My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 136: Yuan Fang's tricks

Chapter 136: Yuan Fang's tricks

While his ki was tied to his pathways, he couldn't use it outside his body, which meant he couldn't summon his ki troops, ki armor, or weapon nor could he use his stealth technique at all!

He could only use his ki to improve his body strength, but the mummy was obviously way better in this regard than him!

The only thing that helped him in this situation was that he was playing in his home field and that the blood from the giant skull could quickly heal him and replenish his ki while his 'son' would continuously burn his soul to continue existing and try to kill him.

Yun Jhin found it strange that Yun Guancheng's soul didn't burn atleast half by now, he didn't know how Yuan Fang did it, but this technique was very strong to create death sworn soldiers!

Yun Guancheng appeared in front of Yun Jhin as he started to pummel him with his fist, Yun Jhin couldn't do anything about it besides reinforcing his body with his ki to take the hits better, the difference between their bodily strength was a bit too big even though his son's body was so old.

Fighting something he didn't fully understand made him quite annoyed as he started to retaliate against his weak spots trying to cut off more of his limbs, he already missed an arm but that didn't decrease his battle power much.

Yun Jhin could feel his surroundings started to shake and move as his brain shook in his head, he frowned as he fell backward while hitting Yun Guancheng's chest with both of his feet.

His eyes continued to analyze his son's burning soul and realized that it stopped burning around 50% of its original size.

This was bullshit!

He could feel Yuan Fang's aura converging on Guancheng's body as it slowly stabilized it, him being able to send his ki through the connection to his son meant that he was at least at the sage realm currently, but from his aura, he could also infer that there was no chance he reached the God Realm yet.

Yuan Fang's voice came out of his son's mouth that said:

"You really are like cancer upon this universe, aren't you Yun Jhin?"

Yun Jhin chuckled as the blood from the skull entered his body to replenish his used ki and recover his injuries from the beatdown that he got from Guancheng:

"I don't think there is anything we have to talk about Yuan Fang, we are just two different people with different ideas and ways to achieve what we want."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"That's true, no matter what I will say you will remain the same, and no matter what you will say I will hunt you down. Quite sad, but people cannot change after they have gone through so many times doing the same thing over and over again, to be honest, I quite like your talent but considering our differing opinions all we can do is fight each other to the death."

"Unfortunately you should go ahead and reincarnate again at this point, I have changed your son's body to this point and mutated his soul while giving him the ability to burn through it to keep him alive for those 500,000 years since your death."

Yun Jhin knew the reason Yuan Fang started monologuing was that he was certain he was going to die here!

Yun Jhin frowned, how could he be so certain?

Suddenly the mummies body enlarged as his desiccated body started to become full of muscles, his skin remained pale and dead but his body transformed from a match stick into a bodybuilder!

Yun Jhin frowned as he couldn't see anything anymore, one of his eyeballs burst from the impact of his son's fist with his head, and his other eye was closed due to the shock and pain he was currently going through, he coughed out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth as he tried to get up from the ground only to find that he couldn't anymore!

"It seems this is the end for you this time, unfortunately, I'm not there personally and I'm not sure if your son can absorb your soul, but considering the moment you will be reincarnated again I will be in the god realm, you will have to hide for the rest of your life, meaning you won't be able to do any evil anymore!"

Yun Jhin's body was slowly getting battered and broken as Guancheng regained his consciousness and laughed while he pummeled him:

"This is for me, this is for my mother and this is for all of the other brothers and sisters you deemed unworthy and absorbed before me, you never thought that your trashiest son would be able to do this to you right, right?"

Yun Jhin couldn't talk anymore as his jaw was broken and his body was slowly getting destroyed by his son's ruthless attacks after his body true potential got unlocked by Yuan Fang his soul started to burn again at a quick speed but Yun Jhin's life was also only a thin line away from being severed.

Guancheng's meaty hand was holding onto Yun Jhin's neck as his battered and broken form was dangling in the air seemingly ready to break into two from the waist down.

"It seems I have done quite the number of you, right father?"

His meaty arm entered into Yun Jhin's chest as he used his absorption technique again slowly absorbing Yun Jhin's power making it into his own, he even touched upon Yun Jhin's soul and started to absorb it to reform his and escape from his certain death!

Yun Jhin's form didn't make any more movements as he seemingly let himself be absorbed by his son, at this point his body was too broken for him to do anything anymore with it.

Yun Guancheng laughed as he kept absorbing his father's body and lifeforce until there was only a thin line remaining for Yun Jhin before he died.

He took a good look at Yun Jhin's face before he used his meaty hand to decapitate his body and destroy his head!

Afterward, he burned his body to cinders and used his absorption technique to absorb the last remaining vestiges of his soul.

He sat cross-legged into the formation as he felt Yun Jhin's memories running into his soul along with all of his cultivation base, his meaty body started to shake with excitement as he said:

"This is it, this is what I have been waiting for my whole life, the pain I endured, the things I have done up till point are all worth it, I have taken revenge for the both of us mother!"

As the immense amounts of memories rushed into his soul Guancheng frowned, something wasn't truly right, he could feel that his body and soul were obviously getting fixed at a high speed as his soul didn't burn anymore but there was something strange in his soul, he felt it was some memories that he shouldn't know about.

But at this point he didn't care anymore, Yun Jhin was already dead and he really wanted to see what was in Yun Jhin's head as he tried to attain immortality at this point, all the things he had done, all of the people he destroyed, why would he do all of this? He decided to look through his memories voluntarily as he found himself to be sitting on a throne of bones surrounded by a sea of blood, he looked down only to find his old self kneeling along with his mother in front of him.

"This memory is from back then when Yun Jhin let me live..."

A voice came out of his body that said:

"Since you want your son to live you have to pay the price for that, do you understand Ryuko?"

Ryuko nodded her head as she accepted her fate, she jumped into the sea of blood below Yun Jhin's body, and her body and bones quickly dissipated into it, her soul was also corroded by the blood sea and it disappeared as well!

As Guancheng looked for any trace of emotions in this memory he realized that there were none!

Yun Jhin grasped the air in front of his older self and his body appeared on Yun Jhin's lap as his big palm appeared on his forehead:

"While you might never be able to become strong enough to threaten me, I should at least put this fail-safe in here..."

Guancheng muttered:

"I don't remember anything about any fail-safe, what is this, wait why do I feel that I'm missing some important memories right now?"

Yun Jhin's voice could be heard echoing through the soul memory space as the space shattered around Guancheng as if he was never there:

"That's because I always install a fail-safe in my sons and daughters who present huge potential or massive hatred towards me, I knew you would hate me and I wanted to see if the hatred would have made you improve your cultivation base, but even before my death bed you haven't broken through the King Realm..."

"Who knew I would have the occasion to use the fail-safe after I reincarnated?"


"Am I not? I have studied the soul and its workings way before you existed or before my previous life, that's how I was able to reincarnate countless times my dear boy."

"By absorbing my whole soul you have invited the wolf into the sheep's den and gave me the best location to trigger the fail-safe I have inserted into your soul."

Guancheng's soul body started to shake as it started to burn slowly, the fail-safe was removing all he gained from Yun Jhin and Yun Jhin's soul body was quickly getting reconstructed in front of him he could also feel all of his memories and experiences being infused into Yun Jhin.

A sad expression overtook Guancheng's face as he looked into Yun Jhin's deep black and white eyes and asked:

"I was always dancing upon your palm wasn't I?"

"It's a dumb question, if you know the answer to it why ask?"

Guancheng shook his head as from the waist and below his body was already disappearing.

"You might be able to do this to me because I have been near you when you were at your peak, but my teacher will surely get rid of your evil once and for all!"

Yun Jhin looked directly into his son's eyes as a light pierced deeply into them and he answered:

"Who knows? Maybe he will or he won't, to be honest with you he is the only one that I'm currently fearing in all of the worlds, from hell to the mortal and celestial realm, he is the only one who deserves my respect and wariness."

"I see.. then I hope he ends you so you won't be able to ever reincarnate again, I hope you end up in the same situation as I am, doomed to become unexistent, your will destroyed and your memories absorbed, I CURSE YOU YUN JHIN, I CURSE YOU WITH MY DEATH THROES!"

Guancheng's head was slowly getting engulfed in flames as well as his last words were said, then nothing remained in the soul space beside Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as a new body exploded from Guancheng's behemoth chest, it was a relatively younger Yun Jhin as he now looked to be around 9 years old, due to the body not having enough nutrients Yun Jhin couldn't create a proper body and his cultivation base also regressed to the 5th stage of the Emperor realm, he also used all of the remaining blood from the giant skull to create this body properly, after all, the weak and old body of Gauncheng wouldn't ever be enough for him to resurrect his body properly.

Yun Jhin frowned, he lost quite a lot but he would recover everything after his evolution, his body refinement was also pretty much reset because he created a new body, Yun Jhin sighed, he needed to escape from the blood throne sect's territory as he knew that Yuan Fang would have realized that his plan failed when he would see that his connection with Guancheng broke sooner than intended.

Guancheng's power and speed made it so he couldn't even use his defensive clothes properly as he used Yuan Fang's mind and soul disorienting fist technique making him unable to use the defensive capabilities properly, combined with the fact that they needed to be powered with a little bit of ki for them to work made it impossible for him to use them, he donned the clothes that remained on the ground below his son's corpse on his new body and they shortened and applied to his body accordingly.

Finally, after making sure everything was alright he immediately darted out of the giant skull and out of the dungeon at top speeds as he used his stealth technique to envelop himself and try to run away from the blood throne's sect territory, due to his new body he also escaped from his ki restriction and everything was okay for him now.

Yun Jhin finally left the main palace only to find that people suddenly appeared and were looking for something!

It seemed Yuan Fang really planned for everything he frowned as he looked at their party and decided to not approach them at all costs, he was already in big trouble due to his lowered cultivation base and he still had to fuse all of the bloodlines of the four celestial beasts to unlock the advancement path towards the artificial celestial caterpillar, he could never die at this point!

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