My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 154: This treasure isn't for you (6)

Chapter 154: This treasure isn't for you (6)

The location of the treasure that Yun Jhin wanted to get his hands on was quite far away from their current location, they could have easily got there if their cultivation bases were a little bit higher but with their current power, all they could do was run there.

Yun Jhin could keep up with his former reincarnation speed and he was currently having the three little beasts in the basket tied to his back instead of his former reincarnation, he said that he wanted to use the weight of the basket to continue his training, while the earthly realm consisted of absorbing ki to temper the body, doing normal exercises could also contribute to the increase in the realm, as long as they were intense enough.

As time passed the weight of the three fluffy balls weight started to increase so they could be useful for Yun Jhin's 'training'.

He was just finishing his touches on the mind control of the three beasts this way.

His former reincarnation was still a little bit doubtful of him so he kept a close watch on him, but Yun Jhin's former reincarnation was at a very low level both in knowledge and experience so he could easily slip through his attempts on spying on him, after all, even though cultivation knowledge could be given, the experience couldn't.

The location of the treasure was 1 million kilometers away from their current location and with their current speed it would take them years to arrive!

It didn't help that the location was underwater in the ocean, technically speaking they shouldn't even be able to reach that location with their cultivation base, they would need to be at least at the ki cultivating stage to be able to breathe underwater.

But considering Yun Jhin's knowledge he could easily boost their cultivation to that point and make them arrive faster, even though there weren't many teleportation formations on such a low rung planet like the one they were currently on, Yun Jhin still knew of a few that could cut short their journey.

Yun Jhin found the teleportation formation in a hidden location around a mountainous region where he and his former reincarnation 'coincidentally' arrived.

At first, his former reincarnation was quite suspicious of the teleportation formation, after all, he was a country bumpkin and he wasn't sure what the formation would do, he was immediately convinced after Yun Jhin sent him some more information through the soul link.

After they entered the formation and used it they cut around 60% of the distance that they had to go through.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It took them half a year more to reach the ocean, and their cultivation bases have also increased with the time they used while traveling, Yun Jhin was at the 6th stage of the Heavenly realm while his former reincarnation was at the 2nd stage of the ki cultivating realm, due to having no resources it became harder and harder for his former reincarnation to improve, but his fortuned constitution still gave him an edge that other people on this planet couldn't have.

The ocean was sparkling blue as summer came around, the heat was beating down on the weathered faces of Yun Jhin and his former reincarnation, 3 big buff fluff balls were encircling Yun Jhin like was a VIP and they were the bodyguards.

The little fluff balls had grown in size becoming 2,50 meters tall and dwarfing Yun Jhin who was now 1,65 meters tall.

Their cultivation bases were also in the heavenly realm but they were lower, around the 1st stage.

Yun Jhin did his best to increase their cultivation but he had no resources to work with during their travels, and the resources that he found he could only use for himself, he wasn't overflowing with ki to the point that he would waste anything on the three beasts.

The water was moving slowly in the ocean as Yun Jhin looked over it, his former reincarnation was waiting for any information, he knew that his 'old master' made him walk here because he knew of a treasure that he heard about through some information channels during his former life.

Of course, all of that was a lie. Yun Jhin eyes were closed as he was seemingly meditating on the location of the treasure, his former reincarnation just kept waiting, as time passed he became a little impatient, the prospect of a treasure that could increase his cultivation made his emotion go a bit haywire, after all, in all of his former reincarnations he was always poor or died around the king realm, he never got his hands on a special treasure that he could call his own.

Yun Jhin opened his eyes as he pointed towards the general direction of the ocean as he said:

"We will need to dive into the ocean and swim towards that direction, you will need to use your ki cultivating, cultivation base to construct an air bubble around our heads so we could breathe underwater, then I shall be able to guide us towards the location of the treasure, fortunately, it seems that no one has been around and the treasure location isn't known at the moment."

His former reincarnation nodded as he blew out some bubbles using his ki, those bubbles stuck to their heads along with the beast's and then they dived into the ocean!

The oceanic beings looked at them with fear as they scattered, at the surface of the water small fish with no cultivation bases lived, even normal people could fish it for a living.

But the deeper one went the dangerous things became...

Yun Jhin started to dive along with the beasts and his former reincarnation while also going forward...

The light in their surroundings started to darken as they got closer to the ocean floor and the pressure of the water increased accordingly.

All of their bodies were sturdy enough to withstand the water pressure but the darkness started to become a problem, Yun Jhin used his cultivation base to light up a small light ball on his finger that he used to navigate the waters around them...

Suddenly he could feel some eyes watching him from below... they were deep whites with no pupils, sharp fangs could be seen jutting below those eyes... the darkness unveiled itself as a gigantic fish with the face of a man appeared.

There were no screeches, no sounds underwater, the fish with the face of the man opened his fanged mouth and let out a soundless cry that pierced directly into all of Yun Jhin's party souls.

Yun Jhin knew this was the guardian of the treasure, the treasure was quite special as it attracted hte local marine form to protect it from outsiders, during his former life he didn't get to encounter this thing as it was already slain when he arrived at this point.

The things cultivation base was in the ki cultivating stage as light could be seen swimming around his body.

Yun Jhin sent some information on how to kill the fish along with instruction on where to hit it to his former reincarnation then the little ball that gave light to them increased in size and launched itself at the fish' pupilless eyes exploding into a gigantic flash that made him start trashing around!

Even though his eyes were pupilless he still needed them to see in the environment, he could see well in the darkness and any increase in the light around him would attract his attention, such a high intensity of light left the fish blind for sure!

Seeing that Yun Jhin did his job properly, his former reincarnation heaved a mighty shout as a purple ki aura engulfed his body, his left hand was put forward as he charged a gigantic ki ball that he threw towards the big fish trying to fry it to death!

The fish's tail was bony and had one hole going through the center, sensing danger he used his tail and put it forward to absorb the ki attack from Yun Jhin's 'father' and send it back through the hole in the middle!

Yun Jhin's former reincarnation gave out a mighty roar as he used his hand to deflect the ball of ki to above where it exploded into a mini mushroom cloud.

Yun Jhin sent more instructions as he charged his soul willpower into a circular motion to attack the fish's directional ability so the next attack would surely hit and kill him.

The fish started screeching as he felt the male human head start to hurt, he trashed into his surroundings randomly as he roared.

Suddenly another ki ball struck it in its center creating a big hole through its body making it start floating up to the surface, it was dead!

Yun Jhin ignored the dead fish, it couldn't be as useful as the treasure, and surely their battle would have attracted the attention of the other marine beings by now, they had to rush into the underwater cave to get their prize!

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