My King System

Chapter 151 - Travel

"Well, I don't know what to say then. It works out for both sides so I'm not complaining," Yuki replied to his investigator. 

"On our final note, the kingdom that you will be transported into will be guarded at all times and no one is allowed to enter or leave. You will have to wear an invisible ring around your neck which seals all your power and makes you a level 1 player while you're wearing it. I believe that is all we have to speak of today," the investigator finished. 

"Wait, when will I be transported to said kingdom?" Yuki asked. 

"Most likely tomorrow. The sooner the better. You are still considered a threat, as such, we don't have time to test your real hidden strength," the investigator replied. 

"I understand. Thank you for explaining," Yuki replied as he watched as the investigator along with his guards exited the jail cell once again. 

"The part about me having to wear a chain or ring which caps my strength at level 1 could be problematic. However, there probably is a loophole around it. Even if there isn't, I can just ask Zero to remove it for me. On a good note though, I at least get to go to a new kingdom. Wait... he said that the crime rate was high in it. If I'm just a level 1 there, I have no chance of survival. I guess that was their real plan. They wanted me to get angry at the kingdom and not them under the unlikely event that I managed to escape. What right do they have to judge me when they're trying to set others up to receive punishment which should be placed on them?" Yuki thought to himself as he began to understand how the plan both worked for him and his jail keepers. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While in the jail keeper's perspective, Yuki wouldn't have gotten any benefits in the plan and only they would end up receiving the benefits. They were completely wrong. Yuki already had a plan of his own which he would use to escape the kingdom he would be placed into. He never planned to stay put seeing as how he didn't have a family to go back to anymore. The only thing that wouldn't betray him was the dungeons. Even though it was painful and exhausting to clear all those stages on his own, Yuki could at least know that when he was done with the dungeon, he would be able to come out stronger than ever. 

Once the investigator along with his guards' footsteps couldn't be heard, Yuki once again laid down on his bed as he tried to just relax and go back to sleep until the next day. There wasn't much for Yuki to do other than eat and sleep. He didn't want to seem like a rebellious inmate so he even stopped himself from playing with his ability by creating objects which were constructed of flames. 

After rolling around in his small jail cell bed for what seemed like hours, Yuki finally managed to put himself back to sleep. Yuki of course didn't mind that he slept for no reason. While some people were efficient with their time since it was limited, Yuki didn't have that ideology. The only time he would rush himself was in dungeons because he needed to gain as many levels as possible. However, due to the situation he was in, Yuki didn't bother stressing as it was a waste of energy. It was much easier for Yuki to just go to sleep and forget about everything that was happening. 

The next morning, Yuki was greeted by the sound of knocking on his jail cell. Unlike the previous two times, Yuki was sleeping when his guests arrived. Hearing the knocking shocked Yuki and he instantly got up as if he was awake the entire time. As he looked at the people who were in front of him, Yuki noticed that there were a lot more people than before. All of them looked serious but other than that, they didn't have anything in common. Some were tall, some were short, some skinny and others chubby. However, none of that mattered as they were all put up against Yuki. 

"We meet once again," said the investigator as he walked up in front of everyone to sit on the stool which he sat on when he wanted to talk to Yuki. 

"If you remember from yesterday, I told you that you will be taken to your new kingdom today. However, before we can do that, we need to have you wear this sort of necklace," said the investigator as one of the many people who had come along to Yuki's cell brought out a large thick circular necklace. 

"All you have to do is put it on for safety measures and you'll be on your merry way to your new kingdom," said the investigator. 

"So do I just put it around my neck? Isn't it too big?" Yuki asked. 

"It is made by someone's ability so it has magical properties. Just try it on," the investigator replied. 

"Whatever you say I guess," said Yuki as he took the necklace off the hands of one of the henchmen which was holding on to it before placing it around his neck. 

"Nothing is happening. Are you sure this thing is working?" Yuki asked. 

"Great. Now, all that's left for you is to say 'I accept'," the investigator replied. 

  "I accept?" Yuki replied as he was still confused as to how the necklace truly worked. However, right as he said those words, the necklace instantly shrunk to fit the size of his neck perfectly. However, due to that, it was a bit tight around his neck. Of course, Yuki didn't complain about it since it would come off very soon. If you were to complain about the size of it, he would either be told to shut up or they would spend at least a whole day constructing a new necklace for him. That would just be boring and a waste of time since he had the opportunity to go outside and run back to the dungeons now.

"That's great. You see how it perfectly fits. Now, just put on this on your eyes," the investigator said as he walked up in front of Yuki, and wrapped a blindfold on his eyes without giving Yuki a chance to answer 

"I guess this is really happening. I won't ask any questions. My job is to listen and follow instructions," Yuki said to himself as he abided. 

Once the investigator finished covering Yuki's eyes, he placed hand cuffs on Yuki's hands and began to pull him in the direction which the cell door was in. While it was hard for Yuki to follow at first, he began to eventually trust the process. He didn't stop walking for what seemed like hours, always asking himself how much longer it would take for him to finally reach their destination. At some point, Yuki assumed that they would walk on foot from wherever they were to the kingdom which Yuki would live in for the rest of his life. 

That hypothesis would be proven wrong as after walking for so long, Yuki was forced to climb up something before being forced to sit down on what felt like hardwood. Not long after, it felt like he was in a moving vehicle. 

"A caravan? It probably is. That would be the only moving vehicle which fits the description of what I felt. I'm just glad I don't have to walk all the way to a new kingdom. Especially since I'm blind folded," Yuki thought to himself. 

The ride went on for quite a long time. However, Yuki didn't mind at all since all he had to do was sit down and wait. Yuki could feel the presence of a couple people around him. Although their immense power could be felt, it didn't insite fear into Yuki as they had hoped. Instead, all Yuki thought of was how funny the situation was. Of course, he didn't laugh at their faces since that would be rude and knowing the strength difference between him and the others, Yuki would probably end up dying. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing for Yuki either since he would get the last laugh by asking Zero to give him back his powers and bring hell to the entire planet without the slightest bit of effort. 


"We're here," someone in the front of the caravan said. 

After waiting for so long, Yuki could finally go inside the kingdom which had been set up for him and relax properly for once. Just thinking about it made Yuki's heart excited. By that point, Yuki had almost completely forgotten about Marcell and Elpis along with the rest of the kingdom's citizens which he had gotten along with. At that moment, the only thing on Yuki's mind was his new life. He had gotten over people and experiences previously but none as fast as this one. It was as if Yuki didn't care about all those people even though they had treated him so well for the past whole year. 

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