My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 168: Hard to recover

Chapter 168: Hard to recover

In the 3rd layer near the 4th layer entrance, a small imp was camping in a self-dug hole, waiting to attack any unsuspecting passersby.

His eyes were glittering with intelligence and some primitive wisdom.

It was the small imp that Yun Jhin blessed and left to his own devices, he was left near the entrance to the 4th layer and he remained there while waiting to ambush anyone who tried to go to the 4th layer, he realized that the stronger prey who wanted to ascend would have to go by here, the moment someone would pass by he would slash their guts open and feast on them!

This imp lived the great life and ate quite a bit of high-quality meals up till now, he had even reached the 6th stage of the heavenly realm right now and he was still going quite strong!

The imp looked to be absent-minded for a while as he didn't do anything, after all, there was no one around him nor did he sense anyone coming from the wasteland in front of him... so all he could do was stay like that and conserve his energy for any further attacks.

Suddenly the imp could feel a pain appear in his head, he clutched his forehead as he growled in pain and anger before his eyes became blank.

Yun Jhin's soul appeared behind the imp as it fused with his small body and he continued clutching his forehead as he frowned deeply.

"Having left this beacon here was a good idea, even though it was unknown that this type of thing would happen being prepared saved me."

Yun Jhin had scattered his soul and replaced it with his avatar, the moment his avatar exploded at the time his soul was sent away from the location and attracted by the beacon he left in the Imp's soul, the beacon was there for him to control him and find his location.

With a reverse summoning technique, he arrived in the body of the imp and took it over easily!

The injuries to his soul were quite big and unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to use any techniques regarding the soul right now... all he could do was inhibit the body of another as he couldn't reconstruct his anymore, he was lacking in an extreme amount of energy and it felt like he had been starved for hundreds of years at this point.

His new body's stomach started to growl as his soul's hunger transferred to the body, he needed energy for the body to withstand his injured soul, even though the current state of his soul was rather bad, it was still the soul of a peak God Realm expert.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yun Jhin crawled out of the hole that the imp dug and kept the knife the imp had hidden, he was truly weak at this point and he needed to feast on some flesh to recover some of his energy.

Yun Jhin frowned as he felt that he returned to the times when he first reincarnated... well it was still a little bit better here but not by much.

Yun Jhin's steps were slow as he trudged towards a closer battlefield, the lower hells were full of such skirmishes and they were relatively easy to find.

It didn't take Yun Jhin much time to find the battlefield before making himself as conspicuous as possible, the moment they smelled Yun Jhin's weak aura the demons pounced on him as if he was free KFC meal.

Yun Jhin fell dodging the demons' attempts at biting his neck and destroying his new body... his left hand moved quickly slashing the necks of 3 demon wolves and his mouth opened wide taking big bites out of all three of them... a little of his energy returned but it was a drop in the ocean for his current situation.

He knew that he needed to leave hell as soon as possible but he wasn't sure that he would survive the transportation between layers so he needed to heal himself first.

He already hid his aura and his body couldn't be ever compared to his previous one so technically Hell shouldn't be able to find him at this point.

Yun Jhin needed to reach the mortal realm and hide there to recuperate, Yuan Fang was still out there but now that he had a new identity and his aura was changing as he continued to inhabit his body, as long as he played his cards right he might not have problems with Yuan Fang.

Yun Jhin continued focusing as he finished the bodies of the wolves, his ferocity and quick attacks scared the remaining demons and imps, the smarter imps even started to back away with wary looks in their eyes, they could feel that their 'comrade' was quite different compared to them.

Yun Jhin ignored the devils, devils had comparatively weaker bodies and they could hold less energy compared to demons so he didn't need to devour them if they didn't attack him, he couldn't split his attention into two sides at this moment due to his soul injury so he had to focus on the demons.

Yun Jhin gave a side glance to the imps side and snorted as his eyes told them that this was his prey!

The remaining imps looked at each other before they started to run with their tails between their legs not daring to fight anymore, in this situation a starved camel was still bigger than a horse.

The demons were wary of Yun Jhin's strange attacking patterns and even though they were still quite dumb they had achieved the heavenly realm so they weren't completely mindless.

They tried to back away and follow the example of the devils who already ran away, their silhouettes could still be found scattering into the horizon and jumping through some holes in the ground, they all acted as if they were moles.

4 demons were remaining on the battlefield and they all started to take a few steps backward as they growled at Yun Jhin and showed their fangs.

Before they could even let out a howl Yun Jhin appeared in front of them and ripped their throats open using his weapon after Yun Jhin finished feasting on them he felt a little bit better as his soul accommodated the new body. Since he was a foreign existence to this body at first it tried to expel him but considering the difference of strength between them, he subdued it after a short while.

He could feel that his health was a bit better compared to before and he started to trudge towards the location of the exit of this layer... he needed to get out of hell asap even if he felt that Hell's willpower couldn't find him right now.


Hell's willpower reconstructed the body using the DNA he harvested from Yun Jhin's arm but he frowned, even though he absorbed quite a bit of DNA in his attempts at constructing a body using Yun Jhin's left arm he felt that he couldn't succeed, it was if the universe itself was going against him!

He realized that even if he inhibited Yun Jhin's body, at one point or another it would expel him or it would explode regardless of how sturdy it was or what combination of energies it was made from. Hell's exoskeleton stood there straight and unmoving as Hell was rampaging cracking the ground around him with his anger:

"This damn piece of shit... you gave me this much strength but you tied me to one location? I WANT OUT, LET ME THE **** OUT!"


It seemed Hell was going through a crisis of its own right now and couldn't have time to look for Yun Jhin.

As for Yun Jhin, he had already reached the exit of the 1st layer and he was ready to leave Hell... but before he needed to change his body a bit so he wouldn't attract attention in the mortal realm, after all, hellish creatures were quite hated up there but the 'righteous' sects would also make deals with them if they were strong enough, it wasn't that Yun Jhin was a devil but that he was too weak to reveal himself right now.

He could also have recovered in Hell but his paranoia was so high that he couldn't control it anymore at this point, he needed to find a safe place where Hell couldn't find him, he knew that it could move only in special locations but Yun Jhin didn't want to try and find out which locations were available to him.

He entered the door that leads to leaving Hell and his surroundings shook as he was thrown outside and into the ruins of the Blood Throne sect.

He was using his stealth technique before he entered so he wasn't sure if Yuan Fang realized that he entered or not... especially that he didn't enter from the same location.

A warm voice could be heard coming from in front of Yun Jhin:

"What do we have here? A fugitive of some sorts?"

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