My Little Sunshine

Chapter 205: Eavesdropping

Chapter 205: Eavesdropping

"Can I get some garlic butter? I prefer my soup with it." She asked her, raising her eyebrows a little. 

"I know. They were in the oven when I came upstairs, they will be here in a minute or two." Lillian replied to her calmly with her stoic face. 

Stella nodded her head before dipping her spoon back into the bowl. 

A little while later, maid entered the room with a plate in her hands. She placed it quietly on the folding table, next to her soup bowl. As the scent of the freshly baked garlic bread entered her nostrils, Stella felt her hunger acting up. She looked at the retreating back of the maid and stopped. 

"Do we have more soup left? If yes, can you please bring me another bowl of it?" She added meekly as she tried to tuck the stray lock of her hair behind her ear but stopped when she saw the IV line move a bit. 

"Give me five minutes, Young Miss. I will bring it over." The maid uttered humbly before heading out of the room. 

"Let me do that." Lillian spoke up after the maid had left the room. Standing up from the chair, she walked towards the dressing table and started to open the drawers, one after the other, until she found what she was looking for. Walking back to the bed, she stopped right next to it. She carefully tucked the stray locks of Stella's hair behind her ear before securing them with two bobby pins. 

Stella shifted her attention from her food to her and uttered a meek thank you to her, making Lillian roll her eyes in response. 

Unbeknownst to the two women, two ears were pressed against the black oak wood door, eavesdropping on them. 

"At least she's eating now." Blake whispered to Wilson who just nodded his head in response. They were more worried about Stella than the man who was nowhere to be found at the moment. "I think she will be fine for now, we should head downstairs." He spoke again to the man next to him as he moved his ear away from the door. 


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Inside the living room, Blake and Wilson were sitting on a sofa as they sipped on their coffees. It was already evening and there was still no news about Adam. His team members had been searching for him not only in the debris but the areas close to the site. Blake had already sent four more teams to the city right after he got the news of the incident.

His phone began to ring, pulling him out of his thoughts. He connected the call right away after seeing that it was from one of his men. He stayed quiet for a while as he listened to the man. 

"What do you mean that you don't have a clue about him?" He yelled at the man through the phone, his voice booming inside the quiet living room. "Are you trying to say that he disappeared into the sky? Or the earth engulfed him?" 

"Continue looking for him. Expand your area of search." Blake ordered him before disconnecting the call. He put down his phone, more like smacked it against the wooden table in frustration. 

"What happened?" Wilson asked him with concern. Judging from Blake's expressions, he could tell that it wasn't some good news. 

"They haven't found him yet. The good part is that they have checked through the rubble and he wasn't among those who were injured as well. They have checked with the hospitals and morgues as well." He answered Wilson. 

"Then why were you yelling at the poor man? Isn't that a good thing? It means that he's alive." Wilson frowned in confusion.

"You haven't listened to the bad part yet." Blake raises an eyebrow at him before continuing. "If he's okay, then where is he? He didn't go back to the hotel or the office. You know why that worries me more? Because for all we know, there are high chances of him being in the claws of the person who did this." 

Wilson began to chew on his lower lip in worry as Blake's words registered in his mind. 

"You guys are still here?" A voice interrupted the duo, making them to shift their attention towards the door. 

Stella walked in with slow steps, followed by Lillian who was giving them glares. Stella might have not heard their conversation, but due to her sharp hearing senses, she did catch on Blake's last statement. 

"How are you feeling now?" Wilson spoke up before Blake could, asking her about her health. 

"Much better." She replied to him, giving him a smile in return. After having her soup and garlic bread she had fallen asleep again as her body still needed more time to recover. The four long hours of sleep did her body some good and she was feeling much better, except for the heavy feeling inside her chest. But she knew that no amount of sleep could actually fix that.

"That's a good thing." Wilson added, smiling back at her. 

"Is there any news about Adam?" She asked Blake as she sat down on a couch across them. 

"Umm" He didn't know how to answer her properly. He could see that even though she was acting all tough but she was still the same frail girl who ended up fainting. No matter how hard she was trying to hide it from them, the pain and longing in her eyes made it pretty much obviously. 

"Don't you dare to lie to me." Stella glared at him. "Tell me the truth." She asked him, silently pleading him with his eyes. 

"At least let him talk." Wilson requested her. He could understand Blake's trouble.

"I do have a mild good news." Blake started to talk. "They don't know where exactly Adam is, but he isn't under the debris or in any of the hospitals within the city. I have ordered them to look in the areas which are right outside the city's premises as the site is a bit closer to it." 

Stella heaved out a long sigh which she didn't know that she was holding in. She was elated to know that he wasn't found from the rubble of the destroyed buildings. A wave of relief washed over her troubled heart. 

"That's not bad." She muttered to no one in particular. 

'I don't care where the hell you are, you fool. Just be safe. You have to be safe for me, for us. You promised me that you will find your way back to me always. You have to hold it up, you have to stay true to your words, Adam. You know too well that I can't even function properly without you. How am I supposed to live my life without you? Just come back soon, come back to your little elf.' She thought to herself as she held the sunflower pendant, tightly in between her palms.

Stella was lost in her own thoughts while the other three people were sitting quietly when the old butler rushed inside the living room. He was already out of his breath as if he had just run a marathon. 

"Young Masters?" He called out to Blake and Wilson with clearly looking at them as the old man didn't know when the two ladies came downstairs from the master bedroom. "The news." He trailed off when his mind finally registered the presence of others in the room.


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