My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 293 - 293: Charge Straight Ahead

Chapter 293: Charge Straight Ahead

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Ah Mu, how do you feel?”

In an Iranian subterranean command center, the top brass watched tensely as Ah Mu operated the mech remotely.

Clad in specialized motion capture and neural sensing gear, and donning a sophisticated helmet, Ah Mu stood on a versatile axis platform that mimicked the mech’s movements.

“By the Almighty, I feel absolutely fantastic,” Ah Mu exclaimed. His neural senses, now interfaced with the helmet’s brainwave control device let him experience a simulated reality directly from the mech’s sensors. It was as if his consciousness had merged with the mech.

“Try moving the mech, see if everything’s functioning properly.”

“The safety cables aren’t disengaged yet. Quick, inform the dock to unlock them.”

Feeling the mech’s body constrained by steel cables, Ah Mu confidently replied, No need, I can break free on my own.”

With a mere exertion of force, the steel cables restraining the mech snapped loudly.

Bang, bang, bang…

At the dock, workers turned in shock at the noise. Their eyes widened as they saw the mech stride forward, preparing to leave the dock, calling out praises to the Almighty.

The mech had come to life; it was moving autonomously.

Crew members on nearby ships, witnessing this spectacle, quickly took out their phones to capture the moment.

Within minutes, videos of the mech’s activation were trending online. Meanwhile, Tang Rui, having just finished a TV show, began monitoring the mech’s activity.

Red Lotus, where is he heading?”

Curious, Tang Rui watched the mech march steadily out of the dock.

“Master, he hasn’t set a specific route or destination. According to their dialogue, this seems to be a trial run,” Red Lotus analyzed the situation and responded.

“Why does the pilot seem so unsophisticated?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Tang Rui watched the pilot’s rigid movements on the holographic screen and shook his head in disbelief.

It seemed as though exerting a bit more effort could damage the mech. Fortunately, the pilot soon adjusted and began executing broader movements finally getting into the rhythm.

“That’s better. Just let loose and enjoy.”

The mech was designed with durability as a paramount concern. Despite its slender appearance, more delicate than the mechs in ‘Pacific Rim’, it was actually built to withstand more rough handling.

Back at the Iran’s underground base.

“Ah Mu, can you engage in combat with it?” Ah Nei, the patriarch of the Iranian family, inquired solemnly.

“By the Almighty, Ah Mu is always ready for a holy war,” Ah Mu responded fervently.

“Go then, warrior of the Almighty. Show your bravery and crush our enemies.”

“May the Almighty guide us! Activating high-speed assault mode!”

With a roar, Ah Mu switched the mech into its high-speed assault mode Using intelligent navigation, he started from his home, charging towards Syria.

Bear in mind:

The two nations were not bordering each other; there were two countries in between.

Yet, Ah Mu, driven by zeal, didn’t contemplate the logistics. He engaged the high-speed assault mode and charged headlong.

The mech’s back opened six electric propulsion jets, transitioning its control system to a balance mode.

Then, in a large stride, the mech surged forward, sprinting across the landscape.

Powered by the rear engines, the mech’s speed escalated, each step covering dozens of meters, with the intervals growing increasingly brief.

Tang Rui, watching from home, was astounded.

What was this scenario?

Traversing over 1500 kilometers and crossing two nations just like that?

“Red Lotus, isn’t the distance displayed on the map?”

“It is, Master. The system even provided a special reminder.”


Tang Rui was at a loss for words.

Such fervent belief in one’s cause could be overwhelming.

In conflicts, nations might exchange harsh words or engage in trade wars, but direct military action is rare.

Yet, nations driven by deep-seated beliefs act decisively, without room for negotiation.

To be honest, Tang Rui’s grasp of international history was not extensive but he knew that up until the 197os, during the Shah’s era, the relations between these two countries were quite amicable.

During the eight-year war with Iran’s neighbor, support in terms of funds and equipment was provided. However, once the war ended, Iran reneged on its alliance.


Were there any conflicts?


The main reason was Iran’s belief that the other side’s occupation of Syria was an affront to their sacred mountain, which they sought to reclaim.

Such divine logic.

They even publicly declared their intention to level Syria.

But that was a story from over a decade ago.

The two countries weren’t adjacent, so what was the point of war?

And yet… A decade later, Iran rented a mech from Tang Rui and, fueled by fervor, charged straight into action.

The underlying logic was incomprehensible to Tang Rui.

At that time, Iran’s neighbors were equally baffled.

Mechs aren’t detectable by radar like planes, but something so enormous running through your territory is hard to miss.

Upon receiving the news, the neighbors called Iran for clarification.

Iran’s response was straightforward: they were attacking Syria to reclaim their sacred mountain.

The neighbors were disgruntled.

Even if Iran intended to attack Syria, a prior notice for passing through would have been courteous.

But there was no warning, just a brash intrusion.

Despite their annoyance, they did not hinder Iran’s crusade against Syria.

Just like that, the colossal mech sprinted toward Syria.

Such a commotion couldn’t be concealed, especially since many had already

uploaded photos and videos of the mech’s run online.

Thus, special departments worldwide were alerted.

The head of America’s special department, upon receiving the news, was perplexed as he retrieved a mech assessment report from his drawer.

It read clearly:


Not meant for combat.


The concern now wasn’t about its combat capability, but how Crimson Company made such a colossal mech move so swiftly.

“Keep an eye on that mech. What’s its objective?”

“Boss, Iran has announced a press conference, declaring a holy war to reclaim

their sacred mountain and eradicate the infidels.”

Hearing his subordinate’s report, he felt his head buzzing.

Another major event was unfolding..

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