My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 158: Most of them were like this

Chapter 158: Most of them were like this

Yun Jhin's eyes started to come out of their sockets due to the intense pressure coming from his former reincarnations skull apparition, it was a technique that made use of the Yin energy stole from multiple incubators, it used the coldness of Yin energy to create gravity through friction with the air, the pressure aura that it was created along with the fusion of ki created an improvised artificial gravitational field that was quite small.

If Yun Jhin's body wasn't currently so hulking and big he could easily dodge this weaker version of his bloodline ability, but considering his current cultivation base discrepancy and his gigantic body all he could do was endure the pressure.

His former reincarnation snorted as he looked at his bulging green form and decided to devour his soul to see what was his identity and why he was so noisy.

He put his hand forward inching it closer to Yun Jhin's monstrous green face before saying:


He was trying to rip Yun Jhin's soul from his body then devour it through a weaker technique than Yun Jhin would use previously in his former lives, Yun Jhin had already improved onto that technique to perfection and he could see many flaws in this old one that his former reincarnation was using, his eyes glittered as he activated his soul unique frequency to disrupt the soul ripping attempt then used the improved technique on his attacker to disrupt his balance!

His former reincarnation felt dizzy as the technique he attempted to use on Yun Jhin backfired and made his head swim, thus his control over the artificial gravitational field was thus canceled and Yun Jhin's hideous green body could get up and give him a big hug!

Yun Jhin's former reincarnation got angered as he fell for this trick and immediately started to shout as he powered up using his ki trying to pry Yun Jhin's meaty hands away from his body, he could feel Yun Jhin was currently full of fluids from different body parts of humans as he sat in the dungeon for quite a long time and he felt disgusted by him!


With a mighty shout, a purple aura engulfed Yun Jhin as he was bombarded by the aura attack of his former reincarnation, however, he just stood there without caring that his skin was flayed and burned nor that his head was almost pierced by a tentacle-like whip that just appeared from the purple aura.

Yun Jhin just kept hugging his former reincarnation which made it even angrier as he could feel the slimy caked blood sweat and bodily liquids starting to seep into his robe regardless of its metallic properties, at this point he knew that Yun Jhin was doing it on purpose!

Yun Jhin wasn't doing it on purpose but his energy was very low and when he wanted to explode himself the pressure from the gravity had impacted his ki pathways to the point that they almost got sealed, he was currently clenching onto his former reincarnation body trying to buy time so he could unseal them and then explode!

But at some point, he could feel that he couldn't hold on anymore as his monstrous arms were finally cut from the elbow leaving him disarmed.

He fell on his butt, not due to the shock but due to the weakness of his body, if he couldn't use his arm to clench on his former reincarnation his weak body couldn't stay up by itself anymore, the forbidden technique was still taking a toll on his body at the moment and his body was very old, he looked pretty much like a disgusting double mutated grampa hulk now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You disgusting thing... using your last amount of life force to sully me! I shall eradicate you right now, your identity is damned along with you!"

Yun Jhin's eyes glittered as his former reincarnation monologued, he used to do that... and he still did it from time to time but only when his enemy was close to death or had no power to defend himself from the death blow. Yun Jhin just realized how dumb his former actions were!

Suddenly Yun Jhin got up from the ground and his mouth bit on his former reincarnation's shoulder holding tight as his ki pathways were unsealed and he could explode now!

Suddenly he looked down at his chest with the corner of his eyes seeing his former reincarnations palm being placed there and a big hole appearing where his heart was supposed to be... he just chuckled as a mushroom-shaped explosion took over the both of them destroying the palace along with anyone that was currently inside it!"

Yun Jhin's soul was ejected from the trial plane as he was back in the darkness, the familiar feeling of pain and his recovering memories that inserted themselves in his main memory core washed over him... fortunately he had succeeded because of his former reincarnation tendency of being dumb in the face having an immense advantage.

Now that he realized that monologuing was dumb unless you had already decapitated your opponent, destroyed their souls, burned their bodies to ashes, and feasted on their decapitated heads to finish the absorption of their flesh and the destruction of their souls... up till now he was rather lucky as no one got his hands on such explosion techniques as he had, or else he would have been a smoking body and a destroyed soul long ago.

A peal of laughter could be heard coming over him as Hell's will descended again... this guy sure was free Yun Jhih thought:

"It seems you sure have a love for explosions, don't you? But I cannot complain, a wise man once said that art is an explosion!"

Yun Jhin could doubt the veracity of that statement, he only resorted to such tactics because of the cultivation of the bodies he ended up into, he didn't really like using such kamikaze attacks.

Seeing that Yun Jhin remained mute after his comment Hell's will made a coughing sound as it continued:

"You are getting closer to the end of the first type of trial... even though I would want you to fully get rid of all of the wills inside of your memory cores it isn't possible within the current pagoda, and I'm not sure you will live enough to reach the appearance of the trial on the 9th layer so you have to live with being able to get rid only of a few willpowers, don't give me that look you are the one who reincarnated so many times."

The voice disappeared as Yun Jhin was thrust once again in a different location of the trial.

He found himself underwater, a cloth sack was put over his head and cement was tied on both of his feet with a steel manacle, he didn't have any cultivation...

"What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation???"

Yun Jhin tried to struggle out of his bindings but his arms were tied to his back using a strong rope, he couldn't do anything as the water was filling his lungs and his oxygen supply was ending... again what was he supposed to do in this situation?

Was Hell's will choosing at random when he sent him inside the trials after analyzing his memories or did it just want to torture him from time to time?

Yun Jhin thought for a few seconds before he realized that this current body was the one of a villager he killed in his 3rd reincarnation, this villager always abused him verbally when he was stealing bread, in the 3rd reincarnation he was a troublesome orphan in a small city on an upper ranked planet, this was one of the most miserable lives he had but he remembered it vividly as he made sure to imprint it in his memory core so he wouldn't forget where he got up from.

Unlike the fortuned ones he didn't have any manors hidden in his pants nor any grandpas hidden in his ears, his soul was also free from any experience besides his former two reincarnations which were actually sealed at the time, as he reincarnated more and more he learned to how to unlock his memories earlier and earlier to the point that the moment he reincarnated he had his memories with him. However, the early reincarnations had to work hard for that to happen.

This was the first kill that triggered some of his memories from his former two lives to flooding Yun Jhin's third reincarnation head.

It could be seen that Yun Jhin was a psychopath even without his former reincarnation memories, but he only applied to adults.. he just hated them with passion after his first reincarnation went through a rather rough experience.

Now that he knew where he was... he remembered that there was a fishing boat nearby that could help him out, when he left this body to sink to the bottom of the ocean in his third reincarnation there was a fishing boat navigating in his surroundings that he ignored.

He sent out a soul call to influence the fishermen who were going to throw their nets to catch fish to catch him. The fishermen above him were in a sizeable boat and they suddenly felt that there could be a large haul around them... they could say that it was their instinct after fishing so many times in these treacherous waters, yeah that was it.

They threw the net down and Yun Jhin was immediately caught in it, seeing that they caught something rather heavy (cement block) they immediately tried to fish it out only to fish out Yun Jhin's shivering and cold body who was almost out of oxygen to their boat... Yun Jhin's face was blue as the sack covering his face was took away and then a brawny scared man came forward and started to give him CPR.

It was stormy weather so no light was shining on the brawny man's bald head... Yun Jhin woke up immediately as he coughed up water making the bald man unable to give him mouth to mouth.

Yun Jhin looked around confused then faked fainting...

The brawny man inched closer thinking that it was time for kissing but Yun Jhin was breathing correctly which made him disappointed... it seemed sailing for so much time made the brawny man be built differently.

Yun Jhin felt his body being carried inside the living quarters of the medium-sized ship, he looked around after he was left alone and sighed only to feel as if shivers were going down his spine as the brawny man appeared from behind a wooden beam of the ship... he was looking at Yun Jhin with eyes of passion as he said:

"Now that I saved you... you should repay me a bit don't you think!"

He went a little bit closer to Yun Jhin and whispered in his ear:

"It costs you..."

"30 silver pieces!"

He put his hand forward near Yun Jhin's eyes as he told him:

"Now pay up!"

Yun Jhin sweatdropped... if he remembered correctly his current body was the head of the orphanage and he did have some money but he also remembered how he first stole everything from his pockets after he knocked him out with a big wooden club during that former reincarnation... what would the man do if he had no money to pay him?

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