Ch: 158 [Null-Damage]

Ch: 158 [Null-Damage]

As Christie slowly rose from the ground, wiping the blood from her mouth, a sinister smile played on her lips. The impact of Karina's punch seemed to have only fueled her sadistic nature, igniting a newfound determination within her.

"Well, well, well," Christie chuckled, her voice laced with a mix of amusement and malice. "It seems you've got some fight in you, Karina. I must say, I'm impressed."

Karina maintained her guard, her eyes locked on Christie, ready for the next round of their battle. The tension in the air was palpable as the two formidable women prepared to face off once again.

"Oh, you can still talk? That punch was supposed to break your jaws. I guess, if one isn't enough, I just have to do it as many times as it takes," Karina taunted.

Her taunting words seemed to further fuel Christie's sadistic nature, her smile widening as she relished in the challenge.

"By all means, my dear, give it your best shot," Christie replied, her voice dripping with wicked amusement. "I'm more than happy to play this little game of ours until one of us is battered and broken. Oh, by the way, isn't it windy today? A perfect day to fly, don't you think?"

As Christie's words hung in the air, a sudden gust of wind surrounded the two combatants. The force of the wind intensified, swirling around them with increasing speed. Sand and debris danced in the air, creating a chaotic whirlwind that enveloped the beach.

Karina narrowed her eyes, sensing the manipulation of air around her. She knew she had to remain focused and adapt to the changing conditions. Activating her heightened senses and enhanced reflexes, she braced herself for whatever Christie had in store.

With a swift movement, Christie launched herself into the air, propelled by the powerful gusts she had created. Her body twisted and turned with acrobatic grace, evading the sandstorm that surrounded her. It was as if she had become one with the wind itself, her movements blending seamlessly with the chaotic currents.

Karina, determined not to be outmaneuvered, leaped into action, her hyper speed allowing her to keep up with Christie's aerial dance. She moved with agility and precision, ducking and weaving through the air currents, her eyes locked on her elusive target.

Their battle shifted to the skies above, the moon and stars witnessing their gravity-defying clash. Christie launched a series of lightning-fast air bullets towards Karina, each blast accompanied by a deafening roar. The projectiles tore through the air with lethal force, aiming to strike Karina from all angles.

Karina's hyper speed allowed her to react swiftly, dodging and weaving through the onslaught of air bullets. She twisted and contorted her body, narrowly avoiding each attack by a hair's breadth. Her movements were a blur, a testament to her agility and reflexes.

However, things were looking difficult for her, since the storm surrounding her limiting her movements.

Caught within the tempestuous storm created by Christie, Karina found herself at a disadvantage. The powerful gusts of wind restricted her movements, making it increasingly challenging to navigate through the chaotic currents. Sand and debris whipped around her, obstructing her vision and adding to the difficulty of evading Christie's attacks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Karina struggled against the force of the wind, Christie took advantage of the situation, capitalizing on Karina's limited mobility. She unleashed a barrage of precise air strikes, aiming to corner and overwhelm her opponent. Each strike carried the potential to cause significant damage, further testing Karina's endurance and resilience.

"Enough!" Karina yelled, as she slammed into the ground with a powerful impact, the force of her punch created a shockwave, momentarily dispersing the swirling winds and sending sand flying in all directions. The beach trembled beneath the force of her landing, leaving a small crater where she stood.

She aimed her gun at Christie who was still in midair and took the shot.

Six bullets flew toward her at a rapid speed. She knew that Karina's ability allows her to phase objects, so trying to deflect them are useless. Instead, she dodged them in mid-air, utilizing her air manipulation.

Karina took this chance and used her portal gun to appear behind Christie and tried to stab her from behind. But she, ever the evasive target, reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. With a sudden twist of her body, Christie spun in mid-air, avoiding Karina's knife by a hair's breadth. Then she shot herself above Karina like a bullet and kicked her hard on the head.

The impact of Christie's powerful kick sent Karina hurtling through the air, crashing into the sand with a thud.

"Fuck!" Karina stood up. Her right arm, dangling from her elbow. Just before the kick landed, she reacted and protected her head.

She gritted her teeth, her injured arm hanging limply by her side. Despite the pain and the odds stacked against her, she refused to back down. Determination burned in her eyes as she glared at Christie, her resolve unwavering.

Christie descended gracefully from the air, landing on the sandy beach with a smirk. She leisurely brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes fixed on Karina, reveling in her opponent's vulnerability.

"Well, well, looks like I've managed to break you, Karina," Christie taunted, her voice dripping with sadistic delight. "I must admit, you put up a good fight, but it seems your time is up. It's time to break your neck."

Karina clenched her fists, the pain in her injured arm serving as a stark reminder of her predicament. She knew she had to dig deep within herself, tapping into her reserves of strength and resilience.

"You think you've won? Think again, Christie," Karina said with a cunning smile. Her eyes were on the spot Christie landed. A small red light is blinking under her feet.

Karina's smile widened as Christie's eyes followed her gaze, noticing the blinking red light beneath her feet, "Shit!" Before Christie could react, Karina activated the explosive device she had planted earlier. The ground beneath Christie erupted with a powerful explosion, sending shockwaves through the air.

Christie was caught off guard by the sudden blast, her body thrown backward by the force of the explosion. She crashed into a nearby tree, missing limbs and a broken charred body.

Karina took advantage of the momentary distraction, rushing towards Christie with renewed determination. Ignoring the pain in her injured arm, she stabbed her chest in two quick successions before slicing her head off with her knife.

As Christie's lifeless body fell to the ground, the atmosphere grew still. The beach was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of crashing waves in the distance. Karina stood over her fallen opponent, her chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline coursing through her veins.

She took a moment to catch her breath and assess the situation. The battle was over, but the toll it had taken on her was evident. Blood trickled down her face from a cut on her forehead, and her injured arm throbbed with pain. Despite her injuries, a sense of satisfaction and relief washed over her. She had emerged victorious against a formidable adversary.

As the adrenaline subsided, Karina's body began to ache, and the weight of exhaustion settled in. She glanced around, and her eyes fell on me. She started to walk over toward me while dragging her feet.

I pointed behind her.

As Karina turned to look behind her, she saw a figure emerging from the shadows. It was Christie, her body charred and broken from the explosion, but still alive.

"You... you can't be alive," Karina stammered, disbelief etched on her face.

Christie's laughter echoed through the air, sending shivers down Karina's spine. Her charred severed head rolled to a stop at Karina's feet, the sinister smile frozen on her lifeless face.

"Impressive move, my dear," Christie's disembodied voice taunted. "That hurts you know. And now I have to hurt you plus added interest."

"Fuck you!" Karina tried to stab her head with her knife, but it rolled away from her.

"Ohhh... The look on their faces every time they see my decapitated head is priceless," Christie's voice continued, mocking Karina. "But don't worry, my dear, I have plans for you. Plans that involve pain and suffering beyond your wildest nightmares."

I blinked between them. Any more fights and one of them would end up dead.

"So, that's your Ultimate Skill, Null Damage?" I asked Christie.

Christie's body began to regenerate, "Ah! Yes, Null Damage, that brings me back from the dead and nullifies all damage I have taken from a battle. Humm... But I wonder, how did you know about my power, boy?"

I smirked, revealing a hidden card up my sleeve. "Oh, Christie, I have my sources. Let's just say I'm well-informed about the abilities of those I encounter."

Christie's expression shifted, a mix of curiosity and suspicion crossing her face. "Well, well, aren't you an interesting one?" Her body is now all healed up.


Christie's regenerated body exuded an eerie aura as she stared at me intently. The wind blew softly, causing her hair to sway gently as she assessed the situation.

"Tell me, boy, what other secrets do you hold?" Christie inquired, her voice laced with a dangerous curiosity.

I maintained a calm demeanor, though a hint of confidence flickered in my eyes. "I'm afraid that's a secret I'll have to keep for now. But let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Christie's eyes narrowed, suspicion evident in her gaze. "You're playing a dangerous game, boy. But I must admit, your boldness intrigues me."

Karina, still recovering from the intense battle, watched our exchange with a mixture of caution and uncertainty. She knew that Christie was a formidable opponent, even with her ultimate skill, Null Damage. The tide of the battle could shift at any moment. I can see her reaching for her portal gun.

I used my aura to flick the gun toward her. She quickly grabbed it and opened a portal before jumping into it with a little nod.

With a sudden burst of speed, Christie disappeared from her spot and reappeared in front of me, her eyes locked onto mine. She pushed me down on the ground and climbed on top of me, "Now what should I do with you?"

As Christie pinned me to the ground, her sadistic grin widened, relishing the power she held over me. Her strength was undeniable, and I could feel the weight of her presence pressing down on me. However, I flipped her over and pinned her arms above her head.

"I should be the one saying that," I said with a smirk. Our faces were so close. I can feel her hot breath on my face.

Christie's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing within them. Her lips curved into a sinister smile, revealing a glimpse of her true sadistic nature.

"Well, well, well," she purred, her voice dripping with wicked delight. "It seems you have some fight left in you, boy. I must say, you've caught my attention."

I maintained my grip, keeping her restrained, my expression serious. "As I said before, I should be the one saying that to you."

Christie's amusement turned into a flicker of curiosity as she assessed the situation. The intensity in her eyes burned like a flame, reflecting the thrill she derived from the battle.

"So, you're not just a mere spectator, are you?" Christie's voice was filled with intrigue. "Tell me, what do you plan to do now that you have me in this position?"


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