fuck is that?" the teenage girl exclaimed, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

Mystique's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. She knew they couldn't afford to hesitate or be intimidated by the creature before them.

"It's just another piece of shit Deadite," Mystique spat, her voice filled with determination. "And we're going to take it down like the rest of them. And kids, keep the cursing and f words to ourselves, alright?"

As the mutant children nodded, their determination renewed, Mystique revved the engine once more, ready to face the abomination blocking their path. The truck surged forward, its tires screeching against the asphalt as it barreled towards the towering mass of flesh.

Mystique's voice boomed with authority, "Hold on tight, kids! It's time to see what this AMO truck is made of."

"Let's go!" X-23 yelled.

As the mutant children tightened their grips, bracing themselves for the impact, Mystique accelerated the truck to its maximum speed.


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