My King System

Chapter 166 - Goblin King's Parade

"Sure I guess. There would be no harm in me trying out your advice. I doubt anything would change though. However, even though that's how I think of it, I still trust your judgment," Yuki replied to Zero before ending their conversation since he was done asking questions for now. 

Although what Zero said had a high likelihood of being true, Yuki still doubted it. The main reason for this was because he already had the tools to accomplish what he wanted. It didn't matter what the task was, all Yuki had to decide was how much effort he would put in on his own before passing the task onto either Zero or One.  As such, Yuki never had to worry about trying to his maximum capabilities as he never had to. He didn't have to face fear of death, every obstacle he faced didn't matter because he could either try to get rid of it on his own or he would call on a being which broke all the laws of nature and could do anything which his master sought. 

While Yuki had his doubts, it wasn't like he could challenge Zero in an argument. When he thought about it, Yuki realized that Zero isn't confined by time. As such, he already knows what would happen when Yuki eventually enters the 5th dungeon. While that seemed like a long time away, for Zero, it had already happened, and happening at that moment and would happen in the future. Being capable of seeing through each and every timeline was a task Yuki couldn't even comprehend. 

"Well, there's no point in getting lost in thought. I should try to prepare for tomorrow's battle," said Yuki as he opened his inventory to take "King's Crown ``out of his inventory once again since he had placed it there once his summon had left to go shopping. 

[Open inventory]

After taking "King's Crown" out of his inventory, Yuki also took out a few stamina boost potions as he would need them for what he was going to do next. 

"Serve your king" said Yuki as he called out to the crown as he exchanged an enormous amount of stamina to be able to call for the monster from the 9th stage of the 2nd dungeon. 

[Successful subject #1: Apostol] 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yuki had summoned the mad demon which he had trouble with. Even though Yuki found that the final boss of the dungeon was stronger, he found the 9th stage mini boss a lot more obnoxious yet more versatile due to his quick speed. 

Even though Yuki had drunk stamina boost potions to help him summon the monster, due to him being at such a low level, the summoning process took a toll on his body. Within the first second of the monster appearing, Yuki collapsed as he looked to be a shrivelled up corpse. He looked to be merely seconds away from turning into dust from being in such a weak state. Even so, he knew that there was one thing that could save him. 

Yuki quickly reached for a full status recovery potion. However, as Yuki began to drag the potion out from his inventory and towards his mouth, his frail palms accidentally lost grip of the capsule, causing it to shatter and spill on the floor. Even so, Yuki knew that he didn't have the strength to reach out for another potion. As such, he was forced to lick the potion juice on the wooden floor of the house as it was the only way he would be able to recover the strength he had lost. 

After licking the potion off the floor, Yuki was able to fully recover and get back on his feet as if nothing had happened. 

"I guess I really don't have to drink all of the potion for me to gain the full effects of it. Well, that was good to learn," Yuki said as he looked at his new summon which had been kneeling before his king. 

"Oh right, I almost forgot about you. I don't need your assistance right now. However, I'm pretty sure that I'll need you tomorrow morning. I only summoned you now so I can rest and get back to 100% just incase I need to run away from the battle," Yuki explained to his summon which couldn't talk clearly using his mouth. Although Yuki could communicate with his summons telepathically as well, he chose not to because he didn't feel right to start a conversation with the monster which had broken him. The monster from the 9th stage of the 2nd dungeon was the one that caused Yuki to admit that he couldn't do anything on his own. He had completely shattered what was left of Yuki's pride without an ounce of mercy. Even if he was now under Yuki's control, it wasn't right for them to have a proper conversation yet. 

"You can go back now," said Yuki as he sent his new summon back into "King's Crown" without saying a single thing to it. While it was cruel of him to do that, Yuki didn't feel a single drop of compassion towards that summon, yet, it was the best one he could summon for the occasion. The reason Yuki summoned him was because of what would happen tomorrow. 


The next morning, Yuki woke up early as he didn't want to miss the event. It was something that he needed to see for himself as it could've been potentially dangerous.

[Upcoming Event: Goblin King's Parade]





[Event Start: Goblin King's Parade]

Right as the event started, the loud sounds of banging could be heard across the kingdom. All while the sounds of tiny growling which resembled that of the goblins which Yuki faced in the 3rd dungeon of the new world. He had skipped going back to the dungeon at night because of the event which was going to take place. 

After a few minutes of banging at the kingdom wall, the noise stopped before getting followed by the sounds of swords clashing and human screaming as they engaged in battle with the goblins. Or at least that was what Yuki imagined from just listening to the sounds which were outside the kingdom. 

"So it was an outside attack after all. That's nice. Now the guards have to deal with those monsters instead of us having to. Secondly, I guess I was worried for nothing. No one else seems to be concerned which means that this sort of stuff happens here all the time. The only weird thing is that this never occurred in any of the kingdoms which I was part of previously," Yuki said to himself as he began to walk out of his house so he could meet with the manager of the job he would be working at. 

Although everything looked to be going well, a sudden stop of all sounds changed everything. It had seemed like the goblins had come to a sudden stop which made everyone, including Yuki assume that the humans had won and all the goblins had been defeated, however, moments later, the loud banging at the kingdom walls began once again. 

This time, everyone in the kingdom looked worried. It seemed as if this had never happened before. To make the situation worse, the blue sign which was displaying the event title changed into a deep crimson red which only meant one thing. The situation was getting worse in the form of the goblins either increasing in numbers or growing in strength or even both. All Yuki knew was that whatever was outside the kingdom walls, it wasn't good. 

"Should I summon him?" Yuki asked himself as he contemplated the idea of going back inside his home and taking "King's Crown" out of his inventory so he could call upon the new summon which he created the previous day. 

"No. This isn't my responsibility. I should just focus on getting myself to work and heading home when the time comes so I can go and train in the dungeons," Yuki told himself, however he would quickly change his mind. 

After trying to break the kingdom wall for so long, the goblins finally made some progress in the form of a crack in the wall. Things would only get worse as the crack began to grow in size with each attack until it eventually broke open and allowed the large red eyes of the goblins to look inside the kingdom at all the terrified humans which would eventually be their lunch. 

"Never mind then. I don't have time to think about being lazy. if those monsters make it in here, I'll be dead for sure," Yuki said to himself as he quickly ran back inside his house. 

[Open inventory]

"Serve your king" said Yuki as he pulled out "King's Crown" from his inventory and called for the monster from. the 9th stage of the 2nd dungeon. Even though he hadn't fully accepted the creature, he knew that his summon was his last hope in defeating those monsters. 

"Kill them," Yuki said as the goblins finally managed to break through the wall and enter the kingdom. 

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