My King System

Chapter 176 - Coffee

After spending what seemed like a few hours gathering the cement blocks together and making one large stack of them, Yuki was finally done. He had finished his first task at his new job. While it was a lot more exhausting than he thought, it brought out a sense of accomplishment in him. 

"I wonder if this was what Zero meant when he told me that I should rely on only myself if I want to feel the greatest sense of satisfaction when I finish something. Well if that's the case, he wasn't wrong," said Yuki as he began to head back to talk to Avila. 


Yuki climbed on all the rubble so he could speak to Avila, who was now standing at a table while working on something which looked to be a blueprint for something. 

"Umm.. excuse me," Yuki said in a nervous tone. 

"Oh it's you," said Avila as she turned around to face Yuki with a smug look on her face. 

"What do you want?" Avila asked. 

"I finished organizing the cement blocks like you asked. What should I do now?" Yuki asked her. Yuki wanted to get his next task and go away from her as fast as possible. All she would do was annoy him and Yuki didn't know how much more of it he could take before he would call on One or Zero. 

"Well, There's not much you can do. How about getting all of us some coffee from the coffee shop nearby?" Avila asked rhetorically. 

"Am I actually supposed to do that?" Yuki asked with a confused face. After all, he didn't realize that he was going to just become an errand boy. 

"Does it look like I'm joking here? Matter of fact, let me call Garth so you believe me," said Avila as she ran off to talk to Garth who himself was busy explaining something to one of the other workers. 

After Avila reached him, she said something to him which caused him to turn his head towards Yuki and nod which indicated that he had Garth's permission to buy everyone a coffee. 

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Once Avila realized that Garth had agreed to her request, she quickly marched towards Yuki with the largest grin on her face. It looked like all she could think of was killing Yuki by simply yelling at him. 

"Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone," Yuki said in his head as he didn't want to have a violent altercation with Avila. 

"You see that!" said Avila with her head held up high as she looked down at Yuki. 

"Yes, you were right. I'll get everyone coffee. So who do I get the money to buy the coffee from?" Yuki asked. 

"Usually Garth would give it to you but he seems busy, so I'll pay for everyone's drinks. Get 17 hot cups of coffee for everyone here," said Avila. 

"Ummm, not to be rude but in total there are 18 people," Yuki replied. 

"Hmmm, not really. Including you there would be 18 but you don't get the privilege of using my money for your own good. I won't let you have it easy here," said Avila. 

"I swear I'm going to kill this girl. She'll be the motivation which will allow me to clear all the dungeons. Once I get to level 60, I'll summon all of my treasured blades and use their power to torment her and make her go through hell itself," said Yuki in his head as he began to prepare how he's going to make Avila pay for the way she was treating her. 

"Sure, so give me the money," said Yuki. 

After extracting silver from her settings' options, Avila gave Yuki a pouch which held 170 silver. 

"I guess the cost of things has begun to rise. Just last year, the cost at "INFINITE HOTEL '' was 50 silver per night. With this money, I could've spent 3 nights there and still had money to spare. Even in a different world, the concepts from the previous world such as inflation still exist. It does make sense though, seeing as how much silver people can make from dungeons and killing monsters, it would only be natural that the prices of things increase. I wonder though, does that stand to be true for NPCs as well?" Yuki asked himself as he began to look for a nearby coffee shop.

Luckily for Yuki, he was able to find one only 3 minutes away from the construction site. If he didn't find it by them he would've surely gotten lost. 

Once he entered the coffee shop, Yuki was surprised to find that there were a couple people who were actually inside the shop. When Yuki had first come to the kingdom, he was under the assumption that the kingdom was rather gloomy and dead but from the looks of it now, it was much more lively. However it did raise the question of where the people which Yuki's summon told him about were. From what he had heard, they were a group of bad people which he should stay away from. As such, from the information he had gathered, it was easy to deduce that they would only come out at night where there would be less people to see them and it would be easier to gang up on their victims. While Yuki had all those questions and concerns, there was only one thing he was supposed to do, that being to get coffee. 

Yuki lined up behind the people who were waiting to order. The line wasn't that long, especially compared to the ones at the store which Marcell ran but it was at least a bit popular. After a while, it was Yuki's turn to order. 

"How may I help you today?" asked the woman behind the counter. 

"Ummm, can I have 17 coffees?" Yuki asked nervously. While Yuki knew it was a large order to make, he didn't realize how badly the other people around him would react. There were scowls and insults thrown at him which even made Yuki question if he had committed a crime or something similar to that. 

"Sorry, it's not all for me. It's for my co-workers," Yuki said to the lady. 

"Will that be all?" the woman behind the counter asked Yuki.

"Wait why am I nervous? I've killed so many people. I literally sneak out at night to torment monsters instead of getting tormented by them. I used to be referred to as a demon and have 2 extremely powerful beings at my side. Not to mention my treasured blades. Why do I care what these people think. They're literally pawns in a game which I created the concept for. I can do anything I want," Yuki told himself as he snapped out of the nervous kid facade. 

"No it won't be me all. I would like to make a separate order. I would like one coffee and a breakfast sandwich," said Yuki as he looked at the menu which was placed on a board above the cashier stand. 

Just saying that made the people who were waiting in line go ballistic. Even though Yuki heard all the complaints, he didn't care. However, there was one person who made Yuki more angry than everyone else. 

"Hey there kid, you're being inconsiderate," said a man behind Yuki as he put his palm on Yuki's shoulder while holding his other hand in a fist like motion right above Yuki's head. In doing this, everyone around him gave the man a round of applause which made him more arrogant. In turn, he threw Yuki on the ground by pushing him too hard. 

"I forgot, I'm no longer a level 21 player. Even so, I need to fix this right now. Even if there's someone watching me from the group of people who captured me, I need to show some sign of fight or it'll look like I'm hiding something," Yuki said to himself. 

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

"Fire Sword" 

Yuki stood up with his flame constructed blade in hand which put everyone in shock but the man who had pushed Yuki to the ground remained calm as he was still in a state of arrogance. 

"Activate ability-" the man started to speak before he was interrupted by Yuki's blade extending then forming around his body, in turn covering him in flames. 

"Don't worry, my flames won't hurt you," said Yuki. Hearing that, the man began to try to activate his ability once again. 

"One, switch with me and shock him only. Don't let anyone else feel even the slightest bit of presence from you," Yuki said.

"My pleasure," said One as he sent a powerful shock of directed presence right at the arrogant man's heart which made him fall to his knees. Seeing that, One switched back with Yuki which later took off the surrounding flames. 

All that remained was a man on his knees who looked to have died and came back to life without his soul. 

"Next time, be more patient so this does not happen to you," said Yuki as he looked down at the man and then the people in the shop. 

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