My Little Sunshine

Chapter 216: I Don't Care

Chapter 216: I Don't Care

"I am so sorry. Let me get it for you." The man spoke up politely as he offered her his help and bent down to pick the white envelope from the tiled floor. 

Stella, who was about to apologise for her absent mindedness, found the words stuck at the back of her throat after hearing the familiar voice. 

She internally cursed herself for being so forgetful. How could she forget that her dear brother-in-law was a doctor in the same hospital. She stood rooted to the ground as she continued to curse herself internally. "There you go, Miss." Wilson's voice brought her out of her thoughts, causing her to shift her eyes from the top of his head to the white envelope.

She was about to take the envelope from his hand and head out of the hospital without even uttering her thanks, but his voice stopped her from doing so. 

"Stella?" Wilson looked at the lady before her in confusion as he furrowed his eyebrows. 

Only after she heard him call her name, she realized that her muffler had slipped down and the lower half of her face was no longer covered. 'Damn! It must have slipped down when I bumped into him.' She thought inwardly as she tried to look for an excuse at the same time. 

"Oh! Hey, Wilson." She gave him her usual smile as she tried her best to act casual. 

"What are you doing here?" He questioned her. "And that too like...this?" He trailed his eyes over her figure which was hidden under her long trench coat.

"Actually, I forgot to pick some of my reports yesterday and got a call from my doctor last night. She did say that she could have someone else deliver at home later on today but I declined her offer. Since the hospital is on my way to the office, I thought why not pick them up myself. And as for my get up, you know how is it in the news these days. I didn't want to catch much attention." She spoke as fast as she could without taking a single breath in between her sentences. 

"Oh! That explains this." He nodded his head understandingly as his trailed back to the envelope. "So, the reports are okay, right?" He asked her while turning the envelope around. But before he could do it, she grabbed the envelope quickly, snatching it away from his hands. 

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She knew she couldn't let him see the name of her consulting doctor or else he might end up knowing that she went to see a gynaecologist. There was nothing in it, but she couldn't let anyone else find about the pregnancy before Adam. She had already decided to keep it a secret for as long as she could. 

"Yeah! The reports are completely fine." She smiled at him again. 

"That's a good thing." Wilson pursed his lips and nodded. Though he found her actions a bit weird, he decided to turn a blind eye to it, thinking that she must be running late for the office. "You could have asked me. I would have picked them up and brought them over at your place." 

"It just escaped my mind that you are one of the senior consultants and surgeon here. I just remembered it after seeing you here, or else I would have." Stella muttered her answer. "I should get going now, I have a meeting at the office in fifteen minutes. Don't want to be late. I will see you later." She continued as she gave him a quick hug and made her way out of the hospital entrance without waiting for his reply. 

Looking at her departing figure, Wilson just shrugged his shoulders. "See you later." He muttered under his breath before heading towards the elevator. 


Back at the company, Stella was sitting quietly with her eyes fixed on the top right drawer of her desk. She had placed the envelope inside the drawer right after arriving at the office. She was battling with her own self as what to make of the news. 

Not only was she pregnant, but she was pregnant with twins. And the father of her children, her dear husband, was nowhere to be found. And to top it off, she had no idea when he might return. Would it be today? Or tomorrow? Or a week later? She had no clue about it. For all she knew, he might even take a month, or months for that matter, to come back to her. 

Heaving out a long frustrated sigh, she unlocked the drawer after scanning her thumb on the biometric lock. Taking out the white envelope, she took her reports out and began to read them. The whole bunch of some technical words went right over her head, without making any sense to her mind. Skipping her way through the words when turned the page only to find a bunch of monochrome images. They were the same images that the doctor had shown her earlier. 

Looking at the two tiny spots which were pointed out and distinguished from their surroundings by a red circle around them, she felt her heart getting heavier. The rims of her eyes turned red as they teared up. Her lips curled up in a silly smile as a couple of tears rolled down her cheeks. If someone would have seen her like this, there was no doubt that they would have found her crazy. 

Her fingers moved towards the images and lingered over the small spots which were merely the size of a rice grain. "My babies." She mumbled to herself as her lips quivered. "Your father definitely has some strong swimmers. Not only did he manage to knock me up, but he got two in one shot." She chuckled to herself as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. 

A knock at the door made her aware of her surroundings and made her realize that she wasn't at home. "Who's there?" She asked as she pulled out a couple of tissue papers from its box. 

"It's me, Bella, Ma'am." Bella announced her presence. "The Vice President of R&E Group of Companies is here with his team. You had a meeting scheduled with him today, but he's five minutes early." She continued. 

"Alright! Ask them to wait for me in the conference room. I will join them in a while." Stella cleared her throat and replied to her. She cursed herself under her breath for not keeping track of time as she dabbed the tissue papers on her cheeks and eyes. Her movements were careful as she didn't want to ruin her mascara and liner. 'Thank God that they are waterproof.' 

After fixing herself up, she put the reports back in the envelope and placed it in the same drawer. She didn't forget to lock it up before heading out of her room.


Stella walked inside the conference with Bella in tow. "I hope I didn't make you guys wait for long." She smiled politely at the people who were sitting around the large circular table. 

"No, you are on time, Mrs Levinson." It was Benjamin who spoke up as he stood up from his chair in respect. He knew had to show it whether he liked it or not. Who could dare to mess with the current CEO of Levinson's Corp. Moreover, he knew that he needed to have good terms with the woman who was standing before him with her head held high as the future of his father's company depended on her decision today. 

"I know." Stella replied smugly as she sat down on the head chair and motioned the other party to begin the discussion. 

Benjamin sat down and cleared his throat. "You know the reason why we are here today. I don't know what went wrong when the materials were being transferred to the new subsidiary of Levinson's Corp. But I assure you that they were completely fine before they left our warehouse. I checked them myself before giving the cargo a green signal." 

Before he could say anything further, Stella raised her hand up as she motioned him to stop. "I know where you are coming from Mr. Benjamin. But it doesn't change the fact that my company received damaged raw material. I don't care when it happened or how. What I know is that it annuls the contract. Your company breached it as it failed to deliver the said products within the given timeline." She shook her head sideways. 

"But.." Benjamin tried to reason with her but she interrupted him again. 

"Like I said before. I don't care." Stella smiled at him. "Your company breached the contract and has to pay the penalty. The exact amount which is written in the contract." 


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