My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 160: Scaling a mountain of blades and a sea of fire

Chapter 160: Scaling a mountain of blades and a sea of fire

Yun Jhin felt quite awkward as he was fully naked and he had to scale a mountain of blades with no cultivation... but the most important thing here was that he was naked!

Hell's willpower was quite perverted in this regard...

Yun Jhin sighed as he looked at the first blade on the mountain, he had to climb onto it and move on from there if he wanted to scale the mountain, but how would a normal mortal body be able to withstand a blade?

Yun Jhin frowned as he put his leg on the tip of the blade and it entered his flesh, blood started to drop fast out of his leg as he tried to jump from blade to blade using his footwork technique to minimize the impact on the blade, trying to make it feel like he was soaring above them.

Unfortunately, the tips of the blades were quite sharp and all he could do was touch only the tips and not the whole blade to get up the mountain.

He could feel himself getting dizzy as he lost blood and after two more minutes of climbing he fell with his neck being pierced by a blade... the pain was excruciating as he was doing this ordeal with a normal human's body, he couldn't use any techniques to seal the pain or ignore it.

All he could do was endure and try to go on further.. because it was a test of willpower Yun Jhin didn't die even though his neck was pierced by the blade, after all, if he died what would happen? would he spawn at the bottom of the mountain? would he fail the test? While Hell's willpower was perverted it gave a trial that tested one's heart and ability to endure so it made the test extremely hard but not impossible, after all, it still wanted an inheritor.

Yun Jhin used his palms to balance himself back to his feet as he continued to run, as he lost all of his blood from his body he turned deeply pale and he couldn't manage his body very well, it would take him almost 20 to 30 seconds for him to jump from one blade to the other and he was around half of the mountain range when this happened.

At his current speed, it would take him around 2 to 5 years to fully scale the mountain and this was unacceptable... the mountain wasn't extremely big as a normal human wouldn't be able to scale a normal mountain under his current situation, let's not even talk about one made of blades.

However Yun Jhin wanted to minimize the pain by entering a mental state using a semi-meditation technique that even a normal human being could use, this would minimize the pain and restore some of his balance... unfortunately this would slow him down very much, and that would mean that others would get to the inheritance before him...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hell's willpower did say there would be a tournament at the end of this but maybe he wouldn't even be able to reach it if he was too slow!

He could maximize his speed by fully ignoring the consequences but that meant he would arrive at the other bottom of the mountain in pieces.

His left arm was already quite cut and the soles of his feet were sliced, there were holes in both of his feet and arms and it was getting increasingly harder for him to move forward but he gritted his teeth and then decided to throw caution to the wind as he started to quickly run on the blades without caring about the pain that came from it.

His feet were starting to be diced as only his legs remained... then as time slowly passed only his legs from the knee up remained... then he was just a torso with diced arms and hands...

He finally reached the top of the mountain at that part... he was breathing roughly and he was as bloody as he could be, there was no more skin on his body and his bones were also visible, his bones were also full of cuts and they seemed ready to drop from the meat that was keeping them together.

The pain Yun Jhin was currently experiencing was unexplainable.

Yun Jhin's breathing was rough and quick, one of his lungs fell out of his chest and he then clutched it as the pain increased, while he couldn't die his soul was attacked by immense bouts of pain for every extra injury he had on his body.

He couldn't keep himself straight anymore as he fell to the other part of the mountain of blades he started to roll like a barrel down the hill until he was impaled on a blade near the bottom... he had no more blood in his body so he couldn't vomit anything... he didn't have any stomach left anyways.

All of his remaining flesh and blood was strewn around the middle and upper parts of the other side of the mountain, he remained just a skeleton as immense and continuous pain was assaulting his soul trying to rip it away from the carcass he was currently still tied to...

Since he was all bones the blade couldn't keep him on itself anymore as he used his brittle bones to lift himself a little then throw himself at the bottom of the mountain where his bones cracked and broke into powder!

The powder then reformed itself into a skeleton before meat flesh and blood returned Yun Jhin to his former appearance, his face was still pale and he looked rather weak even though he had his blood back into his body...

"Now for round 2... jump into the sea of fire and transverse it with the same condition as the previous challenge!"

Yun Jhin walked forward unstably as he fell to his knees, there was no more pain on his soul but the immense amount that constantly attacked him since he got his first injury made his soul quite unstable at the moment, his ears were ringing as his surroundings shook, the sea of fire was just in front of him and if he moved a few more centimeters in front he could fall into it!

Yun Jhin caught himself before he could fall... if he lost consciousness in the sea of fire he would surely fail the trial as that would mean that his willpower wasn't up to par for Hell's willpower standards.

This was the first time in all of his reincarnations he took such a huge risk by doing a trial like this one... while he did other trials in his previous lives none of them put so much accent on the will nor were they this hard...

Yun Jhin's naked form took one more step as he entered the sea of fire and his meat started to be baked like a turkey!

He was turning a light brown color as all of his bodily hair was burnt into ashes, the sea of fire was getting constantly hotter the more he walked into it and he was just at the fringes now so even a normal human body could endure it somewhat as the heat started from 37 degrees celsius.

Yun Jhin took a few more steps forward but the pain of being burned couldn't be in the same tier as the one from being cut, burning pain was the highest pain that could be experienced even among cultivators.

Yun Jhin's soul was already quite weakened after the mountain endeavor but he knew taking rests wouldn't give him any advantages over his adversaries... he started to walk quicker as his flesh started to turn from brown to a dark color, he was just like a human-made of coal now as he covered around 30% of the fire sea distance.

As he got closer to the middle he saw his competitors... there were 4 of them in total and they were all barely moving forward as they were no more than skeletons... but from the eye sockets, he could tell that they were trying to meditate to endure the pain while taking one step forward at a time.

Yun Jhin finally reached them as he wobbled unsteadily while all of his flesh from his body became charred, fell, and transformed into dust that disappeared as well. He was just bones like the others now!

He could feel his soul starting to actually burn as he reached the middle of the sea of fire... it seemed that he would now take soul injuries after so much pain was inflicted on his soul, while pain wouldn't injure his soul it would weaken it for quite a long time but injuries meant that his psychic power could decrease and he would be open for others to take advantage of him at soul level!

The others didn't realize that Yun Jhin arrived near them as they steadily took one step, meditated, and then took another.

Yun Jhin knew that he would end up with them in a tournament anyways but then a voice started to rumble into his burning soul transferring him and the others around him some information:

"Since you are all near each other anyway, let's start the tournament right here! The first to leave the sea of fire wins the inheritance and something extra from me!"

The eye sockets of the other four skeletons moved seemingly as if they opened their eyes and looked at each other before turning their gaze to their new addition...

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