My King System

Chapter 86 - Morality

"I really don't understand why these monsters have so much to say. I thought this was just a game. I think Zero overdid it with the programming of these dungeon monsters," Yuki thought to himself. 

Outside the dungeon, the group of mercenaries that were hired by the crime syndicate continue to follow their guide to the dungeon gate which Yuki will exit out of. They continue to walk through the tall green grass as they pass through the endless field of emptiness. All in sight were more grass and trees. 

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"This world is quite boring. There's almost nothing to do here, all we do is hunt and kill monsters for fun. I wish there were at least theme parks or something else we could go to to enjoy ourselves," the attack specialist of the mercenary group said. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. This place is wonderful. Do you really wanna go back to living a life where you had to constantly work a large amount of your days just so you could survive? I mean look at this place, even just killing a few weak monsters could get you through a week in this world," the debuffer replied. 

"I get what you mean, but still. It's so plain here, there's just a whole lot of emptiness. I guess the kingdoms are pretty lively but they're all separated by 15-50 miles of grassy fields each," the attacker continued. 

"You're right but that just gives the kingdoms more room to expand their lands. It's not like they have to stay put in the kingdom walls. Anyone can leave and enter, on top of that, we have the freedom to do anything we want in here. Just try to be more positive about life," the debuffer rebutted. 

The attacker of the raid squad sighed as she knew what her comrade said was true. The world was pretty bland. At least that's what it seemed like to most people as they couldn't explore and truly observe the rest of the new world. Let alone realise how much it had transformed from its previous state. 

Their previous planet had been completely cleansed of all its man made structures and materials. It was as if it had been placed back to its original state-before mankind began to change it for their benefit. 

While the planet had been set back to how it first was, there was nothing that would stop humanity from rebuilding it. In fact, this would allow them to rebuild the world much better than they had done previously since they now didn't have to go through the process of elimination to learn what to do and what not to do. With the help of their abilities, humanity would be able to make the new world unrecognizable within just a few years. For all anyone knows, they could make even better technological advances than they had done in their previous world. 

With all those positives also came the negatives of this world. Corruption would be easy. Criminal activities could go unnoticed. Slavery and forced labour would be a large possiblility. No matter how many times people try to ignore the evil that courses through humanities viens, they can never stop their greed. As such history will always repeat itself. Hence humanity's flaw becomes unveiled. No one truly cares about being good or even evil. Everyone just wants to gain what they want through any method necessary.

Moralility, justice and other phenomena are only made up to indoctrinate people into believing what the power holders want them to believe. Chivalry and pride simply shouldn't exist. In nature, everyone wants what's good for them and only them. It is not their responsibility to sacrifice their happiness for others. However, that same natural instinct is thought to be evil and wicked in modern society. 

While what is portrayed as good goes against every natural instinct, it is what has helped humanity advance so much and has allowed the species to flourish. In truth, those same false beliefs that were created and embedded through generations were not made to control people. On the contrary, they were created to help humanity escape from what they truly are. To create a species of civilized creatures which continue to work and develop constantly as they dream to accomplish something which they don't know to even exist. 

By humanity going against what it fundamentally is, it was able to achieve something extraordinary. Through this, lies and deception can never truly be deemed wrong as it was how humanity's success was formed. If all morals and common decency were to be removed from life, humanity would return to its natural state of being simple minded creatures and would eventually create those same ideologies once more over time.

Humanity was given a brain capacity much larger than other creatures. With them having the capability to comprehend their surroundings, they will seek to learn more of it. After all, they are eager creatures filled with greed. Some are greedy for knowledge, others money and some are greedy for power. Each can be justified or deemed as evil. All it depends on is who's judging and condemning those types of greedy desires. A judge can only deem something good or evil based on what is the societal norm.

The new world serves as a testing ground to expose how humanity will act in their natural environment now that they don't have anything distracting them from their goals and ambitions. Of course this is unknown if it were Yuki's full intentions to create a world such as this. For now, Yuki's main focus was getting as strong as he possibly could so that he-himself would achieve his own personal goal.

"How could Martyn speak about honour like he would know anything about it? That doesn't exist in this world, after all would the same people which you called your friends and bonded with betray you just for a little money and falsified glory?" Yuki said in a bitter tone as he thought about Jobon, Katsumi and Rui. 

Yuki had tried to ignore them and think to himself that they meant nothing to him and that he knew he could never trust them. However, Yuki had finally felt like he could have a half normal life. Just for all of that to come crumbling down because of money. That just solidified his beliefs and only allowed his trust issues to grow. 

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