My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 239: Fight for ascendance

Chapter 239: Fight for ascendance

Yun Jhin's face started to turn a shady red as he continued to absorb the soul force of the celestial emperor.

In contrast, the celestial emperor's soul was slowly shrinking and looking more and more emaciated like it was transforming into a mummy.

Yun Jhin didn't have time to waste so the moment he got near his breakthrough he created a beam of energy that flew into the sky to attract the laws of the celestial realm, now that he was practically the celestial emperor of the realm all he had to do was call them and they would fuse with his body naturally without having to do anything else.

He knew that the moment he started the breakthrough sequence he couldn't do anything else because Hell's willpower would surely come to attack him, he needed to breakthrough fast, very fast.

In this situation where he had to fight against time, he had to rush his breakthroughs and absorption attempt.

The quicker he absorbed the more the soul in his grasp shrank until it became as small as a puppy but Yun Jhin didn't stop as the beam that he had sent into the air finally attracted the laws of the celestial realm which started to dive to him directly entering into his body making his blood boil as they fused with it.

He could feel the laws sublimating his life level as he reached higher heights... the 7th level of the God Realm... the 8th level, Peak level!

The celestial emperor's soul turned blurry as it slowly disappeared as if he was never there, Yun Jhin's body started to float by itself, now that he had the destiny of the celestial realm that he stole from the emperor he didn't need to connect with the realm itself to reach the half-a-step true level.

His eyes started to glow with an azure color but then he closed them as his cultivation base consolidated at the peak of the God Realm, however, he couldn't go any further he couldn't reach the same heights as the celestial emperor as he hypothesized, he could only reach his former peak which was the limits of the God Realm.

He shouted to the sky as his aura engulfed 600,000 kilometers around him attracting the attention of everyone in the realm, his shout was extremely loud combined with his flaring aura made everyone realize where he was.

However, everyone who felt his cold maleficent aura immediately discarded any thoughts of picking a fight with him, it was obvious he wasn't a good guy.

However, Hell's willpower was just like a shark that smelled blood as he teleported multiple times until he reached the Lin family's territory, there he saw Yun Jhin's aura engulfing the skies as he broke through it with his body and meet with him in the middle of the territory.

Yun Jhin had his eyes closed but the moment Hell's willpower approached he opened them as he looked directly into his eyes, his soul willpower flowed out of him like an open faucet, the moment his soul willpower met Hell's willpower it started to drill into his body to reach his soul and assimilate it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hell's willpower snorted as he cut all of the soul willpower tentacles that were going through his body only for him to frown as he realized that the cut tentacles didn't disappear but started to proliferate into his body transforming into small soul bodies of Yun Jhin who were like parasites that were slowly absorbing Hell's willpower flesh and blood.

"You damn... it seems you have reached your previous heights by absorbing my brother, but it won't be enough!"

Hell's willpower face morphed as he looked towards the sky while he shouted, his aura started to push Yun Jhin's aura backward while his power continued to increase, the whole realm started to shake even harder than when the celestial emperor descended, actually the earthquakes were so strong that the ground below them started to crack and rip into pieces.

Lava spurted out of the ground like a geyser as it reached its height however the moment it touched the two God's bodies it dissipated like it was tap water.

Yun Jhin cracked his whole body as his bones popped into their sockets after his continuous breakthroughs his body finally acclimatized to the sudden increase in ki power, he appeared in front of Hell's willpower as he told him:

"Absorbing you will get me one step closer to ascension... but it won't be enough... I can feel it right now, but you are the last obstacle in my way, the others had already been taken care of."

"Don't think this will be an easy fight."

Hell's willpower aura finally stabilized as he unleashed thousands of small ki needles aiming directly at Yun Jhin's vital points however Yun Jhin created a green ki barrier which absorbed all of the ki needles.

Then he put two fingers to his forehead as he appeared in front of hell's willpower instantly before letting an explosive wave out of his mouth which took out the whole upper part of Hell's willpower body leaving only the legs which fell to the ground only for his upper body to regenerate immediately and appear under Yun Jhin's stomach to pierce him in the stomach.... but the attack remained stuck in Yun Jhin's stomach as he hardened his muscles.

Yun Jhin's feral smile told Hell's willpower that he wouldn't like what was coming next as Yun Jhin grabbed him directly by the head, afterward his whole body started to inflate as he became as buff like a bodybuilder.

His buff body increased his whole system's muscles and strength, this was the peak of the combination of Duritz's bloodline and the technique he had stolen from the Chen family, Hell's willpower head which was in his hand popped like a ripe watermelon as it tried to regenerate again.

But now that Hell's willpower's body was in his hands it wouldn't be able to leave!

The moment it regenerated it popped again as Yun Jhin inserted his ki and blood into Hell's willpower body, the moment his ki and blood fused with Hell's willpower body it exploded into thousands of fragments that Yun Jhin ate as if they were sweets.

His mouth opened as razor-sharp teeth broke into the pieces of meat from the body's explosion, a guttural bass-boosted voice was heard from Yun Jhin's mouth:

"You cannot escape!"

Hell's willpower had already abandoned his newly created body as he transformed into a piece of soul willpower, since he was the brother of the celestial emperor he could connect with the celestial realm and become its owner just like the ex-emperor was, and he was doing it right now! He would rather be captive again than be devoured by Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin looked around as he realized that the whole realm started to morph, he felt all of the living beings on the realm losing their life-force as it entered the ground below him, he could feel that regardless of cultivation base everyone was losing their life force quickly.

Yun Jhin shook his head as he started to drill into the ground at immense speeds reaching the core of the realm.

There he found Hell's willpower which was fusing with the heart of the realm while absorbing the life force of its inhabitants to create a new more perfect body so he could combat him once more, but he wasn't fast enough as Yun Jhin already had arrived where he was.

Hell's willpower's expression morphed into fear as he shouted:


Yun Jhin laughed as he took that as a compliment, he was never someone to care about looks so his current monstrous looks didn't bother him at all, he actually liked it!

Hell's willpower wanted to back away but he was fusing with the core of the realm and if he stopped the process the backlash would be something that he wouldn't be able to endure, he thought that the process would be rather quick but Yun Jhin realized what was happening faster than he thought, he was one step away from fusing with the realm but one step not taken was one step remained!

Yun Jhin approached him as he grabbed his face yanking him from the core and weakening him severely as blue blood started to drip from his whole spectral body which cracked in a lot places, the backlash destroyed some of his memory nodes as he looked at Yun Jhin seemingly as if he didn't know him.

Yun Jhin ignored the looks as he said:

"Finally after such a long time... I'm one step away from reaching the true realm, from breaking into true immortality and reaching the throne that I deserve, you are my ticket there and you are in my hands!"

Yun Jhin opened his big mouth as he let the spectral being drop into it, his teeth crunched the bits of soul that remained from Hell's willpower until it fused with his body and soul...

His eyes became wide open as the second evolution started... he was slowly reaching the half-a-step true realm barrier!

His vision started to change as it started to zoom out, he could see billions, trillions, quadrillions of galaxies appearing in his vision, then it zoomed up further, he saw these galaxies were nothing but specks of dust in the eyes of those that were truly important, he saw some silhouettes that were beckoning towards him, one silhouette was especially happy, he wore a dark robe and he had flames in his pupils and for hair, his dark beard was flowing majestically as he laughed with wicked intent, he mouthed something to Yun Jhin:

"Come quick my apprentice... you have done very well, one step away, one step away, come come!"

Then everything returned to normal as he woke up back into the center of the celestial realm...

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