My King System

Chapter 147 - The Past Can't Be Erased

Using his ability, Jing forced his inchanced clone to launch him high in the air to the point where he would land on the kingdom walls. While the landing hurt like hell, Jing still moved on as if nothing had happened. 

"Now the only problem is to get down from here. Luckily for me, I planned for this," said Jing as he pulled out a robe and large pin which were both strapped to his pants. Jing placed the large pin on the ground before deactivating his ability then shortly reactivating it. Using his ability, Jing made his strength inchanced clone stomp on the pin until it was tightly engraved in the wall. Once he had made sure of this, Jing tied the rope around the pin before slowly climbing down the wall-making sure that he made as little sound as possible. 

"Just you wait Scar, I'll make sure you pay for making me your dog up until now," said Jing as he landed on the ground of the outside world. Without a moment of hesitation, Jing sprinted in a random direction in hopes that he would eventually find a dungeon gate. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


As for Yuki in his own faraway kingdom, he spent a lot of time with his new family. Each and everyday didn't go without him having a smile on his face. He couldn't help but be happy. Yuki had finally achieved the life he had always wanted. At some point in his time with Marcell and Elpis along with their child, Yuki had completely forgotten his quest to become the first level 100 player. He stopped caring about ruling the world as its absolute king. None of that mattered to him anymore. All he cared about was to live a happy life with his family. However, Yuki wouldn't achieve happiness. It was never meant for him. 

[1 Year Later]

As time passed on, Yuki's hair eventually grew too long, however Yuki refused to cut it. For some odd reason, he enjoyed having long hair which stretched to his shoulders. It didn't get in the way of his work so Marcell and Elpis didn't mind. Most days, Yuki stayed in the back of the kitchen and he played with his ability by creating a variety of fire constructed objects. To him, it didn't matter what it was, as long as he could manage to distract himself for a while. 

The 16 year old teeneger was much calmer about how he handled situations. He didn't instantly opt for the option of murder and torment when he met someone which got in his way. Instead, Yuki would try to come to a compromise with others to deal with the situation by causing as little damage as possible. Even when pushed to the edge, Yuki managed to control his anger for the sake of his family's honour. 

Yuki had truly changed within just a year. It was as if he was a completely new and different person. He managed to get along with others and actually had friends in the kingdom which he played with on weekends since the diner was closed. This was one of Yuki's largest accomplishments yet. He had learned to be human once again. Unfortunately for him however, Yuki would still be haunted by the way he chose to act before he met Marcell. 

  Once Marcell along with Yuki closed shop, they headed back towards their home just like they had done so for so long. They talked as they walked through the kingdom in the evening sky. Yuki as well as his father figure continued to laugh and smile until they reached the house. Due to the year that had passed, Yuki had grown in height which caused him to be around Marcell's height. This also meant that he was taller than Elpis. 

Just as she had done so for so many days, Elpis opened the door when Marcell knocked. However, instead of greeting them with a smile as she did on the regular, she quickly grabbed both Marcell and Yuki by the arm and quickly dragged them inside before locking the door. 

"What's the matter?" Marcell asked as if Elpis was playing a prank on them. 

"Shush. Let's go to the dining room then we can talk," said Elpis as she dragged them both to the dining room which barely allowed them to take off their shoes. 

Once they arrived in the dining room, Elpis looked to have a genuine look of worry and distress on her face. She looked as if she would break down and crack if someone even slightly touched her. 

"You're happy expression means that you probably haven't heard yet," said Elpis.

"Head what?" Marcell asked with a confused expression. 

"Well, a couple people in full knight gear showed up in the kingdom today. They went from door to door as they asked if people had seen or heard of a person by the name of Yuki Kaito," Elpis said. 

Just as he heard those words, Yuki heart sank. Everything seemed to slow around him before his heart began to beat at an extremely fast rate. He had completely forgotten what he had done previously. Yuki didn't even remember that his name was Yuki Kaito due to him being addressed as Yuki Kaito. That wasn't even his biggest problem. Due to him not being in dungeons constantly, Yuki was lost in the race to become the first level 100 player. Even those who didn't have that as their goal would've surpassed him in levels by now. 

"How could I forget about that? It was so important to me and now I've managed to get trapped. They'll soon find me and kill me for my actions. This isn't like how it used to be a year ago. I actually had the power to beat people no matter their numbers. Now, all it would take is one or two people to kill me. Of course they would have to be a relatively high ranking individual however they aren't as rare as they used to be. For all I know, there is someone who's at level 40 or even 50 by now. How can I escape this? Even my new family would give me up to the authorities when they find out about my actions," Yuki thought to himself as he began to sink in his own thoughts. 

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