My King System

Chapter 185 - Hopeless

Back at the 10th stage of the 3rd dungeon, Yuki was in a heated battle with The Goblin King Final Boss: Atli. After getting hit with the final boss's club, Yuki jumped back before deciding to take his battle seriously. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "The underworld's holy weapon" which was the bident he had earned after clearing the last stage of the 2nd dungeon. Yuki hadn't gotten a treasured blade from the dungeon so far so it meant that he would get it from the final stage. That of course was only if his hypothesis on how the treasured weapons worked was correct. 

In a final attack as Yuki stood which blood pouring all out of his body, he jabbed the bident into the stage floor and began to pour all of his stamina into it without a care in the word if he would drain his body of all the stamina he had which would most likely cause him to pass out and in the condition he was in, most likely die. 

After jabbing his blade into the ground, Yuki twisted the bident which caused the stage itself to crack open where Yuki stood before spreading all around the stage and causing it to fall apart. Unfortunately for Atli, he ended up falling into the large crack in the ground and in turn died. 

Seeing as the final boss was defeated the system decided to repair the stage to its original form. All that remained was the Yuki who breathed heavily as he awaited to be rewarded with the stage's grace and be allowed his treasured weapon. 

3 items dropped from the stage ceiling, those being a small club which looked to be made exactly for Yuki due to its size and how easy it was for him to carry. The second item was some type of cloth which looked to be the same as the one which the final boss wore around his crotch. Lastly, there was a pouch which clearly stored silver in it and would allow Yuki to cash it in afterwards.

However, instead of looking at the information charts for each item, Yuki placed all of the items in his inventory and began to head for the exit. 

[+220000 exp]

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 21: 2408500/10 million]

"I guess I'm done here," said Yuki before getting out of the dungeon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


However, right outside the dungeon gate was another player waiting to check what dungeon it was. 

"Hey, whoever is getting out of there, can you tell me which dungeon it is," Scar requested. 

As Yuki was beginning to leave he heard Scar's words and answered peacefully as he didn't remember Scar since he didn't have a heavy influence in the war which took place a year ago. The only name which Yuki would recognize would be "The user of INFINITE HOTEL". 

"Oh, it's just one person. that went inside a dungeon? A solo player? You don't see those that often. Even for me, I could never go inside dungeons alone. That's why I look for the gates then call on my team to take them on together," scar thought to himself.


"I'm pretty sure this one is the 3rd dungeon, why are you asking," said Yuki. 

Hearing his voice, Scar instantly knew who it was. It was the man, more specifically the kid with a superiority complex who he swore to take out his anger on. 

"So it's you Yuki Kaito! I've been waiting for this day for a very long time," said scar as he got into a fighting stance. 

"Activate ability-" said Scar before cutting himself off. 

"What happened? Why did you stop?" Yuki asked in confusion. 

"How are you out of prison?" said Scar as a question mark appeared above his head.

"So you know who I am, I guess I have no choice but to kill you right here and now," said Yuki as his eyes got darker and his facial expression changed to that of a great warrior. 

Just as Scar heard Yuki's words he broke into laughter which Yuki found pretty insulting. 

"You think this is funny? Just wait until your head is on the ground, detached from your body," said Yuki. 

"No no, I'm not laughing at you. I'm just laughing at the fact that everyone thinks that you're currently imprisoned while you're off clearing dungeons once again. It's only a matter of time before you gain enough strength to take back your glory and instate fear into others right?" Scar asked. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to reach level 100 first. I have no intention of instating fear or whatever delusions you've created in your head," said Yuki with a perplexed face. 

"What?! I guess you really have changed over the past year. You used to be a merciless murderer who enjoyed killing people just for fun but now, you've become more humane," Scar said to Yuki in disappointment. 

"Once again, I don't know what you're talking about. I've never wanted to kill people nor do I enjoy doing it. Wait... are you one of the 2 people who survived the war between me against the combined forces of the 3 kingdoms?" Yuki asked. 

"In fact I am. I've been waiting for the time where I get to avenge my fallen comrades. You'll pay for everything you've done. But first, I must ask though, what level are you?" Scar asked out of curiosity. 

"You want to know what level I am so you can pick which battles you'll win or run away from right? Nevertheless, I'll tell you since it won't make a difference. I'm level 21," said Yuki with a casual face which made Scar's face light up in joy. 

"I've finally won! You're going to die here today. I'm so happy right now. Just so you know, I'm level 27 which means that no matter how hard you try, you'll end up dead here. I even have extra potions in case you think that they'll save you," Scar stated proudly. 


"Okay then, that's fine by me. However, I'll warn you. You'll lose this battle," said Yuki as he was exhausted from dealing with humans. The dungeons actually had monsters which were only a bit stronger or the same strength as Yuki however, some humans were vastly stronger than him which he found annoying. 

"Hey Zero, give me the stats I would have if I was a level 30 player for the time being, just until I beat this guy and teach him a lesson," said Yuki. 

"Got it," Zero replied and then instantly gave Yuki what he asked for. Due to it being a request to Zero, the system didn't give Yuki the feeling that he leveled up to a level which ended with a 0. 

"Don't worry, even if no one else attends your funeral, I'll still come to visit the person which I killed without even trying," said Scar before hastily jumping in to get in a punch on Yuki's face. Unfortunately for him, Yuki was able to see the movie coming and easily deflected it with his left hand before going in for a punch himself. 

Yuki's punch actually managed to connect to Scar's face which surprised Scar as he didn't know why it hurt so much and why he was bleeding from his nose even though the hit was on his cheek. 

"Why is this happening?! Why are you still stronger than me? I'm a higher level than you so you should lose. You should be the one bleeding. I should be the one with no scratches!" Scar yelled out in anger. 

"I'll explain it to you simply. What would you do if your opponent was a level 1 player and you were a level 1 million player and yet, the level 1 player still wins? You see, no matter who you are or how powerful you may be, you'll never beat me because I have something backing me which no one can defeat. Actually I have two-," said Yuki before cutting himself off. 

"One, switch with me and dump as much presence on to him as possible. Make it so that he won't be able to move even a single muscle for at least an hour," Yuki yelled out which made Scar question if Yuki was insane. 

"I got you!" One replied before switching with Yuki's consciousness. Wasting no time, he quickly sent a concentrated shock of presence towards Scar. Right as he was hit with that attack, Scar fell on his knees as his brain shut down from the sheer potency of the attack. 

Due to Yuki being a level 30 player, One was able to draw out much more of the hidden presence potential which was within Yuki. 

"No... how were you able to do this? You shouldn't be this powerful. It's been a whole year. While you were off relaxing, I trained day in and day out in hopes that I could defeat you one day. But even now, you continue to defeat all who come in your way... I'm tired of chasing you. I give up. Just let me go and I'll go to another continent to start a new life. You're a monster which no amount of training could defeat," said Scar as he began to cry. 

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