My King System

Chapter 196 - First Mission

After spending their first day in their new home which Scar was paying for, the 3 of them were finally ready to truly begin living their life in the new kingdom which they had arrived in. 

"Hey, Yuki. Are you ready for the daily check in at the clan?" Scar asked as he stood at the door waiting for Yuki who had to go to get in for the day as it was part of his contract when he signed up at the clan. 

"Yes, I'm just wearing my socks, said Yuki as he came running down the stairs to leave with his comrade. 

"Avila, we'll be leaving now. Make sure you buy the furniture sometime today," Scar yelled out to Aliva who was upstairs doing something of her own. Once Yuki had finished putting on his shoes, the two of them took their leave as they made their way through the crowds of people so that they could reach the clan base of operations. 

"Are you scared?" Scar asked. 

"Why would I be scared?" Yuki asked back with a puzzled expression. 

"I'm talking about what happened yesterday. Most people didn't notice but I'm pretty sure that Arthur knew that you were the one causing his heart attacks," said Scar. 

"I mean that's the reason I shouldn't be scared. If he knows that I can kill him at any moment, he'll make sure to stay out of my way. 

"Well, I guess that's fair, just try not to put too much attention on yourself. Things can start getting bad very quickly if people were to find out about your real powers," Scar said to Yuki as they finally made it to the castle-like structure in the kingdom. 

Once inside, the both of them lined up in the daily check in section which was decreasing at an extremely fast rate until it was finally Scar's turn since he was standing in front of Yuki. 

"Sir Scar, it's a pleasure to see you," said the lady at the front as he opened the book in front of her at the table which she sat on before checking off something and sending him off and allowing Yuki to come forward. 

"Who might you be?" the lady at the register said to Yuki with a rather boring tone. 

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"Yuki Kaito," Yuki told the lady as she looked down at her book and checked something off before sending him off without even looking at him. 

"What's her deal?" Yuki asked Scar. 

"I guess that's the way people who aren't in the top 20 get treated. It finally feels good to be treated better than you. I've been waiting for this day for so long. More importantly, we should pick a daily quest to complete," said Scar as he pointed Yuki to a large board which had several papers on it.

"Do you want to pick one?" Scar asked as he would be willing to go along with anything that Yuki had picked. 

"Hmm, how about this one," said Yuki as he picked up a poster from the board and showed it to Scar. 

"Ice golem hunting in the wild? It seems good I guess. The level requirement is 20 and 1-4 people can go so I guess we can both take this mission," said Scar as he nodded in agreement. 

"Once taking the poster, the two of them walked out of the clan's base of operations before heading towards the entrance gates of the kingdom so that they could accomplish their mission. 

"How are we even supposed to get there? It seems like it's going to be pretty far away from here," said Scar as the two of them just made it out of the kingdom to be greeted with a couple dozen people who were just standing outside the kingdom for no reason. Quite curious to learn who the people were, Scar went up to talk to one of them. 

"Excuse me, why are there so many people standing out here? Is there something special going in here?" Scar asked. 

"Huh? Everyone here is a teleporter. We charge players silver and in exchange, we teleport them from here to wherever their quest is sending them. Of course we stay with them until their mission is complete. We charge about 300 silver per day of service, however since you're new I'll make only 200," the man explained as he got a smile on his face.

"Oh thank you for the offer but you are clearly lying about the price. The average price is only about 100 silver per day and on some days you earn tips. However, seeing as you noticed us for being new around here, you tried to offer us an absurd deal but quickly changed it to a lower absurd deal compared to the average price so it would seem fair," Scar explained. 

"Mind reading ability?" the teleporter asked Scar which nodded back with a smile on his face. 

"Fine, I'll teleport you to your destination," said the teleporter as he placed his hand forward at Yuki so that he could take a look at the poster. 

"Okay, I'll take you there. It looks like it'll take you several days to complete this quest so you can make the payment afterwards. Are you sure that you have everything with you for the mission because teleporting back will cost you extra," said the teleporter. 

"Yes, we have everything," Scar agreed. 

"Okay then, just place your hands on my shoulder and we'll be there in no time," the man said while hearing his words, Scar and Yuki did as they were told. 

"Activate ability: Teleport"

Within a blink of an eye, the 3 of them had been teleported to a snowy region which were only mountains which were covered in thick snow and ice. The teleporter just sat on the ground as he planned on doing so for the following few days. 

"I guess we should start going," said Scar as he led the way towards the mountain where there were said to be ice golems. 

"Sure, I'll just place the quest paper in my inventory so it doesn't get lost," said Yuki as he opened his inventory and placed the paper in there before taking one last look at his 4 treasured weapons which were nothing but small icons in the moment. 

After a while of walking the two of them stumbled across a large crater in the mountain top in which there looked to be 5 snow golems. The snow golems looked to be doing nothing in particular except walk around the creator or fight amongst each other. 

"The quest only asks to kill 10 golems so once we kill them, we'll be halfway done with the mission," said Scar in a pleased tone. 

"Wait, how would the clan know that we actually killed 10 ice golems and didn't lie about it?" Yuki asked. 

"Didn't you read the quest paper? It said to bring their heads back to the clan," Scar replied. 

"But don't monster's disintegrate once they're killed?" Yuki asked with a perplexed face. 

"They actually don't. You're lucky I managed to study so much about the clan before we came here. I'm pretty sure that it's one of the lower level player's abilities to make sure that the heads of the monsters stay in this world as long as the person who killed them had the corresponding question paper. It's just a way to create a system where the members can get paid fairly," Scar replied. 

"Well, I guess that explains it. Let's get to work already," said Yuki as he opened his inventory and pulled out "Fallen angel of hell" while Scar also opened his inventory and pulled out a silver long blade. 

"What's with your sword? It looks pretty heavy but cool in some ways," said Scar. 

"Oh, you still haven't seen the best part of it," said Yuki as he began to infuse his blade with his stamina which brought out the red aura shield which Yuki had used on his blade multiple times before. 

"Where did you even get that?! I want one!" Scar complained as he compared Yuki's "Fallen angel of hell" to his own normal silver blade. 

"Sorry but the store I bought it from disappeared. I don't think that you'll be able to buy another blade such as this one," Yuki told Scar. 

"What do you mean disappeared? Can't you just use your magical powers to find out where it went?" Scar asked in a confused tone. 

"I guess I can but it's not as simple as that. I believe that it has more connections to this world that I think so I want to keep it a mystery for now and find out later. It sounds pretty fun to me," Yuki replied while Scar just looked back at him with an "are you serious" face. 

"I seriously don't understand you. Up to this point you seemed like such a closed off person who hates everything close to fun but the one thing which might be a potential threat to this world you choose to think of as fun," said Scar as he sighed before reluctantly charging into battle with the golems. 

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