Ch: 170 [Constantine]

Ch: 170 [Constantine]

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(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon)


The spiky-haired woman retrieved one of the lost pages of the Necronomicon. The page was weathered and filled with cryptic symbols and incantations, written in a language that was beyond mortal comprehension. With a wicked smile on her face, she began to recite the forbidden words, her voice echoing through the void of space.

As she chanted, the torn page glowed with an eerie violet light. Arcane energy crackled around her, intertwining with the power of the Necronomicon. The symbols on the page shifted and twisted, aligning in a pattern that defied logic and reason.

Unbeknownst to the spiky-haired woman, her actions had caught the attention of another figure, one who observed the unfolding events from the shadows. John Constantine, the master of the occult, had been monitoring the battle between Power Girl and Ultragirl, waiting for the opportune moment to intervene. After all, surviving in space with unknowns takes some preparations.

With a calculated smirk, Constantine took advantage of his stealth and placed a small golden artifact near Power Girl and then stepped out of the shadows, his trench coat billowing in the nonexistent breeze of space. His eyes narrowed as he studied the woman and the torn page she held.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Constantine's voice dripped with equal parts curiosity and skepticism. "Playing with fire, are we?"

The spiky-haired woman turned her attention to Constantine, her expression a mix of surprise and annoyance, "One bug after another." With a flick of her finger, she threw a bolt of lightning at Constantine.

He reacted swiftly, conjuring a protective shield of mystical energy. The lightning struck the shield, dispersing harmlessly around him. He chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the attack.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Now, now, no need to be so hostile," Constantine remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm just here for a friendly chat, love."

The spiky-haired woman scowled, her eyes narrowing as she assessed Constantine. "You think you can just waltz in here and disrupt my plans? I don't have time for your games, sorcerer."

Constantine's smirk grew wider. "Oh, it's not a game, darling. Just a matter of survival. You see, I can't have you tearing open portals to other dimensions and summoning god-knows-what in the middle of space. It's bad for business."

He took a step closer, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and danger. "Now, how about we make a deal? You hand over that torn page, and I'll make sure we all walk away from this little rendezvous in one piece."

The woman laughed, a cold and mirthless sound. "You think I'm foolish enough to fall for one of your tricks, Constantine? When I summon him, this reality will tremble under his wrath and I will gain the power and knowledge beyond mortal realms."

Constantine chuckled, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and cunning. "You've got big ambitions, love. But trust me, summoning him won't end well for anyone involved, yourself included. There are forces in the cosmos that even you can't comprehend."

The woman's expression shifted, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. The power-hungry gleam in her eyes wavered, replaced by a hint of uncertainty. She glanced at the torn page in her hand, its glow intensifying with each passing moment.

"What do you know of him?" she asked, her voice laced with a newfound caution.

Constantine took a step closer, his voice low and filled with a dark wisdom. "I've dealt with creatures from beyond our reality, love. Trust me when I say that summoning them brings nothing but chaos and destruction. The power you seek may seem tempting, but it comes at a price."

The woman hesitated, her grip on the torn page loosening. She looked at Constantine, searching for any sign of deception in his eyes.

"Give me one reason why I should trust you," she demanded, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and defiance.

Constantine leaned in, his tone filled with sincerity. "Because I know how this story ends. The power you seek will consume you, twist you into something unrecognizable. But with my help, we might find a way to contain it, to prevent catastrophe. Trust me when I say that there are greater battles to fight, ones that can actually be won."

The spiky-haired woman hesitated, a conflict raging within her. She glanced at the torn page once more, contemplating the consequences of her actions.

"Give me that page, Annataz," Constantine extended his hand and took a step forward.

As he reached out to take the torn page from Annataz, a chilling breeze swept through the void of space. The atmosphere grew heavy with a sense of impending doom, and a sinister presence made itself known. The demonic entity known as Baal materialized before them, his form emanating malevolence and raw power.

"Ah, the meddling sorcerer and the misguided fool," Baal hissed, his voice dripping with malice. "I see you've come seeking power, Annataz, so, why don't you kill that man and embrace your place beside me?"

The tension in the air was palpable as Baal's presence loomed over Constantine and Annataz. The spiky-haired woman hesitated, torn between her desire for power and the cautionary words of Constantine.

Constantine, ever the quick thinker, summoned a circle of protection on the ground beneath them. The intricate symbols glowed with a faint blue light, forming a barrier against Baal's influence. He glanced at Annataz, his gaze filled with a mix of concern and determination.

"Don't listen to his lies, Annataz," He warned, his voice firm. "Baal is nothing more than a manipulator, seeking to exploit your desires for his own gain."

Annataz wavered, her eyes darting between Constantine and Baal. The allure of power was strong, but she couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that had started to creep into her mind.

Baal let out a low, sinister chuckle. "Listen to your desires, Annataz. With my power, you can reshape reality itself. Embrace the darkness within you and fulfill your true potential."

But Constantine wasn't one to back down. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small vial filled with a shimmering liquid. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the vial towards Baal, the contents splashing over the demonic entity.

The liquid reacted with Baal's essence, causing him to recoil in pain. Smoke billowed from his form as he let out a roar of fury.

"What have you done, Constantine?!" Baal's voice thundered, his anger palpable.

Constantine grinned, his eyes flashing with a mischievous glint. "Just a little something I cooked up. Courtesy of Lucifer. A concoction to weaken your influence, Baal. You won't be manipulating anyone today."

Annataz watched the exchange, her doubts growing stronger. She took a step back, distancing herself from Baal's presence.

"You... You're trying to protect me?" she asked, her voice wavering.

Constantine nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I've seen the damage that unchecked power can cause. Trust me, Annataz, you don't want to go down that path. There's still a chance to make things right."

Baal, his rage subsiding, glared at Constantine with burning fury. "You think you can defy me? I will destroy you, sorcerer!"

But before Baal could make a move, Constantine quickly chanted an incantation, summoning a burst of hellfire that engulfed Baal's form. The demonic entity let out a howl of pain, his essence writhing within the flames.

"Hurts, doesn't it? Hellfire of this Earth is far different from yours. Go back to hell, demon," Constantine chanted an incantation, summoning flaming chains from the depths of hell.

The chains wrapped around Baal's form, binding him tightly. The demonic entity struggled against his restraints, his power weakened by the hellfire that consumed him.

Constantine turned his attention back to Annataz, his expression filled with a mix of relief and determination. "It's not too late, love. We can find a way to undo the damage that has been done. You have a choice to make."

Annataz looked at Baal, trapped and powerless, then turned her gaze to Constantine. She could sense the sincerity in his words, the genuine concern for her well-being. The allure of power had diminished, replaced by a sense of clarity and understanding.

With a deep breath, Annataz nodded, her voice steady. "Fuck it! Take it, but she is coming with me." She threw the page at him and grabbed Ultragirl. She then opened a portal and disappeared beyond it.

Constantine watched as Annataz and Ultragirl vanished through the portal, his expression a mix of relief and concern. He pocketed the torn page of the Necronomicon and turned his attention to Baal, who was still bound by the flaming chains.

"Now, now, Baal," Constantine taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. "I hope you've learned your lesson. Trying to manipulate someone like Annataz, whose power is comparable to those freaks of the 5th dimension, was a grave mistake."

"Hahahaha! I will remember you, mortal," Baal said with a sinister chuckle.

"Oh, I'm sure you will, Baal," Constantine replied, his voice laced with dark amusement as he slammed his fist on that asteroid, "But only if you survive what Lucifer has prepared for you in hell."

A red portal opened under Baal.

Constantine watched as Baal was dragged into the red portal, his enraged cries echoing through the void of space. The portal closed behind him, leaving Constantine alone with the remnants of the battle.

He took a moment to catch his breath, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Dealing with powerful entities was never an easy task, but Constantine thrived on the challenge. He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a cigarette, placing it between his lips. With a snap of his fingers, a small flame ignited at his fingertips, providing the necessary light to light the cigarette.

As he took a long drag, he surveyed the aftermath of the battle. Debris floated aimlessly, remnants of the fierce clash between Power Girl and Ultragirl. The destruction served as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the cosmic corners of the universe.

But Constantine knew that his work wasn't done.

He approached Power Girl cautiously, his eyes scanning her injuries. The blows she had endured had taken a toll on her, and her battered form lay motionless on the asteroid. He reached out a hand, conjuring a healing spell to mend her wounds and alleviate her pain.

The golden artifact he had placed near her glowed with a gentle warmth, its concentrated solar energy seeping into Power Girl's body. The injuries began to heal at an accelerated rate, the cuts closing and bruises fading.

Constantine knelt beside Power Girl, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and relief. "Hang in there, love," he murmured softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You've been through hell, but you're tougher than you realize."

*****[Do leave a review if you are still reading this fiction.]*****

AN: We are reaching the end of this arc. Mortal Kombat is on hold for now. My pat reons want me to make an arc for Powergirl. So, yeah, another 30-50 chs approx, before I complete this fiction. We will call this Part-1. Then, I will make another new start with bigger threats like Darkseid and different variants of Marvel characters. DC already got Syndicate, so, it's only fair to have alternate Marvel characters.

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