Ch: 168 [Corrupted Velocity]

Ch: 168 [Corrupted Velocity]

As the dead body of Johnny Quick stood before us, transformed into a vessel for the forces of evil, a palpable sense of dread filled the air. The once lifeless form now pulsed with an unholy energy, and a sinister grin spread across the deadite's face, revealing rows of jagged, yellowed teeth.

[Negative Speed Force detected...]

[Take caution, Host...]

The negative speed force, in the form of red lightning, surged through the deadite's veins. It coursed through his body like a corrupted current, empowering him with unprecedented speed and enhancing his already formidable abilities. Shadows seemed to dance around him, swirling and distorting with each movement, as if he were drawing power from the very essence of darkness itself.

"Ahhh! To think such power exists in this world of bugs. Ahahahahaha!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere grew tense as the deadite's laughter echoed through the air. It was a chilling sound, filled with malevolence and a deep-seated hunger for destruction. The ground beneath us trembled as the deadite, empowered by the negative speed force, prepared to unleash his wrath upon us.

"Such dark energy. The power to travel through time and space, to manipulate reality itself," the deadite hissed, his voice distorted and filled with sickening glee. "I will tear apart this feeble reality and feast on your souls!"

The yellow ring on his finger also started to glow with a dark yellow gleam. He stopped laughing as his eyes went toward the glowing ring.

[Energy of underworld detected...]

[The deadite is drawing upon the fear of the tormented souls...]

"Now, this is interesting... To think someone found a way to channel the raw energy of the fear itself," He clenched his fist and channeled the fear of tormented souls in Hell to empower his yellow Lantern ring, the atmosphere grew even more oppressive. The air crackled with ominous energy, and the very ground beneath us seemed to groan in protest.

The deadite raised his glowing fist, the yellow energy pulsating with an intensity that threatened to overwhelm us. His eyes glowed with a malevolent light as he fixated his gaze upon us, his next victims.

"The power of negative speed force and fear. I AM CORRUPTED VELOCITY," His voice echoed through the island.

"Guys, I don't want to be a party pooper, but that thing... Do you have any idea how to defeat that monstrosity?" Christie asked with a glint of desperation in her voice.

In the face of the newly transformed deadite, now known as Corrupted Velocity, our group exchanged worried glances. The sheer power emanating from him was overwhelming, and defeating such a formidable adversary seemed like an insurmountable task. But we couldn't give in to despair.

Laira, always the one to remain calm under pressure, spoke up. "We need a plan, and we need it fast. That thing draws his strength from the negative speed force and the fear of tormented souls. We have to find a way to weaken him and sever his connection to those sources."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She paused, scanning our surroundings for any potential advantage. "The yellow Lantern ring is the key. It's amplifying his power by channeling fear. If we can disrupt that connection or find a way to neutralize the ring's influence, we might have a chance."

"Disrupt the connection?" The Deadite appeared before Laira. His open palm near her chest, "I will rip your heart out you purple bitch!"

Laira swiftly jumps back while summoning a giant hammer construct with her green energy. The construct materialized in her hands with a resounding hum. She swung the hammer with precision and force, aiming to strike the Deadite and disrupt his attack.

The Deadite, however, anticipated her move and swiftly dodged the swing, effortlessly weaving through the air with his enhanced speed. He retaliated with a barrage of yellow energy blasts from his ring, forcing Laira to create a protective shield to deflect the incoming attacks.

"Air Vortex!" Christie, utilizing her control over wind and air, summoned a powerful vortex that swirled around Corrupted Velocity. The cyclone of wind and energy whipped around him, attempting to disrupt his movements and create a barrier against his attacks.

The winds grew stronger, buffeting Corrupted Velocity and causing his form to waver. The yellow energy blasts struggled to maintain their accuracy as they were swept off course by the chaotic winds. However, the deadite's determination and newfound power allowed him to push through the assault, his speed allowing him to maneuver around the vortex with relative ease.

"Yes, show me more. Keep struggling like the bugs you are," The Deadite taunted as he swirled around with a blinding speed to create a tornado of his own negative energy, aiming at the house.

I blinked toward the house and sliced the energy tornado with my red aura tendrils.

[Booom!] With a huge band, the tornado exploded, creating a massive crater.

"Stand back you girls," I stretched my fingers and started to walk toward the freak, "You think you are the strongest being, right? Let's fight 1 on 1. The winner gets to kill the loser."

The Deadite's grin widened, his yellow eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "Oh, how adorable. The insects think they can challenge me. I will make you regret your defiance."

Without warning, Corrupted Velocity lunged forward with blinding speed, his fists charged with the corrupted energy of the negative speed force. His movements were a blur, and his aim was precise... My heart.

"So, predictable..." I smirked. Had it been a few days ago, I might have had to utilize my aura a bit more, but with my past memories restored, fighting such a battle is like a child's play in my eyes.

I sidestepped with unnatural agility, narrowly evading the deadly blow. In one fluid motion, I spun around, my red aura tendrils extending from my fingers with a deadly precision.

With a swift motion, I aimed to strike Corrupted Velocity's exposed back, intending to deliver a powerful blow that would disrupt his connection to the negative speed force and weaken him. The tendrils of red energy lashed out, seeking to ensnare and pierce him.

But he used his super speed to dash behind my back and kicked me hard aiming to snap my neck.

"What?!" The Deadite stumbled back limping on his left leg. His right leg was twisted.

*Superior Endurance*

"What's up with a kick? That didn't even tickle," I said as I walked toward the Deadite.

He clenched his fists, his yellow ring glowing with an intense, corrupted light. The negative speed force surged through him, healing his twisted leg.

"I will tear you apart, piece by piece!" he growled, his voice distorted and filled with malice.

"What are you, a butcher?" I taunted.

The Deadite used his fear energy to create a massive boulder above us. It was as big as the size of the entire island.

[Energy: 90%]

'Hey, System, can I absorb his energy and transform it into my own?' I asked the System.

[Affirmative. No matter the type of energy, all will be converted to Universal Energy. With the new upgraded form, the System will be able to increase your Energy level from 100% to 1000% depending on the absorbed energy.]

I see, and right now, there is a ton of energy to eat up.

*Shadow Dasher+ Energy Absorption*

I blinked before him and grabbed his neck and used my skill, absorbing his dark energy, negative speed force, and yellow energy.


As I unleashed the power of Shadow Dasher and Energy Absorption, my aura tendrils snaked around the Deadite's form, drawing in the dark energy, negative speed force, and yellow energy that coursed through him. The energy flowed into me, merging with my own aura and augmenting my power.

I could feel the immense surge of energy coursing through my veins, expanding my capabilities beyond their limits. The absorbed energy revitalized me, empowering me with a strength and speed that surpassed anything I had experienced before.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" The Deadite tried to scratch my arms and threw punches and all types of weird dark attacks. But it was useless against me.

The massive construct started to disappear in thin air as I absorbed its power. It's like an endless pool of energy. To think that the power of the underworld is this vast and strong. No wonder, these freaks are popping up everywhere and creating a mess.

"Hahaha... This feels great..." I continued to suck the Deadite dry of its power, "Hand over all this power to me!"

With each passing moment, I absorbed more and more of the Deadite's power. The once formidable Corrupted Velocity grew weaker, his attacks dwindling in intensity and effectiveness. His struggles became feeble and futile against my overwhelming power.

Finally, with a last gasp of desperation, the Deadite's body crumbled to ashes, unable to withstand the force of the energy absorption. The yellow ring that adorned his finger fell to the ground, its glow extinguished.

I stood there, my body radiating with an aura of newfound strength and power. The absorbed energy coursed through me, fueling my abilities and enhancing my senses. I could feel the surge of power within, the raw energy of the negative speed force and fear twisted into a force of good.

I took the yellow ring up from the ground.


I used my skill to degrade its quality to the max level possible turning it into nothingness. The ring disappeared with a bit of yellow smoke.

"Just what are you?" Laira said with a mix of awe and caution in her voice.

"Why? Afraid of me sweetheart?" I blinked before her and whispered in her ears, "You weren't afraid when you were enjoying the show that night. Are you single?"

"Ha! Hahaha... You are impossible," She shooked her head with a smile.

"That was awesome. I never knew you were this strong," Jenny said.

"Hey, don't underestimate your big brother," I flexed my muscles with a smile.

"You see that," Hina boasted, "That's my daddy. He only used less than 10% of his power and took down that monster. Did you see that?"

Harley rushed and hugged me, "Puddin' you alright? You aren't hurt or anything, right?"

"Nope, I am fine," I hugged her. Ah! She smells great and feels so soft and squishy. Damn, these freaks disturbing my peaceful life.

But, I wonder how Power Girl is doing. That other Kryptonian looked tough.

The sound of an aircraft above us took our attention. It landed a few meters away from us. Jessica and Granny came out of the aircraft.

"Hey, I am glad you all are alright. Come on. We need to leave. This island is set to quarantine zone," Granny said as she pointed to the aircraft, "Let's go."


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