My King System

Chapter 193 - Adam

Once at the castle structure of the kingdom, Yuki walked in as the doors were wide open. Avila and Scar were following right behind him. Even though Avila wasn't going to be able to register at that moment, she still tagged along as she had nowhere else to be. 

The inside of the castle had been turned into a registration area with multiple stands that had people working behind glass as they helped people register into the clan or dealt with other formalities. 

Even though Yuki didn't know where he should go, he found a line of people who were standing as they waited to speak to one of the workers behind the glass. Seeing as he didn't want to waste any time, Yuki walked up to the person furthest back in the line to ask him a question. 

"Sorry for asking but is this the line to register into the WD clan?" Yuki asked the man. 

"No, this is the line to deal with payment details at the clan. If you wish to register, line up in that line," said the man as he pointed Yuki towards a much longer line which had people anxiously waiting to join. Some of them were fully armoured and looked to have highly graded weapons while others just wore casual clothes. 

"This looks like it's going to take a while," said Yuki as he reluctantly went where the man had told him while Avila and Scar followed behind him. 




After waiting for what seemed like years, it was finally Yuki's turn to register at the clan. The woman who had been working behind the glass was wearing a professional business suit which went along with her thin glasses which had a black outline. 

"Good evening-" said Yuki before he was interrupted by the woman. 

"Level?" The woman simply asked, which was quite a rude way of asking someone what level they were but nevertheless, Yuki answered without complaining. 

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"I'm level 21," Yuki replied. 

"21? Well you don't see that everyday. So I can offer you the level 20+ entrance deal which will grant you the ability to call upon the top 10 strongest members of the clan whenever you wish to do so if you happen to get offended by someone's actions or if those actions offend the clan however you should be careful as if you were to abuse this power, this privilege could get revoked from you. Please just sit down and fill out this form while I take care of the next person," the woman said as she offered Yuki a seat on the only chair on the other side of the glass wall as she handed Yuki a large pile of papers he needed to fill out in front of her. 

"Next," the woman said as she expected nothing impressive from the next person in line. 

"Level?" the woman asked Scar in a slightly rude way as he didn't look very presentable in his dirty cloak. 

"27," Scar replied in the same short way of talking that the woman spoke to non valued applicants. Hearing Scar's words, the woman instantly became flustered from embarrassment as she stood up from her chair to bow down and ask Scar for forgiveness. 

"Please forgive my insolence. It would be an honour for you to join our clan. Please, if you're to be so kind as to forgive me, I will lead you to the V. I.P room where you'll be offered the V.I.P package deal once you join," the woman said as she opened the small wooden door which separated her from the rest of the people who wanted to register. Once Scar agreed to continue his registration process, the woman walked towards a door which was behind her before opening it then staying there for a couple minutes before coming out again. 


"Excuse me but why is there such a difference in treatment when the level difference between me and him is only 6 levels?" Yuki asked as he wondered why his comrade was treated like a king. 

"Unless you're a solo dungeon raider that never reads the news, you should know why people like him get the V.I.P treatment," the woman said as he gave Yuki a smug look after she had just been so nice to him a few minutes ago. 

"Ah. Well, the reason why people above the level 25 get treated so well is because of the gift they receive from this world once they make it to that level. Once someone reaches level 25, they are gifted a phoenix which is so powerful that itself alone counts as a level 25 player. There are even rumours that once someone reaches level 50, they receive another magical beast for themselves but we still don't know because that level has yet to be reached," said the woman as she explained everything to Yuki before turning her attention towards the girl who was waiting there. 

"What is your level young lady? You must be around level 20 or so right since you are surrounded by these two power houses?" the woman asked Avila. Hearing those words, Avila  stayed quiet as she didn't know how to break the news to the lady which looked to be expected a lot from her. So instead, Yuki took care of the problem. 

"Sorry miss but she's not actually here to register. We heard that someone has to be level 5 or higher to join so she'll return once she's at least level 5," Yuki apologized for Avila. 

"Okay then, that's fine. A little disappointing but I can't do anything about it," said the woman as Avila walked toward to stand beside Yuki who was still signing his registration papers. 


"Hey now, there's no need to be strict," said a voice at which when the woman in register heard the voice, she instantly bowed along with all the other workers in the main floor of the castle. Seeing as the workers were doing it, everyone else including Avila did the same. As for Yuki, he didn't bother to even pay attention as he continued to sign the papers in front of him. 

"My apologies sir, I was just enforcing the rules which I was told," the woman said as she began to sweat in fear while answering his question. 

"You boy! Why aren't you bowing?" said the voice as he came up to Yuki who was still busy signing his papers. The man who was speaking all these words finally revealed himself as he was wearing a full white suit with a golden chain around his neck. 

"Sorry but who are you and why should I bow to you?" Yuki asked as if he was missing something. 

"Do you not know who I am? I am the 17th strongest member of this clan, the level 26 Adam Andre!" the man scolded Yuki. 

"However, how would you know that, you're just a weak poor boy who probably accidentally entered this place like a rat who managed to sneak into a king's castle," Adamn insulted Yuki. 

"Now bow!" Adam demanded. 

"No, I don't really see the need to bow to someone who's only 5 levels higher than me. Plus, why would you want to start a fight with a fellow clan member?" Yuki asked casually. 

"Stop lying to yourself, you're probably just a level 5 player trying to act cocky. So just get up and bow before this gets ugly," Adam asked one last time. 

"I still don't see a need for me to bow to you. You must be pretty self centred-" Yuki said and as he finished speaking, Adam quickly punched Yuki in the face which caused him to bleed from his nose. 


"Yuki! Look, I just finished signing my papers. Apparently I get my own room in the castle because I am part of the 20 strongest in the clan!" said Scar joyfully as he came out of the room with a smile on his face only to see what Adam had done. 


"And you might be? It doesn't matter, just bow before I do to you what I did to this boy," said Adam as he began to laugh as Yuki. All the while, Scar silently walked towards the small door which Adam was on the other side of before jumping over the small door which made Adam hold up a fighting stance. 

"Please Yuki, let me take care of this," said Scar as smoke came out of his mouth while his hands began to freeze. 

"So you dare disrespect me as well? I guess I'll just have to teach you newbies a lesson," said Adam before grinning at Scar, who had a serious expression on his face as if he was prepared to kill. 

"Summoning Skill: Phoenix" Adam allowed his bright orange phoenix to come out of his hand as if it was water before forming into the large bird. While everyone was scared for their lives as they didn't want to get in the crossfire of the phoenix, Scar and Yuki just stood and sat there as if they didn't fear Adamn in the least. 


"Summoning Skill: Phoenix"

"Activate ability: Mind Read"

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