My King System

Chapter 130 - Leave

"Wait what? What do you mean?" Yuki asked. 

"Well, you remember Tanya, Lou, Rina, and Simeon right?" Zero asked.

"Who's that?" Yuki replied. 

"... the swordswoman, speedbooster, debuffer and healer from the first group which attacked you.. does that ring a bell?" said Zero.

"Oooh, those guys. What about them?" Yuki asked. 

"Well, they were hired by the higher ups of the human trafficking group which you got in the way of a while back with the first Meurig. Now that the mercenaries they hired were defeated along with most of the male population, the higher ups of that gang of sorts are going to kidnap as many people as they can and then sell them off," Zero explained. 

"Were they planning for this the entire time and I just fell into their hands?" Yuki asked. 

"Luckily no, it was just a coincidence. However, it doesn't change the fact that hundreds of lives are in danger here," Zero explained. 

"Did they already start kidnapping people?" Yuki asked. 

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"Not yet, that's why I came to tell. It'll get harder to stop them once they begin," Zero replied. 

"That's great. Come back to me once they've started. Once they start their plan and get a good way in, I'll step in and become a hero for the kingdoms in turn making myself more likeable. This is more than just saving a couple lives. If I were to barge in before the gang attacked, I would be attacked by both the kingdom's civilians along with the gang since the people don't know what's about to happen to them. Damage needs to be done so I can swoop in and save the day," Yuki explained. 

"As you wish master," said Zero before becoming quiet. 

  Now that Zero was gone, Yuki smiled as he couldn't wait to enter battle once again. He had become addicted to the sensation of completely overpowering his opponents to the point where he barely had to do anything for them to fear for their lives. Once again, he would manage to engulf others in fear and desperation as he would make them beg for their lives. 

"Let's see... even if I do go there, it would be best not to kill them. Just in case I don't get along with the people that well, it would be good to allow the gang to attack once more so I can come in and save the day one more time. If I keep rinsing and repeating the process, I should be able to get all of them on my side," Yuki said to himself. 

"Wait, what about Marcell? I could change my ability to be a cloning one once again and leave that here while I go back to the kingdom. That would still be too inefficient. I need to make sure that the people can see my flames. They have to know I'm the one rescuing them, other than that, there's no other way for me to become well known as the hero," Yuki thought to himself. 

"That only leaves me with one option. I'll have to tell Marcell and Elpis that I'll be leaving for a bit. They're gonna get worried but it's only temporary. Plus, the longest I'll be gone is for a day or two. I seriously hope they don't ask me a lot of questions," Yuki said to himself before falling asleep. 

The next morning, Yuki woke up energized and ready to take on the day. However, he knew that the sooner he told Marcell and Elpis about him having to go away for a little bit, the better. As such, Yuki went down stairs expecting to greet Elpis and Marcell and inform them. 

Once he went down the ladder, he couldn't hear anything so he decided to brush his teeth and get ready for the day anyway. Once outside the bathroom, Yuki was greeted by Elpis who had been awaiting him so she could give him his clothes which were washed for the day. 

"Did you have a good night's rest?" Elpis asked. 

"Yes I did, what about you-," Yuki stopped himself. 

"I need to speak to you and Marcell about something. It's urgent," said Yuki with a serious face. 

Elpis was caught off guard since he had been smiling like a joyful kid a second ago. The sudden change in expression and tone made Elpis think the worse. However, she managed to keep her composure and went down stairs with Yuki. Their daughter was still sleeping so she wasn't present to hear the conversation. 

"So what was it that you wanted to talk to us about?" Elpis asked. 

"I would like to start off by saying how grateful I am for all that you've done for me. You've gone above and beyond to make me feel welcomed into your home. However, I will have to leave for about a day or two. Something came up and I can't delay it either. I need to be present to witness it," Yuki explained. 

"I get that you're not comfortable with telling us a lot about who you actually are but still, we'd get worried anyway. Is there any way that we could accompany you to wherever you're going?" Elpis said. 

"Not really, it's too dangerous for both of you to come," Yuki replied. 

"Dangerous? How are we supposed to know that you'll be back safely if you're saying that it's dangerous?" Elpis asked. 

"Just trust me, I'll come back safely. That should be the last thing you should worry about. I know I look like just a kid but I've managed to level up quite a lot of times. I'll be able to overcome anything that gets in my way," Yuki reassured them. 

"Well when are you leaving? We can at least do a couple of things together as a family just in case you don't return," Elpis recommended. 

Seeing as she was in distress, Yuki lightly grabbed her shoulder. 

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me," said Yuki as he tried to reassure Elpis. 

"... And you Marcell, sorry I can't help you with the shop for a day or two. Just leave the dishes in the kitchen and I'll take care of it when I'm back," said Yuki. 

"But wait, you haven't told us when you have to leave," said Marcell. 

Just then Zero spoke to Yuki. 

"They're there," said Zero. 

"Umm... right now," Yuki replied to Marcell. 

"Great, teleport me to any of the kingdoms," Yuki told Zero. 

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