My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 118: Time reversal is a bitch

Chapter 118: Time reversal is a bitch

Yun Jhin's brain almost slowed down due to the events that unfolded in front of him as he swore under his breath and looked directly in the eyes of Prince Hanzen:

"I didn't think that damn bitch would use time reversal in her condition... it seems she puts the social standing of the whole female gender above her life... very strange."

Prince Hanzen didn't rush at from the top of the wall again, he knew there was a chance he would still fall if he attacked as he did before.

The Sage Realm females looked around while all of the other females looked at each other with wonder trying to think about what happened, but they were also extremely scared and ready to bolt out of the battlefield.

Suddenly the voice of the Empress could be heard being projected over the whole battlefield as she took control of the minds of all of the females:


Prince Hanzen shook his head looking down at the army who was now taking a fighting formation, all of the female's eyes were slack and half-closed showing that they didn't have control over their mental facilities anymore, it seemed his mother was going all out with this, even though she couldn't fight herself she could take control of others and do other things that could help the war. But because she couldn't fight herself this gave the males hope to win the war!

Prince Hanzen knew that Yun Jhin was the mastermind of the war after his mother told him how he survived everything and the fact that she had to use her time-reversal ability to return things to how they were previously.

However, some things couldn't be changed such as the breaking of the formation and the escape of the male slaves.

Prince Hanzen watched coldly, he needed to change his target and fight with the female Sage Realm experts while making sure that Yun Jhin was suppressed and he couldn't move.

Hanzen shook his head as a pure white version of himself came out of his body and launched itself at Yun Jhin at extreme speeds.

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His original body accompanied the other female sage experts to attack the male ones while the armies clashed once again!

Yun Jhin frowned deeply seeing the avatar of Hanzen attack him, his physique could help him be equal to the males of his side as he had the number advantage so he could retreat and fight well at the same time thus keeping his side in an impasse and dragging things out!

And now that the females were putting their life on the line and trying their best to fight due to the mind control from the Empress meant that they couldn't win without heavy casualties!

Yun Jhin frowned as the avatar of Prince Hanzen appeared in front of him and punched towards his spine trying to break it and incapacitate him directly!

Ghin jumped in front of Yun Jhin and took the punch directly to the stomach, even though it didn't perforate his body he was still pushed back for a few tens of meters before he coughed a big ball of blood mixed with internal organs, he shouted with all of his strength towards Yun Jhin:


Yun Jhin wanted to dig into the ground and escape but the remaining energy from the broken formation was used by the Empress in the same manner as before making the ground hard enough so Yun Jhin couldn't escape by diving into the ground.

Yun Jhin then started to turn invisible as he tried to use his stealth technique to escape but the avatar caught him by the arm before he could fully turn invisible and punched him in the jaw dislocating it and breaking his technique before it could complete.

Yun Jhin was almost livid with anger now that his plan was broken by the Empress, he thought to himself as he cut his arm and jumped backward a few times to escape from Hanzens' avatar' grasp.

Now that he had severed his arm his battle power dived, he could recover the arm with his techniques but he needed time and energy, he frowned as he looked at the avatar who was trying to find him down and break him.

The avatar wasn't considerably strong due to the forceful breakthrough that Hanzen wen through, if you would look at it properly it barely resembled the prince and there were countless cracks in its substructure meaning that it was unstable and it could break anytime.

The first thing a sage would have to do was create his avatar, and that would take time and plenty of resources, this rushed avatar which was around the middle to late stages of the sage realm couldn't even deal properly with Yun Jhin who was only at the 2nd stage of the Emperor Realm!

The Empress coughed multiple clots of blood as they dripped through her fingers, her scar on her forehead and eyes appeared again as she shook her head and said:

"10,000? No 8,500 years or so are left before I will wither and die, this injury coupled with the use of time reversal, whatever, now that I control the army I will make sure these obstinate males will be buried near the capital!"

Her fingers moved as if she was controlling puppets as the females on the battlefield used their whole bodies to self-destruct and takedown males with them, they would just jump on them hug them with their bodies, and explode!

The males started to run around the battlefield and try their best to avoid the bodies of the females that would explode even after they were decapitated or had their hearts taken out.

Things weren't going well for the whole army and Ghin finally got up from his position on the ground to attack the avatar of prince Hanzen.

Because Ghin was rather strong and the avatar wasn't even in a good state let's not even talk about perfect, Ghin could fight it out with him even if he used a forbidden technique.

Blood started to engulf Ghin's body as a flame aura started to rise out of his body, it fused with the blood to create a flame bloody aura that increase his battle power to the point that he started to push back Hanzen's avatar.

Yun Jhin was trying to run away but he had to dodge the suicidal attack of the mind-controlled females and even though his injury didn't affect his speed, it quite bothered his concentration a bit.

Yun Jhin cursed under his breath again as his eyes wandered towards the palace, then he gave the direction towards the palace the middle finger.

Prince Hanzen's eyes turned dark as he watched Yun Jhin disrespect the palace and his mother but he didn't budge from the fight between the other sage realm experts, he knew that if he did that there was a chance Ghin could catch him and explode along with his avatar creating an even bigger explosion than previously!

The fight between the sage realm experts was equal at best even though the females had more people, things kept looking bad for Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin gritted his teeth as he couldn't even absorb anyone anymore, he was back to around 20,000 absorptions due to the time-reversal ability, and now that the females were self-destructing while taking the males down with them into death with no corpse left made Yun Jhin want to escape from here at the first notice!

Yun Jhin was truly flustered considering this was the first time his plan failed in this life!

Up till now, everything went well for him and he thought that he couldn't find someone who could make problems for him, even though the phoenix planet was a premium planet the Empress was handicapped and there were not any other Gods left.

He could have never guessed the Empress would care more about the social standing of the females compared to her life, he thought she was a fool and a dumb woman for this!

Why couldn't she just keep herself in the palace and die out slowly like the old crone she was?

Enjoy the rest of your life don't shorten it!

Yun Jhin started to run away from the battlefield and when the male sage realm experts saw his retreating decided to retreat as well, they had no experience regarding war but they could see that things weren't going that well for them to the point that even their commander was running away.

Prince Hanzen made his avatar return to his body as he glared at the males around him who were trying to run away, but he didn't follow them he just kept his guard up and fought along with the females trying to push all of them back.

All of the surviving males backed away and started to run and hide, Ghin survived the encounter but became rather weakened as he followed after Yun Jhin, he stopped his forbidden technique and almost fallen to the ground due to exhaustion but Yun Jhin caught him and resumed running away.

Ghin kept his head down as he sighed and told Yun Jhin:

"We have failed, our morale is at an all-time low, and from my calculations we have only around 80,000 men left, fortunately, none of the sage realm experts died but they seem to want to leave..."

Yun Jhin's eyes started to glow at the mention of 80,000 people, those were the remaining ones he needed to complete his collection...

He looked at Ghin and nodded his head understandingly as he comforted him:

"It's ok Ghin, if we haven't been able to do this today, we may be tomorrow and if not tomorrow then the day after, as long as we are alive our hope isn't lost! We will have a better tomorrow, we will have a better life, we will achieve equality!"

Ghin smiled as the remaining army started to converge together, they were supposed to move to another base as their previous one could be found, the sage realm experts decided that they won't come along anymore as they needed to find a place where they could rest properly and not be interrupted by the huge amount of people. Most Sage Realm experts needed quiet places filled with good amounts of spiritual ki to restore their bodies and souls. In only very rare instances could Sage Realm experts be found cultivating with each other like the Empress's palace.

Yun Jhin's eyes continued to glint with a devilish light, because Ghin was being supported and kept his head down he couldn't see the light in his eyes cause if he did he would have questioned him about it, Yun Jhin was at the forefront of the retreating army so no one could see his eyes properly.

Yun Jhin shook his head as the light disappeared, this always happened when he was excited or concocted a new plan that would help him, most of the time people who saw the light would ignore it thinking he had cultivated a peculiar ocular technique, but if the others saw it during this tense situation they might start talking. Fortunately, no one saw it.

Ghin looked at Yun Jhin's face as his head got up, was he hallucinating from being too tired when he saw that red malevolent light appear for a little bit around Yun Jhin's face?

Ghin shook his head and continued to rest, maybe he was just seeing things, after all, his forbidden technique was also putting a high strain on the brain to increase the reaction time, if not even though his body would have been strong enough to withstand the avatar his reaction time would have lagged behind.

After a while, they finally found a place where they could rest, it was around 800,000 kilometers away from the capital and they thought that they should have abandoned chasing them after such a long travel.

They decided to rest their weary bodies and minds as they created a big camp, Yun Jhin sat at the forefront of the camp as he meditated while sitting cross-legged, Ghin was standing near him while attending to his needs. It was time for the male army to reorganize itself and take its deserved rest.

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