My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 35: Invade the Heavenly Turtle sect

Chapter 35: Invade the Heavenly Turtle sect

Yun Jhin waited inside a tent with the twins, his face was a cold mask that didn't betray any of his emotions as he looked at the duo and asked them with a monotone tone:

"Any information about the elite squad of the crown prince?"

The duo sweated intensely as they looked at Yun Jhin's expression that didn't tell them anything and they bowed quickly as they immediately started to spill the information:

"The elite squad consists of 25 people with the cultivation of 6th stage ki cultivating realm and above, they are consisting in 10 attack roles 10 defending roles and 5 support roles, 5 attack roles are for short-range and 5 for long-range, the defending roles are full of people who focused on cultivating iron ki and refining their bodies, as for the support roles they have focused on plants and healing ki, they all have handpicked cultivation techniques from the imperial treasury."

The duo kept their face straight as they continued their report:

"As for the captain he has reached the peak of the 9th stage of the ki cultivating realm and it's said as long as he gets enough merit on the battlefield, the emperor might help him break through to the legendary King Realm!"

Yun Jhin waved his hand indicating that they could shut up, he caressed his chin as he thought what he would need to do to make sure his host's body was going to survive this endeavor, he needed to make sure his main body was safe too, he decided that he would hide his main body in the ground before they went to the Heavenly Turtle sect grounds.

Before the elite squad came Yun Jhin hid his main body inside the ground 20 kilometers down, he hid his aura and soul fluctuations to make sure no one could find his body as he would have to put all his concentration on controlling the body at long-range.

Sun Sisheng's body then walked back to the tent and waited with the duo for the squad to come, after a day of waiting the squad of people came, the captain was a short unsightly man with crossed eyes, his pale sickly skin tone showed that he wasn't alright physically, his thick grey hair showed that his life force was imbalanced and used even though it seemed he wasn't that old.

The captain wore a strange imperial armor that consisted of a big chest piece that covered his whole body like a suit, his eyes were covered by half a helmet that looked like some devil's horns. Yun Jhin narrowed his eyes as he observed the captain, but suddenly the captain pointed his finger at Yun Jhin and said:

"You, you have to show us the way to the sect!"

The captain said those words then didn't say anything else, he was a strange man, Yun Jhin nodded at the man and then looked around at the other squad members, but none of the other's looked peculiar or strange, everyone else looked and acted normally.

The captain waved his hands to his subordinates as they opened their special spatial bags and let out the water horses, they then let them into the water to regain their strengths, the water horse was an aquatic horse with gills and no nose holes, they were deep blue had scales over their bodies and had no tails, but besides those changes, there wasn't any difference in appearance with a normal horse.

The captain immediately went over to a water horse and took hold of its rains as he pointed at Yun Jhin again and then pointed at a horse indicating that he should take that one.

Yun Jhin went over to the pointed horse and the other's from the squad took over their horses as well, the twins stood behind Yun Jhin and waited for the captain's orders.

Yun Jhin closed his eyes for a little before making sure everything was already in his host's body and then made the water horse moved forward, as the surroundings changed Yun Jhin looked around and saw that all of his 'colleagues' were using ki to support their breathing, Yun Jhin nodded to himself, this way they wouldn't be at full power when they got to the sect, however, the captain used a bubble artifact that let him breathe underwater.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yun Jhin frowned inside as he looked at the artifact, he knew that the man would conserve his ki for the big fights out there, and unless the sect master came out to deal with them they would be able to rampage around the sect, the man looked like he had a unique physique and strange bloodline that increased his battle power, he might even be able to fight with a 1st stage King realm, of course, being able to fight didn't mean he could win nor run away, in the end, the difference between realms was too high.

Only Yun Jhin could fight between realms and maybe win, but he would need to be on home advantage and use formations with this body, the higher the talent of the body the higher the battle power, while Sun Sisheng's body was pretty talented considering the location, he was still far away from reaching the apex.

Yun Jhin kept a straight face as he sat on the horse and cultivated, while the others would chat and joke from time to time they would all ignore Yun Jhin as he was cannon fodder to them. However, they would talk with twins and even joke with them, it seemed they knew each other from previous meetings with the crown prince.

Yun Jhin cultivated with his eyes closed as he waited to reach the Heavenly turtle's sect grounds, while he cultivated the strange captain seemingly dozed off, but Yun Jhin knew that the man wasn't actually sleeping as he felt his soul willpower looking out for any ambushes.

The body snatcher kept a neutral expression on his face as he closed his eyes and cultivated while he made sure his horse kept going the right way, with the coordinates he gained from using his soul willpower he could easily imprint them in the horse's mind and make it go the way he wanted.

Finally, after 15 days of swimming the 'elite team' of the Long Empire reached the Heavenly Turtle sect location.

As they finally reached their location Yun Jhin slowly opened his eyes as he looked around and put his plan in action as he looked at the captain and said:

"I have done my job."

The man chuckled ominously as he released his 9th stage ki cultivating power directly at Yun Jhin, the man's aura engulfed him as it stopped him from moving, his aura was so strong that it started crushing his body slowly signs of the man reaching the gate of the king realm.

While Yun Jhin was struggling to keep himself steadily on the horse the man looked directly at him and said:

"I heard from a little birdie that you have very good stealth technique, you go ahead and scout things up, your job here isn't done at all!"

Yun Jhin frowned as he said slowly to the man:

"There is a formation around the perimeter, I will need time to locate a weak spot."

The man kept steady on his water horse as he put his hand up and showed 5 fingers:

"You have 5 hours."

Yun Jhin nodded his head as he looked at the formation, he didn't need 5 hours, he could crack it in 2, even though the formation master did a great job, it seemed he just broke through the formation master realm and didn't specialize in defensive formations.

Yun Jhin looked around at the sect, the buildings were created from differently colored corals, most of the corals consisted of red and blue but there were some green scattered here and there too, most of the buildings were tall and they spanned across the ocean floor, it seemed that no one stood outside the protective formation as Yun Jhin and the others watched from afar.

Yun Jhin observed the formation for a while and said softly to the captain after 5 hours:

"I have found a weak point and I'm ready to go in, I should be able to find some information quickly depending on the people that I can capture."

Yun Jhin entered through the gap in the formation and found himself inside the sect, he became transparent as he used his stealth technique and he looked around for someone that looked like he was important enough around the sect.

As he kept looking around he finally found a woman that kept her head up as she sneered at the other disciples around her, she was a beauty of the considerable standard but Yun Jhin just narrowed his eyes as he started tailing her, finally after a while she entered her cultivation dwelling and Yun Jhin followed behind.

The woman jumped on her fluffy bed as she sighed and slowly said:

"It's so tough keeping a cold appearance to these disciples, but I must keep it up so I can inspire them to train harder!"

It seemed the Heavenly Turtle sect was a mostly female sect with 60% females and 40% males from what Yun Jhin saw, his form was transparent as he approached her bed from behind and he looked down at her, his hand directly latched on her throat making her unable to let out even a peep, she was at the 1st stage of the ki cultivating stage so there was no way she could do anything to him.

The soul willpower that he kept inside Sun Sisheng's body immediately entered the woman's sea of consciousness and devoured her memories and soul, Yun Jhin nodded to himself as he now knew the sect, he got a free map and information about the sect from the woman's memories and discarded the useless ones.

Yun Jhin left the woman's cultivation dwelling as he patted his stomach and left, he waved his way around the disciples and left the sect where he met outside with the invading elite team.

He took out a map that he created inside the woman's dwelling and gave it to the captain, the captain took the map and looked at it for a few seconds before taking a better look at the sect, even though the sect was as big as the imperial capital, maybe even a little bigger, the map was extremely detailed showing the whole sect.

The captain nodded at Yun Jhin and then said:

"You go in again and we will follow you from behind, it seems we are at the middle sect grounds, we will have to enter deeper to get to the treasury to retrieve the dragon stone."

Yun Jhin abided to the man's instructions and entered ahead, but instead of letting them follow him he disappeared, he then took control of an earthly realm newbie and put her to stay near the hole in the formation, there she immediately shrieked as she saw burly men and a strange-looking old man appear from nowhere.

The captain tsked as he now had the hand of the woman in his hands and said:

"We will have to rush to the treasury immediately, it seems we were unlucky and an earthly realm newbie saw us."

Yun Jhin made it so the woman would appear at the location the moment they entered so it looked just like a coincidence.

The captain looked at Yun Jhin and nodded his head as he said:

"You and the twins make sure you keep us ahead as we go further into the sect, we will need you to supply information and scout, so go forward, your technique should be shared with others right?"

Yun Jhin nodded as he made the twins transparent and made them follow him, he chuckled inside as he looked at the old man following slowly from behind, with the information he got from that 1st stage ki cultivating woman he would make sure they entered into the lion's den, after all, the map he gave them was tampered with.

Yun Jhin made to keep a steady distance between them as he lured them to an inconspicuous looking house, where he became visible as he made some motions with his hands and indicated that this should be the treasury.

The captain looked at the map and then saw that this building was highlighted so he just walked directly to it without any thought that it would be a trap!

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