My King System

Chapter 126 - Enemies

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Yuki continued to test out his new abilities with "Fallen angel of hell", word about his battle with the combined forces of the 3 kingdoms had begun to spread. Mr. Y-the leader of the crime syndicate which Yuki had come across a while back had sent a group of mercenaries to defeat Yuki. Those people were Tanya and her comrades; however, he would soon learn of their death, along with the deaths of everyone else who went to battle against Yuki. 

Mr. Y had sent the guide which accompanied them to the location back to where he had dropped them off to see what was happening since they hadn't returned within 48 hours of them arriving at the gateway which Yuki was supposed to exit out of. As such, Mr. Y was understandably concerned. 

When the guide which Mr. Y selected to go scout the area had arrived at the scene, he couldn't help but fall to his knees in fear and disgust. The piles upon piles of dead bodies which laid on the ground was a horrible sight to behold. All that was left of their bodies were their bones as they had been burned to a crisp by Yuki's ability. While it was One who technically did the deed, Yuki would still be held accountable for the action. 

The guide which was selected quickly ran away from the sight as he could help himself from trembling in fear. Only a demon was capable of committing such horrid actions. So many people had been instantly wiped out by a single person. Yuki was a living bomb. The second someone ticked him off, he would go off and be the cause of many deaths. As the guide continued to make a run for it from the battle field in fear that Yuki was still there, many other scouts from the 3 kingdoms also arrived at the scene to observe what happened.

Those who came to visit their family members couldn't even mourn the deaths of their loved ones as they couldn't tell apart one skeleton from another. Yuki's move was truly hell. It inflicted pain upon those who experienced it and even worse pain upon those who cared for the victims of that move. As the many cries echoed throughout the land, not a single person could give the least bit of reassurance to those who were grieving the deaths of their loved ones because it was clear that nobody could bring Yuki to justice as he was too strong for even an army to take on. 

All that anyone could do was cry about the situation and move on with their new lives. However, that was not possible. If it wasn't for their tyrannical rulers who forced their loved ones to attend the battle, they wouldn't have to grieve. It wasn't fair for bystanders to be punished for something they didn't do. As such was the injustice of the world. No matter who you were or what you did. If someone in power wanted you to do something, you can either do it on your own free will or they will force you to do it through any means necessary. However, the tyrannical government couldn't be blamed since they were already dead. As such, the people needed to make a compromise. If they couldn't blame the party which directly caused the death of their loved ones, they had one option left. That option was to blame the one who started all of it. The reason the people they cared for were sent into the battle was to take down Yuki. As such, since he was the only one remaining, he would have to bear the blame.

"We'll take down our common enemy. We'll bring Yuki to justice and avenge our loved ones!" 

The people of the 3 kingdoms had solidified their message and engraved it into their hearts as they prepared to do anything that they could to bring down Yuki. However, they weren't stupid. They'd seen what Yuki was capable of. Gathering the people which remained from the 3 kingdoms and sending them into another battle would just be arrogant and a suicide mission which would surely fail. Instead, they split up to inform as many other kingdoms of the news as possible. This strategy wasn't created to create a small army one again. It was to ruin the reputation of Yuki. As such, Yuki would have an endless life of having people chase him around. The people who spread the news assumed that Yuki sought to become the first level 100 player due to him being in a dungeon for the majority of the time. If that were to be true, it would slow his progression rate down and allow anyone other than him to attain that goal. Once there was someone who was stronger than him, the responsibility of taking down that demon would fall onto them. 

It was a risky plan in case the person who would become the first level 100 player were to be evil, however the likelihood of that was miniscule. On the contrary, if there was someone who could just simply become stronger than Yuki without reaching level 100 such as a situation where Yuki was a level 35 and his opponent was a level 40, they would still be able to get their revenge. In most scenarios, they would succeed in their plan to bring down the evil demon Yuki. 

The perception of Yuki throughout the lands would eventually become vastly different. With the kingdom which he currently resided in thinking that he was a saint and the ones he had left thinking he was the devil incarnate. Although Yuki had "changed" for the better, he still needed to pay the consequences for his previous actions. 

Of course, Yuki hadn't changed. Yuki only planned on staying with Marcell and the others for a little. Yuki was still going to go back to his "evil" ways as others thought of his actions that way. On the other hand, Yuki only thought of the people he killed as sacrifices to bring world peace. What was a few thousand people dead to billions of other lives which would get to live in a world where corruption wouldn't exist?

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