My King System

Chapter 157 - Home

Even though Yuki was confused as to where the guardians of the kids which were guiding him were, he didn't ask any questions as he didn't want to bother. Whatever answer they gave him, it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't be able to change it and wouldn't call on Zero to change it either. Whether he knew the fate of the parents/guardians of those kids or not, it didn't matter to him in the least. Whatever event took place had already happened and the past was irreversible. At the end of the day, all that remained were those kids and what they chose to do with their lives. As such, Yuki wouldn't interfere with them once he received what he had wanted. 

After walking for some time, Yuki noticed that the group of kids which were leading him to his desired destination came to a stop. In front of them was a large house which looked dark and dirty. Yuki instantly assumed it to be the house which he would live in from now on. Even though his hypothesis was correct, there was one perplexing thing about it. Yuki couldn't believe that a year alone could break a house down like that. 

"Is this it?" Yuki asked, half expecting the group to say no and take him to a cleaner place. 

"This is it. Your new lovely home which you will live in for the rest of your life," another one of the group replied to Yuki. 

Although Yuki had hoped that he wouldn't have to be guided to a better place to stay, his luck wasn't that good. He would have to accept his fate in his dumpy house. However, it wasn't as bad as he thought of it at first. It wasn't like he couldn't get his monster summoned to clean the house for him when no one was looking. On top of that, he didn't necessarily need to stay at the house at all. All he needed to do was get inside and teleport to the dungeon at night and come back in the morning then leave the house unattended. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, this plan also had a down side. With him being at the dungeons at night and in the kingdom in the morning, he would get little to no sleep. There was an easy fix for him though. If there was a potion shop in the kingdom, which if it was a normal kingdom, there would be one. Yuki could just take a trip to the potion store and buy a potion which made him not need sleep. It was just a hypothesis but if the potion store really did have something like that, it would be a relief for Yuki. 

"Thanks for showing me here. You can leave now since I've already made my payment," Yuki said to the group. 

Hearing those words, they left without replying to Yuki as they were eager to spend the money they had earned from basically scamming Yuki. Although in truth, Yuki didn't care all that much about spending that kind of money. He had earned a lot from just dungeon hunting along with the money from killing so many people. As long as Yuki did benifit in some way, he didn't mind spending money which he thought to be dirt and others thought of as gold. 

"Wait.. I wonder where they are headed off to. I should probably follow them. No, I can't. If I were to do that, they would instantly notice me since I'm basically an average human once again. My speed and hiding skills have basically reset. I'll have to resort to using one of my summons. Although I would've liked to create a new summon from the 2nd dungeon, it's too risky since my stamina is so low now. There's a high chance that a summon from the 2nd dungeon could kill me. Good thing I summoned someone from the 1st dungeon which might be useful," Yuki said to himself as he opened his inventory. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "King's Crown" for the first time in a while. He had completely forgotten about it along with his other treasured blades. While most would've killed to possess "King's Crown", "Fallen angel of hell", and Yuki's other 2 treasured blades, Yuki had gotten caught up in his peaceful life and didn't make use of the few items which made him superior to others. 

"Serve your king," said Yuki as he summoned the king from the 8th stage from the 1st dungeon. There was a very specific reason for doing this. Out of all the summons Yuki had, this one was the one with the most versatile set of skills which Yuki could take advantage of. Although once properly leveled up, the lich would be much more useful since he would have access to the spells which had been sealed away, right now, he was useless. 

Once summoned, the king from the 8th stage of the 1st dungeon kneeled before Yuki who acted as his king. Seeing this, Yuki quickly made him get up so as not to raise suspicion. 

"What's the matter my king? I do not mean to insult you in any way shape or form however, you seem a lot weaker than I remember," said the summon. 

"It's alright. This is only temporary. Right now though, I need your help. I need you to divide your power and create a lot of small flies which can go around the kingdom and gather data on the group of kids which were with me just a moment ago. You should also know what they look like due to the power of the crown. 

"I understand," said the king as he headed inside the house which would be Yuki's new house. As such, Yuki followed behind him and made sure to close the door behind them. 

Once inside, the king managed to disassemble Ourbanos which was his ultimate creation and turned him into many smaller flies which he directed to go outside and follow the group of people which had led Yuki to his new home. The reasoning for this was that Yuki assumed that they were in some way related to a gang of sorts. It was only natural as they didn't have parents and didn't look to also have jobs. While these facts stood to be true, they didn't seem to be trouble in any way. As such, their income would only originate from one place. 

Money which was earned from dishonest deeds didn't have a working schedule. Those who wanted to earn a living from being a part of that type of business needed to be ready at any time to make maximum profit. This also meant they didn't have to work a majority of the time. They just needed to be aware of the risks which they were putting themselves into. 

"Okay. I've sent the flies out but I need to be present within this world to make sure they're active. Is that okay with you my liege?" the summon asked Yuki. 

"Ya ya. I don't really mind," Yuki replied as if he was zoned out and thinking about something completely different. 

"Sounds great. Would you like me to clean this place up until the information you're seeking has been gathered? This place is filthy," said the summon. 

"Huh.. oh ya sure. That would be great," said Yuki as he came back to reality. 

Hearing that, the king began to get to work as he began to clean the entire house which seemed like it would take ages to clean. However, even though the task looked to be gruesome, the king would gladly clean the entire place without a moment of hesitation. While most people would've needed to go out and buy cleaning supplies, the summon didn't need to do that. He still had a little bit of power left which he used to create a broom to start off with the initial cleaning and dusting before actually going out and buying proper cleaning supplies to finish the job. 

"I want to do a little shopping. I'll be back soon," said Yuki before leaving the house to go to his next destination. While the summon of Yuki had heard what Yuki had said, he didn't reply as he thought he didn't need to say anything back to his king as Yuki had the power to do anything and his subject would follow without questioning him. 

While he was confused as to why he didn't receive a response from his summoner, Yuki didn't care all that much and left the house anyway as he had matters to take care of. Yuki needed to restock on potions and get a new variety of potions as well since he would need to prepare for his new adventures at night. 

Right as Yuki exited the door of the house, a key appeared in his hand. Yuki remembered that this feature was also included in the world. Since the previous owner had left the house and Yuki had claimed it, he received the key to lock and open it. Seeing this, Yuki opened the house once again and gave the key along with some silver to his summon if he decided to leave so he could go shopping later on while Yuki was still gone. 

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