Ch: 31 [Busy morning and stalker]

Ch: 31 [Busy morning and stalker]


EP: +20

Total Eroge Points: 190


Natasha had already left by the time I awoke. She left a little note on the pillow. It looks like she wants to tie up some loose ends, and she will find me when the time is right. The note was accompanied by a red kiss mark.

Haaa. I slumped back on the bed. I am still sleepy. Last night's memories are still fresh in my mind, and her smell is still lingering on the bed. She should have said goodbye to me...

A spy's life... I guess it's hard to get out... Wherever you go, stay safe, Natasha... I am already missing her.

I turned around toward the window while hugging my pillow. The sky seems a bit cloudy today, but the birds are chirping on the widow shade as usual. Aaahh! I don't want to get up from bed.

Ouch! The burns on my skin... I almost forgot. Damn! It stings.

I got an idea.

I used Q&Q to enhance the skin on my arms. The burn marks and blisters disappeared instantly, but I didn't feel any changes. My eyes went toward the desk near my bed. Huh?! It's broken. Ah! I broke it that night. I forgot to fix it. Broken wood and some stationary objects are lying near the wall. I got down from the bed and took a pen from that mess.

Let's see...

I put my palm on the floor and slammed the pen as hard as I could. To my surprise, the nip of the pen broke, and the ink spilled on my hand. But I felt only a small tickle, nothing else.

Ah! Shit! Fucking a mess...

Let's try it once more, just to be sure.

Next, I took a nail from that mess. Alright... I gritted my teeth. Humff! I slammed it on my fist with my full strength, but just like before, the nail also failed to pierce through my skin. I keep pushing, but it won't budge. Instead, the nail bends into a small ball of iron.

So that's how it works. It seems that Q&Q repairs damaged body parts before enhancing them. This is like a cheat. I can heal instantly and gain permanent enhancement. Does it work on inorganic things?

The broken desk...

[CD: 8 minutes, 09 seconds.]

I waited for the cooldown to reset. Then I put my palm on the broken desk and activated Q&Q, "Improve the quality."

A flash of green light appeared on my fist for a brief moment before disappearing. Is that it?!

The broken parts began to move on their own. The desk... It's repairing before my eyes on its own. It's like rewinding time... Rewinding time!!!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Hey, System. Is it repairing or rewinding time?" I ask the System. I have to know about this broken power. At level 1, it can do this... I can't imagine what will happen after reaching max level.

[Not enough authority]

[Level Q&Q to level 5 to unlock information]

Damn! If I knew, I would have leveled it up instead of Heightened SE. I still need 10 more EP for a free upgrade.

The desk became as good as new. No, even better. The metal frames around the desk look like some kind of metal. I don't know... But it's not iron. Who cares? It's new and better. That's all matters...


Time to freshen up...

After taking a bath, I went down. Jenny was sitting at the breakfast table, ready in her new school uniform, fiddling with her phone. And mom was feeding the birds outside.

I walked over to her and hugged her from behind.

"You look great in that uniform," I said softly in her ears, "Good morning, Jen." I kissed her cheek.

"Oh! Bro. Good morning," replied Jenny. She turned her face toward me and kissed me on my lips, "Thanks for the compliment."

[Ding!] "A mail!" Jenny's focus turned toward the phone.

I went to the kitchen...

"Hey. Bro. Guess what?" Jenny said as I sat at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and a plate of lemon pie from last night.

"Good news?" I replied. From her expression, she seems happy.

"I just got a mail. Miss Emma Frost offered to teach me personally, and I accepted it. Can you believe it? Training under her guidance... Aaaahhh! It feels like a dream..." said Jenny, hugging her phone close to her chest with an excited expression.

"That's really great news, Jen. Make sure to focus on your training and lessons. Then after you graduate... Maybe, we can form a team. Just you and me. Obviously, only if you want. What do you say?" I said after taking a sip of my coffee.

"Are you serious? You won't change your mind later on, right?" Jenny inquired.

"Yup. I am serious. Let's make a dynamic duo team after graduation," I hold my fist toward Jenny.

"Awesome. We will get to spend so much time together. Don't you dare to change your mind later on," Jenny said as she bumped my fist.

[Ring!] [Ring!] Jenny's phone started to ring.

"My ride is here," Jenny stood up.

Huh? Her ride?

"Hey, Lin... Yeah, I am coming," Jenny disconnects the call after a brief conversation.

Phew! A girl... For a moment, I thought... Nevermind...

Jenny took her bag after saying goodbye and walked out...

I followed her outside and saw a school bus waiting at the front gate.

"Bye, mom... Bye, bro..."

There she goes...

I went back and finished my food. Mom had finished feeding the birds and came inside.

"Son, if you don't mind... Can I buy something for your grandma with your card?" Mom asked with a troubled expression.

"There is no need to ask, mom. I told you, don't worry about money. Oh! Why don't you bring grandma here? I am sure she is lonely in that place without anyone to talk to... And I haven't seen her in a while. I kinda miss her..." I replied. It's been two years since I saw my grandma. I wonder how she is doing...

My grandma is a mutant with a power that every man or woman in the world wants. Eternal youth... Or more precisely, age control. Yup. You heard it right. She can become a small child if she wants or become a 100-year-old hag... She can also control the age of her organs.

She had been hiding the fact from everyone... But after the merge, when the humans started accepting the mutants into the society, that's when she told us the truth.

If she wants, she could easily become a model or a celebrity. But she decided to stay in the countryside, saying that it's peaceful there...

"Thank you," Mom hugged me tightly.

Ah! I am glad that she is happy. Jenny is going to school. I have to take care of my studies and my new business... Mom will be alone most of the time. So, with grandma here, both of them will have some company, and I won't have to worry about them anymore...



Mom dressed up and was ready to leave.

"Here," I give her my car's keys, "You can push that red button after going out of the city's limit..." I whisper in her ears.

"Thanks," Mom plants a kiss on my cheek.

Mom got up in the car and started it.

"Take care and drive safely... Ah! I almost forgot. You can ask the AI for assistance if you need help," I said. Since she is going that far, she might need some assistance on the road, so the AI should come in handy.


After mom left, I packed my gym uniform, locked the house, and left... The gym is just thirty minutes' walk from my house. Let's begin with jogging...

Huh?! What's this? Fuck!!! I know what it is...

There is a familiar card sticking out from the mailbox... I took it out. It's from Harley Quinn. Shit!



[+ 5 advance chapters available on patreon] [Check out the new fic I released if you have time.]

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