My King System

Chapter 121 - Robber

After Yuki had heard the conversation between  Marcell and Elpis which practically confirmed his stay at their house for the upcoming months or years to come, Yuki had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Sleeping on the ground or grass hadn't been allowing him to sleep in peace so having a bed was a nice change of pace for him. He practically slept like a baby. 

In the middle of the night however, Yuki heard the sound of banging. He wasn't really fond of hearing a sound that loud at night. Curious to see what it was, Yuki got out of his bed and began to walk around his room to try to see which direction it was coming from. To his surprise, it was from downstairs. It happened to be exactly where the door to the entrance of the home was. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"A robber? Seriously? What is he trying to steal from here? It's not like there are any valuables which they could steal from here. They can't even steal silver since almost everyone has their silver stored in their "[Extract]" tab. Unless... they planned to force the money out of the people that lived here. That still doesn't make any sense since Marcell is a level 2 player and I doubt many people from here are level 2 or above. they all seem pretty weak," Yuki thought to himself. 

Of course, he was right in assuming that. After the great fire which lit in people's eyes dulled down, only about 1 in 500 people reached level 2. That averaged about 4-5 people per kingdom which transcended their fears and fought to earn the power of the level 2 player. Out of those people, only a few handful would actually continuously progress through the other levels. Of course that being at their own pace. As for the people that chose to remain at level 2 stayed there because of either fear of death or sheer laziness. Either way, all it meant was less competition for Yuki. 

"So if the fact that only a few people should be able to match Marcell in strength within this kingdom stands to be true, why would they pick to rob this house out of the many others they could've picked. Wait... Marcell mentioned how he was usually away from home for long periods of time due to clean up duty. That would mean that if someone had been scouting this house for a potential robbery would've only seen Elpis with her daughter. As such, they were the perfect target. How unlucky," Yuki said as he chuckled. 

"What should I do then? Should I leave this for Marcell to handle or do it myself. What to do.. what to do," Yuki thought to himself. 

As Yuki continued to debate the choices he had, the robbers had already managed to unlock the door to the house and were slowly walking towards what they thought would be Elpis' room. However they would accidentally go inside Marcell's daughter's room instead. As they turned on the lights to the room, they were greeted by a large nursery which was all. designated for the small toddler. Due to them turning on the lights, the toddler had woken up and began to cry. 

Hearing this, Elpis woke up and began to walk towards her daughter's room. However, right as she exited her room, she was greeted by the robbers. They quickly covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream for help. Although that didn't stop Elpis from kicking the floor to make as much noise as possible. This of course had woken up Marcell who went to rush to the aid of his wife however he was greeted by the 3 robbers. All of them were in complete thief gear which included a completely black outfit and mask. The one on the right held the baby at gunpoint and the one to the left had Elpis at gunpoint as well. The last one had his gun pointed at Marcell. 

"Thank goodness we bought a 3rd guy with us. This worked out perfectly," said the one which was holding on to the toddler. 

Seeing this, Marcell put his hands in the air as he surrendered. He would give them anything as long as they returned his daughter and wife back to him. As this went on, Yuki was still debating his choices and couldn't hear anything as he lost himself in thought. However, Yuki would be notified of the situation through the crying of Marcell's daughter. 

"Please stay there Jack. Don't come down here or they'll take what little money you have left," Marcell prayed. 

Unluckily or luckily for him, his prayers would not come true. Yuki had opened the door to the attic to see what was happening. Caught off guard by this, all 3 of the robbers pointed their guns at Yuki. Seeing that as an opportunity, Marcell quickly ran towards the one which had his daughter at gunpoint and prepared to strike him down while he was distracted. However, before he could do that, the robber in the middle shot Marcell in the leg. 

"You really thought you could get out of this without paying anything for it? You're dead wrong. First I'll kill your precious child and then make you give us all your money for us to let go of your wife," said the one on the right as he gave an evil grin. 

While most would've used those words as a threat, the robber on the left wasn't joking. Yuki could see everything in slow motion. Yuki watched as the robber slowly pushed on the trigger while Marcell's eyes began to tear up. 

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

Within those few moments, Yuki's eyes opened wide as he pushed himself from the attic floor on the robber which had held the toddler. In doing this at such speeds made it seem as if Yuki was lightning itself. With his palm covered in hot flames, Yuki held on to the robber's face with all his might as he couldn't stop himself from almost crushing his skull. 

Yuki now had Marcell's daughter in his left hand and was holding down the robber with his right as he placed his knee on the robber's chest to stop his movements. 

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