My King System

Chapter 190 - Members

As Scar continued to laugh at Yuki, a smaller girl and a tall man began to approach the 2 of them. 

"Sorry for treating you harshly in the past boss. I wanted to apologize before but couldn't in case it would compromise the escape plan. I have come here now to apologize but also say my thank you as you have granted us freedom," said Garth as he bowed to Yuki.

Beside Garth was Avila who looked nervous in front of Yuki as she understood that treating him harshly in the past was one of if not the worst decision she could have ever made.

"Hold in there mister, is that your daughter? She looks pretty strong," said Scar as he broke the tension.

"You're saying that as if you're not level 27," said Yuki, which hearing those words made Garth and Avila jump back in fear.

"L-level 27?" Avila asked as she began to tremble.

"Please forgive me for all I've done to you which may have caused you harm. Please do not harm me, you can even have my niece, she's been nothing but trouble for me my entire life," said Garth as he ran away.


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"Let's just leave. Sorry for speaking about your level without your permission," said Yuki as he began to walk so that they wouldn't lose track of the crowd of people which were heading for the nearest kingdom.

"Come on now Yuki, you're seriously not going to leave a helpless girl all on her own?" Scar as Yuki as he helped Avila get up from the ground which she herself didn't realize that she was on the ground due to her being frightened.

"Plus, she could be a helpful ally to us," Scar tried to convince Yuki.

"A useful ally?! She's nothing but a level 3 player. She'll be dead weight. On the other hand, I myself have a monster which I should probably call upon right about now," said Yuki as he remembered Meurig, who was still training.


"If you don't let her join us, I'll tell everyone about your big secret," said Scar as he made a sinister smile.

"Okay fine! She can come with us," said Yuki as he continued to walk.

"Just so you know, you could have refused and if I actually told people, you could've used your secret thing to stop me and undo my actions," Scar told Yuki as he giggled a bit from making it so that Yuki couldn't see a loop whole to the idea.

"And you can't take it back, the girl is coming with us no matter what you say," said Scar as he began to follow Yuki with his hand on Avila's wrist.

"I never agreed to go with you so what makes you think that I'll just happily go along where you tell me," said Avila as she pulled her wrist out of Scar's grasp by force.

"If I was you, I would listen carefully. Listen, your uncle just left you. You're completely alone here. Would you rather go alone in this unknown world or accompany two strong people? To put it in perspective for you, I myself could probably protect you from most people but Yuki has something by his side which can protect you from anything and anyone which may not have the best intentions for you in mind," Scar explained to Avila in a whisper.

"So it's your choice, do whatever you want since it's your life," said Scar in a slightly louder tone. Hearing his words Avila finally changed her attitude and began to follow Yuki and Scar as they themselves continued to follow the crowd of people which were making their way to the nearest kingdom.


As night began to roll around, the crowd had finally made their way into the kingdom where another crowd had begun to form to greet all the people who were coming in.

While at first, the people of the kingdom were reluctant, they didn't want to start a fight in the middle of the night so they allowed the crowd in which Yuki, Scar and Avila we're in to go into their kingdom.

"So what do you guys want to do now that we've finally made it into the kingdom?" Scar asked the two people who were with him since he was the most enthusiastic of the group.

"We should probably find a place to stay for the night then head out to the 4th dungeon tomorrow. I'll probably just go on my own for about a week or two and come back since I don't want to be sharing my exp with you two. Scar, since you decided to bring her along, go to each of the dungeons with her and clear them after letting her touch a monster from each stage so the exp goes to her as well," Yuki ordered.

"Come on, so I seriously have to take her with me? I wanted to do some training on my own," Scar complained.

"I told you to leave her there but no, you didn't want to listen to what I had to say. So you're going to pay for your actions by taking responsibility over her," said Yuki in an angry tone as he balled up his fist.

"Ok ok, I'll take responsibility. Just calm down. Anyway, let's look for a place to stay, maybe a hotel of some kind," said Scar as he looked around for any large buildings.

"That won't work, we're going to have to look for a bar which also offers an inn. Most of the hotels, if not all of them, have probably been booked by the people who had come from the other kingdom. Since we were one of the last people to make it here, we probably won't be able to find a single room to stay at in any of the hotels this kingdom has to offer," said Yuki as he began walking around the kingdom in search of a single bar which might offer a place to stay at for the night.


"What's with him? He used to be much more childlike than this. When did he become so... cold?" Avila asked Scar as she walked behind Yuki.

"Oh, so you've just noticed? Well, this is how he used to be about a year ago then something happened which allowed him to become soft but now, the king has returned," said Scar slightly louder than he meant it to be.

"Will you stop telling her useless information and instead help me look for a place which we can stay at or would you rather sleep in the street for a couple days?" Yuki asked.

"My apologies boss, I didn't mean to offend you," said Scar in a sarcastic tone to mock the people who thought that the real Yuki was the clone which they respected so much.

"Never mind, I guess I didn't need your help after all," said Yuki as he set his sights on a bar which had a sign outside of it which said "1 night = 5000 silver".

"I guess they really are going to take advantage of the sudden increase of people to earn as much money as possible. Scar, you can pay right?" Yuki asked him.

"Sure, it's not like it's a lot of silver but if you try to continue to use me as your personal bank, I won't stand for it!" Scar replied. 

Hearing how Yuki and Scar talked about money that size like it was nothing perplexed Avila who just stood there as the 2 people in front of her talked.

Once inside, Scar went up to the bartender to pay for the room while Yuki and Avila waited a few metres behind him. As they stood there, one of the drunk guys came near Avila.

"Hey there-" before the man who approached her got a chance to even say a single sentence, Yuki jumped into action.

"One switch with me and make this man pass out from your presence," said Yuki.

"Got it!" One replied before doing as he was told. Seeing what had just happened, two of the man's comrades stepped in as they glared down at Yuki, which they assumed to have done something to their friend.

"Were you the one that did this?" one of the man's comrades asked while the other one picked him up.

"Yes, and what of it?" Yuki said as he tried to anger the man in front of him on purpose.

"You've got a lot of nerve," said the man before he pulled out a 20 inch short blade from his back before attempting to cut Yuki in half.

However, before he could do that, Yuki caught the blade with the fingertips of his index finger and thumb.

Next, Yuki twisted the blade until it shattered into pieces. Frozen in place after seeing what Yuki had done, the man did nothing as Yuki put his palm on the man's shoulder and forcibly made him get on his knees.

"Know your place," said Yuki as he walked towards Scar with Avila following behind him. 

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