My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 165: Successful fusion

Chapter 165: Successful fusion

The tug of war between the two 'old fogies' Yun Jhin and Hell's willpower ended up with the win of the former, Yun Jhin had successfully taken the body of light apart and fused it with his left arm while keeping the consciousness tightly sealed in the same place.

Now there was no way for Hell's willpower to leave his body unless he let it.

However he couldn't shut it up, the consciousness of Hell had fused with his flesh and its voice could be heard reverberating in his head no matter how he tried to silence it.

"Well it's not so bad but I feel rather stifled in here... why don't you let me out for a walk?"

"Come on great master, I just want to stretch my legs, I feel like I have been incarcerated here for a millennium already!"

The shamelessness of Hell's willpower was off the charts, it even compared itself to a dog for a chance to get out and maybe absorb energy to break their connection, Yun Jhin knew that it felt so bad that it wanted to shut itself down forever for being humiliated in such a way by someone like Yun Jhin. Even though he was a former peak God Realm expert, Hell's willpower used to toy with those type of people when it wished to, that's why it ended up alone and hushed in the 9th layer, it way too overbearing!

Plus it tried to take over some of their bodies as well.

Yun Jhin could access some of Hell's information and memories through the body of light he fused with so he gained quite some important bits of information that he didn't know previously.

The information was about the treasures of the 8th and 9th layers along with the important locations that Hell's willpower would usually protect, now those places were empty and with no protection from anyone... and Yun Jhin was the only one who knew that!

His eyes glittered but the annoying voice of Hell's willpower continued to jar into his ears trying to plead and beg for its freedom, this annoyed Yun Jhin to no end but he couldn't cut the connection between them as the fusion was pretty rushed and Hell's willpower was also pretty strong so he couldn't cut off the connection without injuring each other.

At this point he either had to lose some flesh or have some voices in his head annoy him... and he didn't really like losing flesh for something that he could endure.

"You want to go to my treasure locations, don't you? Even though I'm not there anymore there are quite a lot of traps and you had only got some of my surface memories just liked I did to you, why don't you sign a contract with me and we will each go on our merry way? You free me and I will help you get whatever you want from there?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Can you shut up your incessant yapping you goddamn thing, you are already sealed and your destiny is to be my possession from now on, just keep your muff shut and maybe I will let you go wag your tail outside from time to time."

"You... YOU! Thank you!"

Yun Jhin could picture Hell's willpower kowtowing to him so hard for his 'gracious offer' but now that he finished discipline the thing, he had to get out of the pagoda and go to the 8th layer where he would get his paws on some new resources that might help him get to the peak of the sage realm.

To get out of the pagoda Yun Jhin had to break through space and make a 'cut' through the solid parts to leave.

Yun Jhin silhouette disappeared as he used his spatial talents to enter the 'spatial' domain of the pagoda, there he created a purple scythe with his ki weapon technique then with a mighty heave he struck a big hole into the space of the pagoda leaving an opening big enough for him to leave through.

Yun Jhin's body disappeared into the portal he created as the 4 God Realm experts outside were discussing how much time will Yun Jhin stay inside.

Suddenly Yun Jhin was ejected from the Pagoda which made their eyes light up as they encircled him the moment he got ahold of his surroundings.

Yun Jhin frowned as he looked at the god realm experts surrounding him, but he just shook his head as he put both of his hands near his waist before his aura ballooned up and pushed the 4 of the aggressors away from him.

Now that Yun Jhin was at the 7th stage of the sage realm his power had increased by quite a lot, it was to the point that these 4 wouldn't be able to beat him even if they teamed upon him with a formation.

Yun Jhin wasn't in a good mood as the chattering of the voice returned to his head so some veins popped visible on his forehead as he looked at the 4 people blocking his way, he didn't have time for these clowns! Now that he had the knowledge of these locations with treasures he had to rush to get them, who knew if the fogies up in the 8th and 9th layer would wake up and see that their angry landlord is missing?

When the cat is missing the mice dance on the table.

Yun Jhin had to rush ahead and leave these people here if he didn't want his 'loot' to be taken by someone else.

Yun Jhin eyed them as they eyed him warily, even though he was only a sage realm at the 7th stage his aura pushed them back which showed he wasn't a normal opponent at all.

How could the aura of a measly sage push back 4 God Realm experts at the same time?

It wasn't possible in the heads of the 4 people... Yun Jhin stopped being passive as he attacked the weakest of them trying to cripple him directly, he took his halberd out of spatial dimension, and with a mighty heave, he slashed vertically trying to sever the man from the waist.

The sudden attack on him made the God Realm expert quite vexed, just cause I have a lower cultivation base you target me? I will show you!

He shot a crystal out of his fingers trying to parry Yun Jhin's slash only for his fingers to be cut along with the crystal however he blocked the slash that tried to bisect him.

He started to bleed profusely as three of his fingers were severed but the wound closed up with the same crystal encasing his wounds, but he couldn't regenerate his fingers at the moment.

Yun Jhin knew that it was easier said than done to kill a god realm expert but this wasn't the end of his attacks.

He returned his halberd to his spatial dimension as he disappeared from their encirclement employing his stealth technique making them start panicking they couldn't see, smell nor hear him anymore!

They also couldn't sense his life aura or anything that could identify him as living, his soul trace was also gone!

Suddenly the strongest of them Vanzuel dropped to the ground as his eyeballs were ripped from his head and thrown away into the wasteland behind them.

He didn't die but he screamed because of the intense and sudden pain that he had to go through.

Yun Jhin didn't ignore his downed form as he created a gigantic purple ki saber that he used to decapitate him!

The head coughed a mouthful of blood as it rolled towards the feet of the other three before it jumped by itself up and a new body regenerated from it, he had a pale complexion now but it turned for better a few seconds later as the head connected properly with the newly regenerated body.

Yun Jhin didn't appear again but the others were still wary as they looked left and right as if the bogeyman was there ready to jump on them...

Yun Jhin already left them behind as he was rushing directly to the 8th layers entrance which wasn't that far from his current location.

To reach the entrance to the 8th layer and above Yun Jhin had to do something different according to the memories he gained from Hell's willpower.

To go directly to the hidden location he could use a spatial pocket in the entrance, this was a similar situation to the one back in the pagoda but now he had to actively search for the hidden spot instead of slashing space randomly.

Yun Jhin appearance at the entrance took him around 65 days.

He looked at the gate in front of him and shook his head, now that Hell wasn't active anymore there were no more inscriptions on the gate but it was still functional, this type of situation happened before and the netizens of hell were wary of Hell's antics so Yun Jhin hoped no one went to investigate where he wanted to go.

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