My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 163: Sealing Hells devouring Heavens (1)

Chapter 163: Sealing Hells devouring Heavens (1)

The body of light was so fast Yun Jhin couldn't have dodged it even in normal circumstances... he could feel his skeleton weighing down on his fleshly body and practically locking him on the spot.

Hell's willpower was really dishonest, it even tampered with his reward but it wasn't something that Yun Jhin wouldn't do either so he couldn't really complain.

The body of light entered his corpse as his connection to it was suddenly severed!

However, he was the main owner of the body and he forced the connection regaining control of his body moments later, forceful possession of the body might have been possible if those normal God Realm experts passed the inheritance test but Yun Jhin wouldn't let his main body be taken over so easily!

At this point in his cultivation, his main body could be reforged if he had enough energy, only his soul needed to be whole he would only 'die' if his connection to the mortal plane would be severed by someone with great expertise in souls or if his soul was destroyed by someone way stronger than him.

In this situation, Hell's willpower was trying to take over his body but it ignored his soul, after all, even though it had gone through his memories, he was sure that it had only read the surface ones that he let out as bait.

Yun Jhin struggled to lift his left arm only for Hell's voice to penetrate his sea of consciousness with a snort:

"Still struggling? Your body is now mine, FUCK OFF!"

A wave of mental energy assaulted the insides of his consciousness trying to push his soul away from his body, Yun Jhin gritted his teeth as he endured the mental energy... somehow it felt that it wasn't that strong, was Hell's willpower bluffing when it was outside his body? Or was its connection to the boundless energy of hell cut right now?

It felt like it was above the God Realm in strength but now it was bearable for Yun Jhin to endure the attacks.

Yun Jhin tried to counterattack with his own mental energy but it missed by a mile... he couldn't actually find the body of light that entered his body, it seemingly disappeared but he could hear its voice taunting him right now:

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You fool, thought you can defeat me because I don't have the support of Hell's essence anymore? As soon as I get control of your body I will leave hell and go to the celestial realm!"

Yun Jhin frowned... hell wanted to go to the celestial realm?

Seemingly sensing Yun Jhin's puzzlement Hell's willpower decided to say:

"I'm in a good mood right now so I will make you understand my wish."

Yun Jhin knew that at this point Hell's willpower was either confident in taking over his body... or it was trying to drag the conversation so it could concentrate on an ultimate technique that needed time. Yun Jhin realized that it was most likely the latter.

So he ignored the words that assaulted his consciousness and decided to attack randomly in his body trying to lure out Hell's body of light.

Yun Jhin's frantic attacks somehow didn't injure his new body at all... it was a bit too sturdy to the point that not even he could injure himself if he wanted to.

Hell couldn't hide in a place that Yun Jhin didn't know about as there were no such places in his own body, even though it had been remolded many times, the moment his consciousness placed itself in the vessel he learned every possible nook and cranny from the body, as he scanned his whole body and attacked randomly he finally attacked a spot that made Hell's body to jump out!

Even though Yun Jhin's attacking capability wouldn't injure the body of light very much, it could drain it of its energy is needed to use to take over his body, there was a limit to how much energy one of those light bodies could accept and if it was drained the body would dissipate and Hell's willpower would be stuck inside Yun Jhin's body!

Yun Jhin knew about that and he was really tempted in 'taming' Hell's willpower, who knew what kind of benefits he would get for taking over and sealing such a behemoth?

However sealing him inside his body was easier said than done, even though Yun Jhin could drain him of his energy and there was a limited amount the body could have at a time, that didn't mean the amount was small!

Yun Jhin could feel his sea of consciousness shaking as Hell's willpower infiltrated it with some tentacle-like transparent mental waves.

Yun Jhin's soul techniques could be considered above average so he could defend himself against the tentacles that were currently whipping around his memory cores trying to destroy them and make him lose his memories.

Yun Jhin's main memory core was hidden deep inside his consciousness so the whips were only attacking the useless cores at the moment, but the more it attacked the more cracks appeared in them and suddenly his 16th reincarnation memory core broke! The memories inside disappeared. As soon as that happened the will imprint that remained in the memory core was absorbed by the tentacles akin to someone drinking a smoothie through a straw!

Yun Jhin's soul shook as immense pain was inflicted on his spiritual body and it started to bleed blue soul essence, memory cores were embedded inside his sea of consciousness which was located in the head of his soul body, now he was bleeding soul essence from his mouth and eyes and he looked quite terrifying as his soul form was gigantic and shown his true colors which were purple and sickly green.

Green flames flickered around his head as the soul essence he bled returned to his soul and fixed the injuries he had taken from the destruction of the memory core as he unleashed a mighty sound-based attack using his throat to drive away from the tentacles from inside his sea of consciousness.

The tentacles were shoved away from his soul and returned to the body of light that was hiding in his physical body as he shoved his soul's arm directly in his physical body heart trying to take out Hell's body of light which was hiding inside it.

Yun Jhin felt his soul's arm tremble as it hit the center of his chest and then gripped his heart, it was his own body so it was a tremendous process to extract something from it while not fusing with it. To explain it more simply, his body was a vacuum and he was trying to remove something from it while it was on and at the highest setting.

Hell's body of light tried to run away from his heart but he felt Yun Jhin's soul fingers grasping on his small ball-like shape and drag him out of his heart before he forcefully shoved him into his body's left arm!

Yun Jhin's soul then fused with his body as he coughed a mouthful of blue blood and then struck his left arm multiple times in three of his meridian points with his finger, his left arm thus became limp and disconnected from his main body, the pathways from it were clogged and the body of light was thus blocked in his left arm and at this point, it also became unusable it just remained there standing straight and looking really stiff, it also turned deeply pale like it was the arm of an undead.

Yun Jhin could feel the screeches of Hell's willpower coming from it, it said something among the lines of junior do you dare? And how he would annihilate him the moment he got out of his bindings, and that he made a big enemy that he couldn't escape from. Yun Jhin had heard these phrases so many times that his ears bled any time he heard them again, unfortunately, he couldn't shut it up, but he could weaken it!

Yun Jhin started to do some one-handed hand-seals as the energy that fluctuated around him started to fly around him like he was a blender then they transformed into a whirlpool of energies that rushed towards his left arm creating a tattoo like formation that etched itself deeply from his hand towards his elbow if Yun Jhin could have felt anything form that arm he might have even shaken a little bit.

Hell's shouts could be continuously heard:


It was obvious Hell was going to have a dirty mouth so Yun Jhin wasn't surprised as tons of insults were hurled his way after those attempts at scaring him didn't work... actually he wondered why it was still trying? It did read his surface memories so it should understand what kind of person he was.

Suddenly Hell's willpower stopped shouting... his surroundings turned eerie silent for a few brief seconds before Hell's voice was heard again:

"Let's come to a consensus shall we friend Jhin?"

An old fogie like Hell's willpower would always be two backed and duplicitous so it wasn't a surprise it came to this.

But Yun Jhin wouldn't let it go now... he wanted to exploit it, trying to take over my body, and then you want to leave without bleeding at least 99% of your life and fortunes? Dream on!

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