Ch: 98 [Attack on the Justice League pt2]

Ch: 98 [Attack on the Justice League pt2]

As Power Girl and Ultraman soared higher and higher into the atmosphere, the air around them grew thin, and the temperature dropped to near freezing. But neither of them seemed to care. They were locked in a fierce battle, their fists pounding into each other with earth-shattering force.

Power Girl was relentless, her fists raining down on Ultraman like a hail of bullets. She was stronger and fiercer than Superman, and it showed. She doesn't hold back during any fight. Every blow sent the villain reeling, his body contorting in pain. But Ultraman was no slouch, either. His yellow power ring was a formidable weapon, and he used it to great effect, sending bursts of energy blasting toward Power Girl with deadly accuracy.

The two combatants spun around each other, their bodies blurring as they clashed with titanic force. Power Girl smashed her fists into Ultraman's face, sending him reeling backward. But he quickly recovered, his yellow power ring crackling with energy. He fired a burst of pure, concentrated power toward her, and she barely managed to dodge out of the way.

But the near miss only seemed to make Power Girl angrier. She charged towards Ultraman, her fists glowing with power. The villain tried to hold her off with his yellow ring, but it was no use. Power Girl's strength was too great. She slammed into Ultraman, sending him hurtling toward the edge of space.

But the villain wasn't done yet. With a burst of energy from his power ring, he managed to stop himself from flying off into the abyss. He spun around and charged toward Power Girl, his eyes blazing with hatred.

The two combatants collided once again, their fists and bodies smashing into each other with bone-jarring force. They were like two asteroids colliding in the depths of space, their power creating shockwaves that rippled across the cosmos.


The two titans clashed with a ferocity that shook the cosmos. Their blows echoed through the void, creating shockwaves that rippled out in all directions. 

Power Girl's fists glowed with blazing energy as she pounded Ultraman with a series of crushing blows. "You picked the wrong planet to mess with," she growled. "Now pay the price."

Ultraman's eyes blazed with fury as he fought back, his yellow power ring glowing with a malevolent light, but it wasn't as strong as before. His ring energy was running out. "You think you can defeat me?" he snarled. "I am the ultimate Kryptonian! You are nothing compared to me! You are just an imitation of Superman."

"I am better than Superman," Power Girl kicked Ultraman, but he countered with a kick of his own, "I am stronger... Haaaa!!!" 

Power Girl pushed her power...

[Crackk!] Ultraman stumbled back. His kneecap shattered... Blood emerged from his wounds and floated in the space.

"I am faster..." Power Girl swooped in and punched his gut.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Gaaa!!!" Ultraman coughed out blood. But he quickly grabbed Power Girl's throat and slammed his head on her face.

But Power Girl was undaunted. She continued to pummel Ultraman with her fists, the force of her blows causing explosions that lit up the space around them. The sound of their battle was deafening, like thunderclaps echoing across the universe.

CRACK! A sickening sound filled the air as Power Girl shattered Ultraman's arm with a fierce punch. 

"Aaaaahhhh!!!" He screamed in pain, but still, he fought on, his body glowing with a flickering yellow light.

"You can't beat me!" he roared. "I am invincible!"

But Power Girl had other ideas. With a fierce determination, she unleashed a devastating blast of energy that sent Ultraman hurtling backward. He crashed into a nearby asteroid, sending it careening off course.

As the asteroid exploded, Ultraman struggled to his feet, his body battered and broken. " can't defeat me," he gasped. "I am Ultraman!"

But Power Girl was relentless. She flew at him with blinding speed, her fists glowing with incandescent energy. She struck him with a series of rapid-fire blows, each one more powerful than the last.

BAM! CRACK! CRUNCH! The sound of bones breaking filled the void as Power Girl pummeled Ultraman mercilessly. She showed him no mercy, no quarter, no compassion. She was a force of nature, a whirlwind of destruction, and nothing could stand in her way.

Ultraman's blood smeared her face as she continued to pummel him ruthlessly with a cold expression.

Finally, with a mighty roar, Power Girl delivered a final blow that shattered Ultraman's ribcage and spine and punctured his internal organs. His yellow power ring flickered out.

"And... I am Power Girl," Power Girl grabbed Ultraman by his cape and flew back toward Earth, "Rest in peace... Hal..." she mumbled under her breath.

Panting with exertion, Power Girl surveyed the wreckage of their battle. The asteroid field was a shattered mess, with debris scattered in every direction. But she had won. She had defeated Ultraman, but the asteroids are heading toward Earth.

[Zing!] A flash of blue light appeared before Power Girl. She raised her fist, ready to fight. A woman, clad in vibrant blue energy emerged from that flash of light. 

"Oh, my... You have done a number on these asteroids. Be careful next time, girl... Not everyone on Earth is a Kryptonian like you," The woman spoke. She summoned a giant sword made of pure blue energy and slashed into space. An arc of blue energy emerged from her sword, vaporizing all the burning asteroids that were approaching Earth. 

The violent energy blast pushed Power Girl back by a hundred feet or so. But before she could identify or talk to the ally, the woman disappeared with a flash of blue light.


Superman and Sinestro's fight on the ground was just as intense as the one happening in space. Sinestro was wielding his yellow power ring with great precision, striking Superman with energy beams and using his constructs to keep him at bay.

Superman knew that he had to be careful. Sinestro was a master of fear, and he could use that fear to weaken Superman's resolve. But Superman was not one to be easily intimidated. He had faced his fair share of powerful villains, and he was not about to back down now.

As the two clashed, the ground shook and buildings crumbled around them. Sinestro's constructs were tearing apart the city, and Superman knew that he had to end this quickly. He flew towards Sinestro with incredible speed, his fists glowing with heat vision.

Sinestro saw him coming and fired a beam of yellow energy, but Superman was too fast. He punched through the beam and landed a powerful blow to Sinestro's chest, knocking him back several feet.

"You are a formidable opponent, Sinestro," Superman said, "But your fear will not defeat me. You will pay for what you did to Hal and all the lanterns."

Sinestro smirked, "You're not the only one with power, Kryptonian. Fear is a weapon that can be used by anyone, even heroes like yourself. And heroes like you... all have the same weakness... Even Hal Jordan... Aaahahaha!!!"

As Sinestro spoke, he raised his ring and summoned a massive construct of a monstrous creature made of pure fear energy. It looked like a giant devil from hell. The creature let out an ear-piercing screech that shook the ground and sent shockwaves across the city. The civilians are collapsing, the buildings are crumbling and the destruction is speaking every second. The heroes on the ground were doing their best to shield the civilians, but they were slowly getting overwhelmed by the extreme shockwaves and power surges.

Superman knew that he had to act fast. He flew towards the creature, dodging its attacks and punching it with all his might. But the creature was too powerful. Its claws tore through Superman's suit, leaving deep gashes on his chest.

As he fought, Superman could feel his strength waning. The fear energy was sapping his power, weakening him with every passing moment.

But he refused to give up. He gritted his teeth and summoned all his strength, using his heat vision to blast the creature's head off. The creature let out a final scream before dissipating into thin air.

"Damn, you!" Sinestro was stunned. He had never seen anyone resist the power of fear like that before. But he knew that he had one more trick up his sleeve.

With a wicked grin, he summoned a massive construct of his own, a giant yellow battering ram, and charged toward Superman with incredible speed.

But just as he was about to strike, a flash of light appeared, and Power Girl appeared out of nowhere, flying toward Sinestro with incredible speed.

She tackled him with all her might, sending him flying into the Justice League's destroyed building. The impact was so great that the entire building collapsed, sending a massive cloud of dust into the air.

As the dust cleared, Power Girl emerged, her eyes glowing with fury.

"You are done, Sinestro," she said, cracking her knuckles. "Now it's time to pay the price, just like your friend here..." She threw Ultraman's bloody body on the ground.

Sinestro tried to stand up, but his body was broken, his bones shattered by the impact. He knew that he had lost. He raised his ring in surrender.

"Mercy, please," he said.

Power Girl looked at him, her eyes cold as steel.

"You showed no mercy to this city... Nor to those lanterns," she said. "Why should I show any to you? Tell me, Sinestro, do you fear death?"

Sinestro's eyes fell on the small box near his feet. A box he was very familiar with. 

With that, she flew towards him.

"No! Kara!" Superman yelled.

"We shall meet again, Kryptonian girl, and then I shall have your head," Sinestro grabbed the box and activated a small portal, and disappeared into it.

"Arggggg!!!" Power Girl slammed her fist on the ground in frustration. 



"Is it an Earthquake? Fuck! Let me sleep," Alex mumbled in his sleep with three girls sleeping beside him. He touched the wall, "Q&Q... Now no earthquake will break my house..." He went back to sleep, hugging Harley.


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