My King System

Chapter 178 - Night Life

Once Avila walked off far enough, Yuki looked down at Garth which still sat on the ground due to him being there to comfort Avila when she had gotten beat up by Yuki. Even though Avila might've forgiven Yuki for what he had done, Garth didn't show any sign of having respect for Yuki. In that situation, a simple sorry wouldn't do. After all, Yuki had just assaulted Garth's own relative. There was no way he could be forgiven so easily.  Even if Yuki was still younger than everyone else, having him do that to someone who had blood connections wasn't something that would be easily forgotten. As such, there was only one thing Yuki could do. 

"Please instruct me on my next task," said Yuki as he bowed to show respect for his boss. In doing this, he showed both a strong resolve but a stronger sense of responsibility and respect which he upheld towards his boss. It was clear that he was sorry for what he had done but didn't express it in a manner which made him look weak which would just ruin his status and reputation. 


Caught off guard, Garth had to think of a quick reply so as not to seem incompetent. 

"Since we're just starting you off today plus we're finishing up soon, why don't you bring those bags of concrete over there and bring them closer to the wall so we can get a head start tomorrow," said Garth as he points to the many both half opened and unopened bags to cement powder which sat all around the construction area. It was just becoming clear how unorganized the workers were. Of course what else could've been expected of a group of people that were gathered at the last minute. It wasn't like they were professional engineers. They were just a makeshift construction team. 

"Okay," said Yuki as he began to start the task he was given. Even though there was a weird tension between him and his boss, Yuki did as he was told. He didn't understand how someone could be so easily blinded by the fact that a person in their workplace was creating unnecessary problems for everyone just because they were blood related. Though, thinking about it only annoyed Yuki more than he already was. So, Yuki decided to bury his thoughts and only think about completing his task so he could leave for the day. 

Once the sun began to set and Yuki finished placing the last bag of cement on the stack which he had created right beside the stack of cement blocks, it was finally time to leave for the day. Yuki looked more exhausted than everyone else. Though it was most likely because he was new to the work and his original level 1 body wasn't impressive. Yuki's base stats was that of a less than average teen. Comparing that to his level 21 body which was basically demonic was unfair. However, even though Yuki looked like all he wanted to do was sleep for all of eternity, there was one thing left which he needed to do. 

"Nicely done with your apology," said Elmer as both he, Yuki along with some other workers began to leave the site as they waved goodbye to Garth letting him know that they were leaving for the day. 

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"I just did what I should've done. Anyway, what was the thing you wanted to show me once we finished work?" Yuki asked out of curiosity. 

"Ah, don't worry, we'll get to that soon enough. But before we go there, I need to make sure that you understand that what we'll do would be considered illegal," Elmer told Yuki. 

"Oh no! Something illegal? I can't possibly participate in such vile actions. It's not like I haven't committed crimes that would make all of these guys disgusted by just looking at me if they learned about them," Yuki sarcastically said to himself before giving Elmer a proper reply. 

"Sure. I don't really mind," Yuki replied to Elmer in a calm tone. If he had replied with arrogance, it would make him look foolish and  make him seem like he did not understand what he was getting into. However, if he had replied with excitement, it would make it clear that Yuki frequently partook in shady activities. 

In the group which were headed towards whatever place Elmer was guiding Yuki to, consisted of 4 people. That included Yuki, Elmer and 2 other guys who were just following them. After a couple dozen turns and twists, Yuki was greeted by a lot of bright lights and people. 

"What is this place?" Yuki asked Elmer in pure amazement. It was like looking at a festival which was hidden from the rest of the world. 

"Isn't it spectacular? This is the place where people like us come to relax. But be on your best behaviour. If you see a man with bodyguards, show him your utmost respect," Elmer told Yuki as they headed towards one of the small open shops which had about 5 stools and looked to be empty. 

"Can I get the usual and the same for my 2 pals?" Elmer told the store owner which instantly got to work at making their drinks. 

"What about you? What would you like Yuki?" Elmer asked. 

"Can I just get what you're getting?" Yuki asked as his voice drifted off once he realized what the store served. It was a bar where people would by alcoholic drinks. Just as Elmer and his two friends broke into laughter along with the store owner, Yuki quickly corrected his answer. 

"Sorry, I didn't realize what type of store this was. Is it okay for me to get something non alcoholic?" Yuki asked the bartender. 

"Well kid, all I have that fits that description is just water," the bartender replied to Yuki. 

"That'll be fine. I'll take the water," said Yuki as he began to extract silver so he could pay for his drink but he'd be interrupted. 

"Hey there. Don't worry about it. I'll be covering all your expenses for the night. After all you did manage to show that stuck up annoying thing a lesson" Elmer said as he referred to Avila. 

"Wait, you guys don't like her either?" Yuki asked. 

"Like hell we don't! She's the most hideous thing to ever exist. We just pretend to like her so we keep our jobs. Especially since we got this new project ahead of us. We're gonna become filthy rich off of it. By the way Yuki, do all of us a favour and slow down at work and try to distract the boss when you can," one of the other workers who had come along replied to Yuki. 

"I don't get it though. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to work faster so you can finish earlier?" Yuki asked the man who had replied to him. 

"You see Yuki. You've got a lot to learn about a job. In our industry, we get paid by the hour. So the more hours we 'work', the more we get paid. There's almost not a single way to benefit from working harder. The chance of you getting promoted is so slim that you better accept the fact that you'll be working in the same position for the rest of your life. So, what I'm trying to say is that if we finish this project fast or slowly, our pay rate will still be the same. So it would be better to get the same rate of pay for a longer period of time than a shorter period. It may not make sense to you that people don't benefit from working harder but you'll have to accept it," the man explained to Yuki. 

It was like Yuki's eyes had been opened. Everything the man said made sense. While it was dirty and unfair for the people who were paying for the project of fixing the wall, they did what they had to do so they could make a living. 

"I guess that makes sense. I'll be sure to not do things as fast as I can next time," Yuki replied. 

After a while of drinking and talking, the conversation reached a point where Yuki had to make a decision which would be difficult. 

"You seem like a smart kid, Yuki. I have a proposition to make for you," Elmer began to speak. 

"Sure, I'll hear you out," Yuki replied with a trusting tone. 

"Well, you probably know about a group of people who go around doing stuff which might seem a bit confusing to say the least. However, they get judged harshly. The people I'm talking about act as a government and collect taxes from people for their own good. So, I'm asking you, would you like to join that group?" Elmer offered. 

Right as Yuki heard the proposition that was made, he knew exactly the group Elmer was referring to. It was the people that his summon told him about when he first moved into his new house. While he knew gang members spread out all across the kingdom, he didn't expect his coworkers to be involved in it. 

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