My King System

Chapter 78 - Reminder

Once the representative from the 3rd kingdom agreed upon the conditions that Scar and Jing had set, he began to walk towards the door which the two representatives had come through. Outside stood two guards, each fully armoured and carrying a spear. They held their spears in a cross-like manner to prevent anyone from entering the conference room.

As the representative walked out from the room, they each lifted their spears from the position it was in previously and held it so it would face the castle ceiling.

"You..." the representative of the 3rd kingdom said as he pointed towards the guard on the right.

"Inform the other guards to leave their positions and forcibly recruit as many men into the military. Refusal will end with public execution. We can't afford to waste any time," the representative of the hosting kingdom continued.

Without any delay, the guard ran off towards the stairs to inform the others about the news. It was evident that they feared their ruler.

"I don't mean to interrupt, however I do have a question. Would this kingdom also happen to be under a dictatorship as well?" Scar asked the ruler of the kingdom.

"Of course it is. In the early stages of establishing any colony, it is essential to take control and make decisions quickly. A democracy is just a waste of time only made to please the people," the representative replied to Scar.

Jing tried to stop himself from laughing at what the ruler of the hosting kingdom had said. While the ruler didn't know it, the kingdom which Scar resided in chose to work as a democratic kingdom. On the other hand Jing's kingdom chose the route of dictatorship just like the 3rd kingdom.

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The ruler of the hosting kingdom went back into the conference room, making sure to lock the door behind him.

"Okay, now that we've gotten the main task out of the way, let's get down to the minor details. You can just call me Theophill. I am the ruler of this kingdom and serve as its monarch. As such, anything I say goes. I came into power after I reached level 2 as fast as possible. Having unmatchable power allowed me to take over this kingdom. I hope that answered all your questions," Theophill said.

"I presume you're the type to waste no time when having to accomplish a task. No matter. Our names are-" Scar began to speak however was interrupted by Theophill.

"No need to state your names, I already did research on your profiles before you arrived here," said Theophill.

"I thought so," Scar sighed.

"Have you gathered your armies yet?" Theophill asked the two representatives from each of their respective kingdoms.

"I'll have to discuss the topic of a military with the rest of my kingdom's council before coming towards a definite conclusion," Scar replied

"As for me, I'll speak this over with the monarch of my kingdom," said Jing.

"Weaklings... are you both just pawns? Do you want to be used like mere tools by others for the rest of your lives? You've been given a second chance at life in the form of this magical world. At least aim for something greater than a mere object," said Theophill in a slightly louder tone to express his anger.

"I am not a tool!" Jing tried to argue back.

"Don't tell me that. Show me instead. All I can see are two mere communication tools, telling me what they were told to pass on," Theophill argued back.

There wasn't much Jing could say back to Theophill. After all, he was 100% correct in what he said.

While Jing thought about what Theophill had said. Scar was still busy thinking.

"When did I become so caught up in helping others? This wasn't the plan. I need to change my approach to things," Scar said to himself.

"We're grateful for doing business with you today. We'll contact you once more before launching our combined attack. Be prepared at all times just in case we decide to act suddenly," Scar said as he grabbed Jing by the arm and headed out the castle.

"What was that for?" Jing asked once they had stepped out of the building.

"This plan is too slow and will most likely fail. I'll act on my own from here on out. You of course will join me if you want my protection," said Scar.

Once they both entered the caravan which was there to help them return to their kingdoms, Jing began to ask more questions.

"But why the sudden change in attitude. I thought you were a good and righteous man?" Jing asked.

"At first that was my cover up story. I don't know exactly when but I eventually began to take my fake pressona seriously and it became one with my real identity. I never meant myself to be an ally to your kingdoms. I plan to rule the world on my own," Scar replied.

For the rest of the ride, both of them stayed silent. Even after they arrived back at their own kingdom, they didn't say a single world to each other. They quietly passed through the kingdom until they reached the castle to communicate with the rest of the council.

"How did your mission go?" the man in glasses asked in a serious demeanour.

"A success. They have agreed to our conditions and are currently planning to secure a formidable army to aid us in this raid," Scar said.

Right as the council's faces began to light up in joy, Scar began his big announcement.

"I'll be leaving the kingdom now. I will also be removing any plans for funding this kingdom after Yuki Kaito has been taken care of. I'll be taking Jing with me to his kingdom and take over it as its new monarch," announced Scar.

"How can you be so sure that you'll be able to accomplish that?" the man in glasses asked, still keeping his composure.

"Money can buy a lot of things, whether it be in the previous world, or this one," Scar said with a grin on his face as he walked out the conference room. Jing followed suit as that was all he could do.

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