My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 49: The fisherman looks at them fight

Chapter 49: The fisherman looks at them fight

Yun Jhin looked behind him as he didn't sense that King Realm expert anymore and he sighed while thinking:

"If I was caught I could have been a goner there."

Yun Jhin feared death to the point that it became an obsession, this was why he always made plans and fought secretly, he also had a flair for theatrics, he liked to spew nonsense to muddle his opponent's thoughts and make them easier to kill.

Yun Jhin frowned as he looked behind, he could feel a strong curse trying to approach his body and enter his soul, it seemed the King Realm expert cursed him, he easily deflected the curse and threw it away from his soul, he grasped the curse energy in his hands as he thought where he could send it.

Yun Jhin remembered about that one elder who took some of his poisonous plants and made a mental note of his ki signature, then with the precision of an experienced surgeon he injected a mimicked ki signature into the curse energy and threw it away, he watched it fly away as he chuckled to himself:

"Ok hook bait and switch, let's see who will act first."

The curse energy flew at high speeds as it went by cities, forests, lakes, and finally reached the Zither sect grounds, there it went inside a green colored pavilion and impacted the Grand elder's forehead!

A muffled boom escaped the man's head as he coughed a mouthful of blood and he shrieked:

"A draconic expert, no a giant expert, no both! A curse from both!"

The shout of the man alarmed the voluptuous woman from before, the grand elder was the brother of the sect master and her uncle, she lived with her uncle because her father became 'gravely ill' after he offended a draconic expert.

The woman frowned as she ran towards her uncle, Suo watched as her uncle shook like he had a seizure, blood appeared to pour out of all of his seven apertures, after 20 minutes of shaking he finally stopped as he got up from the ground and said:

"This damn... I'm not sure why he would send a curse to me, I haven't offended anyone from the dragon and giant race!"

He frowned as he felt the curse that took place in his soul, it was tracking his location as well!

The man frowned as he left the pavilion and Suo just stood there with her mouth agape, the situation in the sect was bad enough with their sect master out of the picture but if one of their elders fell as well, things wouldn't be that pretty, after all, they had quite a lot of competition.

The giant woman dragon kowtowed to a makeshift grave, on the grave was printed the picture of the old giant that Yun Jhin killed, she kowtowed three more times before she got up from kneeling position and muttered to herself:

"I swear I will find your killer and avenge you, grandfather!"

She looked down at her hands that were clenched extremely hard, blood dripped down from her palms hitting the ground and the makeshift grave.

The survivors that she saved from the poison stood behind her with their heads down as they sang a song that the giants usually sang during their high ranking funerals.

The woman smiled as she heard the song, atleast, even though she doomed her family and closed ones to live at the border of the forest and be hated by anyone she could still mend things over as long as she became strong enough!

The woman walked away as she looked back one more time to the grave, her eyes narrowed as the curse energy finally hit home and she frowned:

"He made such a long-distance so fast? He must be atleast as strong as me!"

She looked at the survivors and gave them orders:

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"Go back and inform the chieftain that I came back from the upper continent, tell him about my cultivation, and that I will give him a visit in 2 days!"

The man stuttered as he was scared of her:

"Mijil.. you see, we were banished to ever get near the main tribe..."

The giant draconic woman known as Mijil furrowed her brows as she looked in the horizon at the location of the main tribe and said:

"It seems I will have to go and visit sooner, you wait here, I will get some justice for you and my grandfather, first from the tribe and then from his killer and his sect!"

The woman grew wings behind her back as she flew at high speeds further into the forest, after a short while she entered the location of the main tribe, the strongest and the most prideful tribe of giants.

She didn't do anything as her aura made the guards at the front of the village kneel, she easily entered and her aura and presence alerted the whole village, the main village, unlike the weak border one, had many King Realm experts and most of the villagers were at the 9th stage of the ki cultivating realm, however, there was no peak King realm.

The woman walked forward as giants that wore heavy armor on their bodies pointed their spears and swords at her, but she easily deflected them using her wings as a shield and walked forward, until she stopped at the front of a giant pavilion.

The giant pavilion opened and out of it came a giant that was a little taller than her standing at 60 meters or so.

The giant man frowned as he looked at her and said:

"My niece, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

The draconic giant woman laughed as her face scrunched up and said:

"You shouldn't know as you don't care at all about the border tribes, but some of our people were massacred by humans!"

The man frowned as he didn't feel she was lying but he countered:

"How could humans kill even the weakest of our race? You know they fear us and their battle power is nothing to write about."

The woman frowned as she shook her head and said:

"It doesn't matter the presence there felt human and he even dropped his sect identification, I want you to help me take revenge for grandfather's death!"

The man frowned as Mijil threw him a coat of arms that had the sect symbol on it, he shook his head as he threw it back and said:

"Why should I help an exile like yourself?"

The woman gave out a chilling smile as she took something out of the pocket of her inner armor, a token in the form of a draconic head that exuded intense imperial ki buffeted the man's face, the giant's face turned green as he looked at the token and asked:

"You are mixed blood, how could you? Don't tell me you won that tournament?"

Mijil laughed and that was the only response the giant got, his thick brows furrowed as his bald head shined in the sun and he said:

"Ok I will help you, send word for the fighters and hunters of the tribe to come back, we will leave some guards behind to protect the civilians, we don't need too many people, I know this sect, their sect master is bed-ridden and their patriarch is in secluded cultivation, trying to break through and extend his lifespan."

A war camp was immediately created in the village, Mijil and the chieftain talked about the plan and then headed out along with the soldiers and hunters of the tribe...

Yun Jhin stopped in a nearby city as he waited for news, he went to an assassin guild and waited there for a while before a black-garbed woman came forward with a jade slip with information.

Yun Jhin paid her and read the jade slip, his lips turned upwards as he crushed the jade slip into pieces and he muttered:

"Already looking for? Very good."

The jade slip also had the exact location of the Zither sect, even though the map he bought before showed where they were supposed to be it wasn't accurate, after all, he bought it from a street stall and not the assassin guild.

Yun Jhin left the building as he started to fly into the direction of the Zither sect, he flew there at his quickest speed, and then he hid nearby as he waited for the army of the giants to attack the sect!

After one day of waiting a small army of giants could be seen running towards the sect gates, most of them were around the 1st stage of the King realm, and the only different ones were the chieftain and his niece Mijil. He was at the 6th stage and she was at the 4th stage.

Yun Jhin watched as Mijil looked at the sect gates with pure anger in her eyes, a deep red aura engulfed her body as fire spewed out of her draconic head incinerating the gates, a shriek could be heard as the guards that stood near the gates were burned alive turning into dust!

A shriek like alarm started to sound in the whole sect, the voluptuous woman Suo walked outside her pavilion and narrowed her eyes when she saw all of the giants attacking.

Her uncle didn't leave her father's headquarters for a long while already and she wasn't sure what he was doing, she needed to defend along with the Elder of medicine and Elder of martial discipline!

The two elders in question appeared in front of her both bowing as they said:

"Sect lady Suo, what should we do?"

Suo frowned as she looked at the giants and said:

"Formations won't work on them, elemental techniques won't work on the giant woman because of her draconic bloodline, but on the other giants they should be of great use, Elder of martial disciple I want you to handle the woman while I and the elder of medicine will take care of the chieftain of the giants, It seemed the curse that uncle was afflicted with was from that woman."

Suo frowned as she looked at Mijil and said loudly:

"I think there is a misunderstanding between us!"

Mijil looked at Suo and shook her head as she said:

"There is no misunderstanding, a member of your sect massacred my grandfather and relatives! My curse went directly to him as I used the energy he left behind to shoot it at him!"

Suo brows furrowed deeply as she heard what the other woman said, this curse technique couldn't be deflected or neutralized unless the other party had higher knowledge and mastery in curses. But her uncle was meditating in the green pavilion most of the time, she knew that because she did the same and she never felt his aura leaving it unless she told him to!

Suo shouted:

"There must be a misunderstanding! Please wait for my uncle to explain."

Mijil shook her head as she waved her hand and shouted:

"Kill to the last man woman, dog, and pig! LEAVE NONE ALIVE!"

Suo frowned as she and the Elder of medicine started to tangle with Mijil, while the Elder of martial disciple jumped directly to fight with the chieftain, it looked quite funny, as seemingly two ants tried to bite a human.

Yun Jhin observed the fight with calculative eyes, whenever the two parties showed weak spots he would throw around some hidden attacks, he wasn't idle while he waited for the giants to come, he created formations using the ones the Zither sect created. Even though formations wouldn't be useful on the giants, there was still the afterthought of the sect winning, if the sect won they would do so at quite the terrible price.

And when they would celebrate and cry in happiness that everything was over, Yun Jhin would jump in and annihilate them using their own modified formations!

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