My King System

Chapter 133 - Disappointment

Once he said those words, Yuki deactivated the cylindrical pillar which he had created using his ability to corner I(1). Hearing the words Yuki had said broke 1 as he had nowhere to go. If he didn't succeed in his mission, he would get killed by Mr. Y. However, if he did try to complete the mission, Yuki would kill him. Either way, he would die. 

"I'm not going to give up. I can't. I would rather die trying to live than to die with my will shattered," 1 said under his breath before signalling to II(2) and III(3) that it was time to give it their all. They would need to fight as if their lives were on the line because in reality, they were. Failing to defeat Yuki would mean death. 

"Activate ability: Bullet Barrage" - I

"Activate ability: Sword Dance" - II

"Activate ability: Second Slash" - III

1 once again used his ability which made bullets appear out of nowhere and surrounded Yuki in all directions before firing directly at him. However, 1 had learned his lesson from the last time. It would take much more than one round of bullets to take Yuki down. 1 raised his hand forward and pointed it towards Yuki and began to grip at air while seeming to struggle. In doing this, many more bullets appeared out of nowhere and continuously fired at Yuki, not allowing him a chance to retaliate. 

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2 on the other hand began to appear and disappear from Yuki's sight. However, once he reappeared, he was in a different location as to where he was before he disappeared. It looked as if he was teleporting. Right as Yuki blinked from being constantly bombarded by bullets, 2 would swoop in and slash Yuki with his dagger. Although he caused minimal damage, 2 continued to repeat this process as he hoped to eventually wear out Yuki. 

Lastly, 3 activated his ability which allowed him to slash the air and a moment later, a cut with the same force which he had used to cut the air would cut Yuki. It was a delayed ability which allowed him to attack his opponent from anywhere as long as they stayed in the same place for long enough. Just like his 2 comrades, he continued reusing his ability as many times as he could in hopes of bringing down Yuki. 

After some time of this continuous barrage from 3 people went on, Yuki began to get bored. He had been expecting much more from the group of people who were supposed to be the vice captains of a large gang. Even with them having so many chances to take Yuki down, they still failed. Anything they threw at him barely caused a scratch. 

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

Using his ability, Yuki melted any and all bullets which were directed at him by 1. Even though Yuki had rendered 1 useless, the other two still remained and they didn't stop attacking. As such, Yuki spread his flames in a larger area so that 2 wouldn't get a chance to attack him either. Now that 2 of them couldn't do anything but watch, all the responsibility of taking down Yuki fell onto 3. Even so, Yuki wouldn't allow him to strike him any longer either. Using his ability, Yuki extended the flames which he had surrounded him onto the dagger which 3 carried, in turn melting it. 

"Now what? Was that it? Don't you guys have a secret weapon which you've prepared just in case something were to go wrong?" Yuki asked as he mocked the three of them. 

"If that's all, it's best that you leave. Let everyone you kidnapped go free as well," said Yuki.

"Please won't you reconsider? If we go now, we'll die," said 2. 

"It's not my fault that you decided to work in that shady business. All you have to blame is none other than yourself," replied Yuki. 

"But-" as 3 spoke, Yuki grew too irritated and interrupted him. 

"Maybe I gave you the wrong impression. I'm not here to negotiate. When I tell you something, you listen," said Yuki as he used his flames to propel himself and help himself flout in the air. 

With his finger pointed at the sky just as he had done so many previous times, Yuki created a large fireball in the air. This one, much larger than the one he created in the battle field due to him leveling up so many times. 

"Heaven's Sun"

Yuki was planning to use one of his signature attacks if they didn't leave. As such, each of the numbers called off their lackeys and let go of all the civilians. They didn't even bother taking a single one with them in fear that Yuki would come after them and actually use "Heaven's Sun" on them. 

Once they had left the kingdom with their empty caravans, the three squadron leaders began to speak amongst themselves. 

"What are we going to tell the boss now? He's gonna kill us for sure," said 3. 

"I just remembered. I should've offered him to join us. That was what the boss would've wanted," said 1. 

"What do you mean? You can't mean... was he Yuki?" 2 replied. 

"Of course he was, how could you not tell? He would be the only fire user in the region who would be capable of demonstrating such power," said 1. 

"Well why didn't you recruit him? If the boss found out about that as well, we'll get double the punishment," said 2. 

"It's not my fault only. Both of you could've reminded me. I guess we were just caught up in the moment. I mean who could blame us. How could anyone possibly think straight when placed in a fight against that demon?" said 1. 

"We'll just have to hope that the boss doesn't find out about this," said 3. 

On the other hand, as everyone rejoiced that they were free from the kidnappers, Yuki called upon Zero and teleported towards the next kingdom. That was the best thing he could've done. Not because he wanted to be some flashy hero, but because letting the people decide what to do with themselves after being saved by the person they hate the most was the best way for them to start changing their perception of Yuki. If he had remained there, they would've impulsively gotten angry at Yuki. 

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