My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 175: Battle on a dying planet (2)

Chapter 175: Battle on a dying planet (2)

After having two of his hearts ripped out Yuan Fang's regeneration speed had lowered as the gaps on his chest didn't close as fast as they used to... with one hand he clutched his head and with the other his chest as he vomited a mouthful of dark blood then fell to the ground due to the new earthquake...

But he quickly got up and restored his balance in time to see Yun Jhin get up as well, both of his hearts had been crushed in his hands and not even the paste remained as it was vaporized using his ki.

Then he launched himself again at Yuan Fang while he was trying to seal his injuries... suddenly Yuan Fang grew one more pair of arms that quickly grabbed Yun Jhin by the neck and started choking him!

Yun Jhin's face didn't change as he didn't need air to survive anymore but his neck bones were certainly getting crushed under his grip if his body refinement was high enough he wouldn't have bothered with this attack but his bones were considered rather brittle with his new body.

Yun Jhin's head moved to the side as his neck bones broke but that didn't kill him, at this point, his vitality was so high that only if his connection to his body was severed would his soul be ejected from it... as for him truly dying? That was only possible if his soul was destroyed or his connection to the mortal realm was cut.

Yun Jhin used a blade of ki to cut off both of the hands that broke his neck as he adjusted his head using his arms before making sure it was properly put together, a influx of ki entered his neck area and regenerated the broken bones to the normal standard.

Yuan Fang started to back away as he couldn't control himself anymore, it was a dumb idea to fight in his conditions and he had said multiple times that he wanted to do this peacefully... but it seems Yun Jhin just wanted to bully him, he should know that there was no way he could kill him in his current condition no matter how bad it was because his own condition wasn't that good either cultivation wise.

At most, they would injure each other and waste each other's time.

Yun Jhin still thought that there was a chance for him to kill Yuan Fang... after all, unlike Yuan Fang, he knew how hard it was to deal with the split-will trying to take over your main memory core as he had done it more than a few times.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly Yuan Fang's body trembled as he tried to leave the battle and stopped, he couldn't move his body as his eyes looked around in fear and puzzlement, did his other will really cut control of his body under this situation? But how desperate it was?

Yun Jhin nodded inside as he saw his situation before he used his time skip ability again, the next moment he appeared in front of him he held both of his arms in his hands which he vaporized into dust before he thrust his hand forward into his chest trying to rip off his remaining 2 hearts!

Yuan Fang could feel Yun Jhin's hands entering quickly into his chest area trying to locate his 2 remaining hearts, while he wouldn't die immediately if he ripped them away his regeneration would halt, and if he wasn't treated in a few days he would die.

Yun Jhin knew that if he escaped he would certainly get treated by one of his many subordinates so he had to deal with him here and now!

He found his two remaining hearts as he ripped them open letting a fountain of blood erupt from his chest that widened due to the continuous ripping that Yun Jhin did, unlike before his healing reduced to a snail's pace as the closure of his chest was so slow that the healing wasn't visible anymore, it might even take him a week or two to heal his chest at this rate, without healing herbs or treasures.


Yuan Fang was ready to fall when he suddenly spit something out that collided with his open chest, it was a brown ball that had the texture of wood at first glance, the moment it collided with his chest it turned a deep golden color that exploded into the red as his chest mended itself so fast that Yun Jhin's eyes couldn't see... new arms grew but his face was still pale due to the blood loss and the ki loss.

Instead of a heart, the core of the father tree started to beat inside Yuan Fang's chest, so hard that it resonated with the incoming earthquakes!

The ki of the planet started to converge on Yuan Fang's body as it restored the blood he lost and somewhat his ki, but due to the ki attribute difference, he couldn't absorb the ki fully until he was accustomed to his new heart, so only his injuries healed.

Yun Jhin was extremely annoyed, the cockroach-like ability of a fortuned one of Yuan Fang's caliber was giving Yun Jhin an immense headache, no matter how you severed their heads, destroyed their bodies, or took their hearts they would never die unless their soul was destroyed as well, unfortunately, Yuan Fang's soul was as strong as his and unless he took care of the body first he wouldn't be able to attack it properly unless he exposed a weakness which wasn't most likely because even though the other willpower that was fighting for control would discard the body it wouldn't endanger the soul.

Yun Jhin power was still increasing as he started to clash anew with Yuan Fang's body which started to fight autonomously because he couldn't control it anymore as he fought with his other willpower, thus his battle power decreased by quite a lot to the point that Yun Jhin could easily tear his flesh and ground his bones as the body was only fighting instinctively without any strategy or battle tactics at all.

Finally, one last earthquake arrived so strong to the point that both of their bodies fell to the ground and couldn't move for a while as the gravity of the planet increased at the same time, Yun Jhin adapted extremely quickly as he created an elongated blade of ki that went through Yuan Fang's forehead and destroyed his brain thus somewhat severing the connection between his soul and body. However his soul connected to the body again as he used the natural ki from the planet to restore his brain, unfortunately, he couldn't fully evaporate his brain unless he got close enough and released an immense blast of ki.


He started to trash on the ground as his power increased further and further until it created an enormous explosion around him that eradicated 50 kilometers of the ground around him. Yun Jhin appeared out of a spatial tear as he looked around only to frown as he didn't feel Yuan Fang's ki anymore... did he self destruct? Or did he just leave?

Yun Jhin took a few looks around but he couldn't find him anywhere and he decided that it was time to leave this planet!

He knew that Yuan Fang didn't use any stealth technique as he could recognize the traces of one being used and all of his live signatures disappeared which either mean he disappeared using his soul or he perished which the later one was most unlikely... maybe even one of his cronies escaped with him after he used that gigantic wave of destructive ki.

Yun Jhin shook his head as he looked at the sky before an aura engulfed him, his speed increased monstrously as he broke through the atmosphere of the planet leaving it behind him, he took one last look as it transformed into a smoldering pile of space dust as it exploded creating a gigantic shockwave that even pushed Yun Jhin quite far away even though he wasn't near the planet anymore.

"I guess it's time to expand my network for now... I need to reconstruct the blood throne sect."

Yun Jhin realized that the importance of goons was immense in this situation as most likely Yuan Fang was saved by his... he needed to get some unique talents under his wings and fast at that!


Yuan Fang frowned as he continued clutching his head, the man with the spiky hair and the one with the monkey tail were looking at him with both fear and apprehension.

"Are you okay boss? When you sent the signal for me to come and pick you up you were pretty battered up."

The man with the monkey tail said as he scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.

Yuan Fang didn't say anything as he put his hand forward and waited... the man with the spiky hair came with a deep red ball that resembled the brown one that he used to heal himself, Yuan Fang took the ball and forcefully inserted it into his chest as his aura took a spike upward but he still didn't break through the god realm as he muttered:

"Why do you make things so hard for me... we are the same person."

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