My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 144: Uncovered danger

Chapter 144: Uncovered danger

Yun Jhin could feel something was fishy the moment a demon and devil were spying on him without attacking each other, they almost looked to be familiar with each other!

Yun Jhin was almost certain these two people worked for the same person.

The succubus and the demon didn't feel well under Yun Jhin's gravity force field, as they were already under higher gravity in the 7th layer, Yun Jhin's field didn't do simple addition to the gravity that surrounded them, but a multiplication!

It was a miracle they weren't squashed into meat paste, up till now but they both had high body refinery rank.

Yun Jhin narrowed his eyes as he looked at them resisting the gravity, he wondered how much could they endure?

x20, x50, x100!

Their bones started to crack is they were made from dry branches and Yun Jhin realized that he went a little bit overboard, he still needed to question them.

Yun Jhin didn't say anything as he suddenly increased the gravity which made the duo scream in pain and questions him:

"Why are you doing this!"

They were both scared as they realized that Yun Jhin wasn't a fool!

Yun Jhin would have given them a smile at this question if he had lips but he just snorted and said:

"You should understand why I did it."

Yun Jhin's words could be interpreted in many ways thus the duo didn't know what to respond, what if they said something wrong and revealed their intentions?

Thus they kept their mouths quiet and kept enduring, however, their blood vessels could be seen being crushed under their skin, the succubus big mounds started to sag as the increased gravity put a lot of stress on them.

The succubus cried out in both physical and mental pain, her boobs were the source of her food and while her body was certainly sexy she would lose a lot of charm if her boobs became saggy like an old grandma's.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The demon looked weirdly at the succubus, why was she caring about her boobs in this situation? They were both being crushed to death!

The blue demon knew that if spilled the beans he would live so he opened his mouth to talk:

"Ok, ok, Me tell you, stop stop!"

Yun Jhin lifted some of the gravity letting the man breathe properly and then he spilled everything he knew.

"Lord Garvolo Sandro is the leader of demons in this layer, he is at the 3rd stage of the sage realm, he told I should go and trap any strong newbies coming from the 6th layer so they would be conscripted in the army."

Yun Jhin looked towards the succubus and she nodded fervently thinking that his gaze meant if she had the same story as him.

Yun Jhin narrowed his eyes as he looked at them, the demon wasn't lying, he would have known, but he still felt that this wasn't the whole story, there was also the fact that Yuan Fang knew he went into hell but not his current aura or appearance, were these two really Yuan Fang's people or was he just getting really paranoid at this point due to his senses going haywire?

Yun Jhin activated his new bloodline ability attracting the duo into his body, they screamed as they were devoured by Yun Jhin didn't care as he went through his memories, suddenly a splitting head-ache came from his skull as he started to roll on the ground, a message came into his mind:

"I knew you couldn't stop yourself from devouring would you Yun Jhin?"

It was Yuan Fang's voice and Yun Jhin could feel as his soul willpower tried to pierce through his defenses and injure his memory core to steal some of his memories, Yun Jhin laughed as he started contesting with the strand of willpower easily overpowering it and crushing it out of existence.

He could feel that a small trace was left inside the soul space that he needed to get rid of, he frowned, it seemed from the memories of the duo they were both marked by Yuan Fang in the 1st layer where they were given cultivation techniques and helped by him, they were just like the little imp he helped back then, people with potential.

And just like he did, Yuan Fang inserted a mind-controlling seed into the core of their souls while giving them instructions on what they should do telepathically, they got some orders sometime before he entered hell which gave them his former appearance and aura and also told them to be vigilant of any weird looking demon or devil that entered the 7th layer that was around the peak of the Emperor realm.

Yun Jhin didn't think that Yuan Fang would do such things as he always preached about justice and righteousness even at the moment his head and soul were severed from his body, it seems he changed to the point that Yun Jhin found his plans and techniques to be as exquisite as his!

Yun Jhin didn't fear anyone in this universe, he was cautious against some people but Yuan Fang started to inspire some fear into him!

He frowned, if a person like Yuan Fang gained his ruthlessness he would be basically unstoppable!

Yun Jhin was pretty envious of his gifts, if Yun Jhin's talents were 95 then Yuan Fang's were 100!

The thing was that a quality difference would be between 95-100 range, every increase from 95 would be so big that the difference would be enormous, Yun Jhin could only close the gap with his enormous experience but if Yuan Fang gained the same amount of experience as him, he could only dance on his palm in a front on confrontation!

He knew some of Yuan Fang's weaknesses but they should have been mended after his first reincarnation, he also had connections everywhere in this life and Yun Jhin didn't know much about his current situation to see if he had any more weaknesses.

Things weren't good for Yun Jhin as he started to roam the 7th layer randomly while expunging the mark that was left in his soul space, he knew the mark was supposed to be used to track his location and Yun Jhin didn't know how many servants Yuan Fang had in hell, but he didn't want to find out this way!

Yun Jhin could feel the eyes following him disappear as soon as the last remaining energy of the mark was destroyed, he sighed as he felt that he made a mistake allowing himself to be seen, he would need to be under stealth during his whole duration in hell!

For now, he would have to search for a pool to quicken his cultivation, he realized that he had to act quick even in hell after the things that happened.

Now that he had to hasten his search for the pool he would have to go deeper into the 7th layer, every layer had an entrance that went below or above, but the layer itself was very big and it could spawn a lot of treasures.

Yun Jhin knew the characteristics of a demonic pool of energy but finding them was a different thing, most of the known ones were monopolized by the strong families of the layer and while none of them would pose a problem to the current Yun Jhin, he was a little bit cautious due to Yuan Fang's doing, it was ok if he had people in the 7th layer, but what if his actions triggered his people of the 8th layer?

Most of the time demons and devils wouldn't interfere with the conflicts in different layers but if they were Yuan Fang's people they would surely report back to him and even come to investigate themselves, he could deal with those at the 5th stage but what those above? All he could do was endure and flee but he couldn't defeat them which annoyed him a great deal, he would have just went on a rampage in the 7th layer if Yuan Fang didn't have many people in hell.

It seemed he would have to search for his own energy for now...


Yuan Fang was currently wiping his hands and mouth with a clean napkin, there were some green splatters on his hands and at the corners of his mouth, Xing'er stood before him horrified as she looked at him with a strange look on her face, she didn't know he was going to use the nature spirits for this reason!

Behind him a few of his people were doing the same things as him, they were all tall and had an imposing aura around them, they weren't the same males from before, they were all very strong around the 5th stage of the sage realm and above, some of them even had a stronger aura than Yuan Fang!

Xing'er eyes were shaking as he got closer to Yuan Fang and she asked:

"This... this..."

Yuan Fang smiled as he patted her head and ruffled her hair as he told her:

"It's ok, I actually love you, I didn't tell you what we would do with the nature spirits because your father wouldn't have given them to us if he knew, you know that you can't keep your mouth shut around your family, anyways we have to go now."

Xing'er murmured:

"So this is why the father three looked at you like that every time you were in his presence, he had seen through your intentions..."

Yuan Fang shook his head as he told her:

"The nature spirits have a bad life with your people, all I did was liberate them from their suffering while they helped us achieve the body refining rank that we needed, in the future, you will thank me for this, what if I and my people ate their hearts?"

While elves didn't really care about the lives of nature spirits, in general, the father and mother trees would have big control over elves and they loved nature spirits as they were their darlings, now that Yuan Fang and his men were marked by the death of the nature spirits they could feel that the father tree which was sent to sleep multiple times was now waking up again!

Yuan Fang shook his head as he looked towards the back and talked with a tall man who had his hair done in a wild ponytail, he wore a strange blue battle armor inscribed with runes of different colors, he also had a bone necklace around his neck and a monkey tail was hanging around his back showing that he wasn't human.

The man nodded without saying anything as he made everyone approach him and then put two fingers on his forehead, he was ready to launch them away from the planet!

Yuan Fang looked towards Xing'er who was slowly backing away from them before asking:

"Want to come with us?"

Xing'er eyes started to change as they turned a deep green, her pupils disappearing as an ancient voice came out of her mouth:

"Killing so many children, twisting the minds of others and now you want this one to go with you?"


Xing'er's body exploded into a blast of gore that hit Yuan Fang head-on, his robe was now dirtied with green blood and his eyes glazed over as he looked at his 'love' dying.

He shook his head as another memory appeared in front of his mind when he saw her dying and he disappeared along with the others as he muttered:

"Just like back then with Yun Jhin... unfortunately, I cannot go to Hell due to this body.."


Yun Jhin knew someone was talking about him, did Yuan Fang get news about his location?

He shook his head, it didn't matter anymore at this point, he looked around as he felt the energy of a demonic pool quickly growing nearer to him, he avoided the public ones and tried to find one that wasn't claimed by anyone but that was easier said than done, finally, after 3 years of searching, he found a lead and was getting near it.

In these three years, his cultivation didn't stagnate but he was only around 65% there to the condensation of the avatar.

The demonic energy pool would let him quickly condense his avatar and break through the sage realm while also strengthening it a big deal!

Yun Jhin frowned as he got closer to the location of the demonic pool, in his senses he could already feel other people near it!

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