My King System

Chapter 138 - V

"Hey, Chares wait for me here. This might take too long so I'll just fly up and look for the remaining squadron leader," said Yuki as he laid Chares beside a house once again before suing his ability to go high in the air in search of V(5).

While Yuki was busy looking for V(5), Chares was confronted by one of his previous allies. Another one of the henchmen who he had worked with. The person he once called comrade looked down at Chares as he stared at the pathetic human who had joined the side of the enemy. Disgusted at Chares, the henchman kicked Chares in the face, causing him to fall over from the way he was sitting. 

"Why did you do it? Why did you help that monster find one of our leaders? Tell me Chares!" the henchman demanded. 

"I didn't lead him here. We just continued to walked until we found VI(6). I didn't do anything to help him. He would've came here whether I joined him or now," Chares replied. 

"Is that how it is? You would leave us for him because it's the safer option right? So does that mean you would also betray and abandon him once someone stronger came to you? You know nothing about the bond we built, you were just a spectator all along. You never cared about what any of us went through, all the days we shared were just an act for you, weren't they?" the henchman began to get emotional. 

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"That's exactly right. I'll always place my life over anyone else. I don't care what your views on me are. I have a better chance of surviving with him than if I were to stay with you. You've heard what he's capable of, if he wanted, he could probably wipe out the entire organization in a single shot just as he had done so to the army which had gone to confront him," replied Chares. 

Hearing this made the henchman laugh. Not because what Chares was stupid, but because he was right and he couldn't admit it. He didn't understand why the world was the way it was. He couldn't understand why it chose to tear apart friendships like it was nothing. If only he was stronger. Then maybe, they wouldn't have to fear Yuki. 

"That's your choice, but don't blame me for what's about to happen next. Let's see if Yuki will protect you now that he's gone for a bit," said the henchman as he sat on Chares' chest and began to endlessly beat the already exhausted Chares. 

Elsewhere, Yuki had managed to locate the final squadron leader from the kingdom of Lyanna. Just as Yuki expected, the man was wearing a black suit exactly like his other squadron leader friends. On their suit coat was engraved the roman number V(5) which confirmed that he was the person who was searching for. Now that Yuki knew that he had found the one he was looking for, Yuki flew back down to the ground to face his enemy. 

Yuki landed just a few metres away from V(5) just to make sure that he wouldn't get ambushed or sneak attacked. 

"Hello there. I'm just looking for a quick sparring match. Don't worry I don't have the intent to kill so you don't have to get worried," said Yuki as he began to walk towards V(5).

"That doesn't sound fun at all. I've always wanted to see what all the fuss about you was and now I have the chance to see for myself. Let's make this interesting and make it a death match," V(5) replied. 

"Oh, he's different. A bit overconfident but it would help perform his best if I continuously break his will slowly until he reaches his limit. Although, letting One switch with me and make him beg for life with my sheer presence would be funnier. However, I'll just opt for the first option since it'll last longer," Yuki thought to himself. 

"Sure, that's fine by me, but, just know that I won't be holding back on you," lied Yuki. 

"Activate ability: Muscle Enhance"

Just as V(5) activated his ability, he began to grow in size and every part of his body became extremely muscular. He had gone from a slim average guy to someone who broke bodybuilding records as a hobby. 

"So what do you think?" V(5) asked Yuki with his voice being deeper than the one before he used his ability. 

Although he had been asked a question, Yuki didn't answer or care in the least. Instead, Yuki took one step forward and before his foot could touch the group once again, he disappeared from V(5)'s line of sight and appeared behind him. 

"You're completely open to an attack," whispered Yuki which caused V(5)'s to get scared for a bit but that quickly changed to anger as he turned around and swung his arm behind him in hopes of landing a direct hit on Yuki. 

However, before he could do that, Yuki went back to the exact position he was at before he had seemingly teleported behind V(5). Once again, Yuki took a step forward and just like last time, before his foot could touch the ground, Yuki seemingly teleported. Unlike the previous time, Yuki teleported to V(5)'s side. 

"Too slow," said Yuki as he karate chopped at V(5)'s arm.

This time, Yuki didn't wait for V(5) to get angry to teleport back. Once Yuki had finished his attack, he went back to where he was before he teleported however, this time he was one step ahead.

Yuki continued doing this technique until he had reached V(5). With each strike, Yuki left a permanent bruise on V(5). No matter how angry he tried to get, V(5) couldn't land a single blow on Yuki. By the time Yuki had reached V(5) from his teleporting back and was taking a step forward each time, V(5) was on his knees. 

"Did I push him too far? Well, at least I got him to kneel to me without using One so that's a win," Yuki said to himself as he placed his finger in a flicking position on V(5)'s forehead. 

"Your ability has a lot of flaws. I was able to take you down with an improvised version of your own comrade-II's ability. To add on to that, you're arrogant. You have a lot of things to work on," said Yuki before flicking V(5)'s forehead, in turn making his head forcibly hit the ground. 

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