My Little Sunshine

Chapter 225: If Only Adam Was Here With Me

Chapter 225: If Only Adam Was Here With Me

David was standing right outside the entrance of the salon Stella had walked in around half an hour earlier. Three shopping bags were dangling in his right hand as he held onto their handles while his other hand was tucked inside his pocket as he waited for the woman to come out. 

It was a little over half an hour already and there was still no sign of Stella. He was about to give her a call but pushed down the idea when he remembered that he didn't have her phone number. 'This woman is seriously something.' He thought inwardly while tapping his foot on the floor as he was beginning to get impatient. 

"There you are." He heard her voice before his eyes landed on her figure. 

He saw her walking out of the salon and felt his breathing stopped when his gaze shifted to her hair. The once long and silky locks which reached up to her waist were now bouncing above her shoulders as she walked towards him. 

"Why?" He glared at her. 

"What why?" Stella gave him a confused look when she saw the displeased look which was marring his face. 

"Why would you do that?" She saw him shaking his head. 

"Do what?" She couldn't hold back and raised her voice a couple of notches before lowering it down again as the realization of being in public dawned on her. "Can you stop with that? Just be straight with your questions." She whisper-yelled at him.

"I meant your hair." He added, pointing towards her hair. "Why would you cut them so short? They were so good earlier." He pursed his thin lips as he reminiscenced about the long locks of her hair. 

"Hey! They are still good. I like them more this way." Stella narrowed her eyes at him and ran her fingers through her hair. She had herself asked the hairstylist to cut them this short and she was happy with her final look. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She had opted for a lob haircut and asked the hairstylist to keep the front locks a bit longer which gave her hair a pointed look after the side partition. After the haircut, he had given her a blow dry to keep them in style until she gets done with her day. Moreover, the haircut made her look younger than her usual self. She could be easily mistaken for a teenager now that her hair looked like this. 

"And who the hell cares that you like them this way or not?" Stella pursed her lips in an adorable pout and furrowed her delicate brows. "Who even asked for your opinion in the first place? And stop wasting more of my time, we are already ten minutes late for the meeting." She humphed and walked past him, forcing him to follow her in silence.

'And who's the one behind our running late for the meeting.' He wanted to say it out loud to her face but decided against it. She would just start scolding him again while using the 'who's the boss' card.

They walked to the elevator with Stella walking two steps ahead of him. He continued to quietly follow her as he took care of his shopping bags, not bothering to even look up. His eyes were cast down on the floor, more specifically on the back of her block heeled boots. 

His thoughts drifted back to last night when he was taking care of her injury. 'Aren't the boots hurting her? She should have gone for something more comfortable for her feet if she didn't want to have an off.' He frowned at her selection of foot wear. If only he could make her wear something else. 

He followed her inside the glass elevator and stood right next to her. But before the doors could close a group of six girls rushed inside, preventing the door from closing. They were followed by four boys, making the whole space crowded. The duo were pushed all the way back and their backs were now leaving against the glass wall. 

Stella took in a deep breath as she tried to divert her mind to somewhere else. She could feel a pair of eyes staring at her as soon as the doors closed. One of the boys who had entered earlier was continuously ogling at her. She hated such men, she hated the fact that they would go around staring at women with their pathetic gazes. 

'If only Adam was here with me.' A thought popped into her mind as a sad smile embraced her lips. He would have used his own tall figure to block her small one from prying eyes. Before she could further think about the past and miss him more, she felt a shadow loom over her figure. 

She glanced at the tall man who was towering over her. His left hand was resting on the glass wall right next to her head, supporting the weight of his body. 

"You okay?" He questioned her as a frown marred his broad forehead. 

Stella could only nod her head in a yes as she gazed up at his tall figure. She saw him clench his jaw as his body moved closer to her, his elbow bending in the process. Her eyes then drifted back to the group of boys who were laughing as they gave thumbs up to the one who was staring at her earlier. 

"Close your eyes and ears." David instructed her to which she complied. 

Looking at her eyes which were tightly shunt and her ears against which she was pressing her palms, a devilish smirk graced his face. He turned his attention to the group of annoying kids which were treading on thin ice. It was better to show them their place and stop them before he made him lose him calm. 

"Just a little advice for you youngsters. Don't go around messing with people you can't afford to. And she is one of them. Just because a person is nice, doesn't mean you get to bully them. And most importantly, keep your eyes off her or I will gouge them out." He glared at them before turning his attention back to the woman who was still keeping her eyes and ears shut like an obedient child. His lips curled up in a wide smile as he looked at her face. 

Even though he would have preferred those long locks over her new hairstyle, he had to accept that she looked more adorable like this. 'Damn!' He bent down his head and leaned his face close to her face. He lightly tapped her nose with his hand before resting it again on the glass wall behind her. 

Sensing the light pressure on her nose, she finally moved her hands away from her ears and opened her eyes. She bit down on her lower lip when her eyes landed on his face. She furrowed her brows at their closeness. She wanted to push him away but couldn't even move a finger. It was as if her entire body was frozen at the spot under his tender gaze. 

"Are you okay?" He asked her softly as he looked at her troubled expressions. Even though he knew that he was the reason behind it, he still asked her. He loved to see her all flustered up and acting so shy and meek, totally opposite of what she usually portrayed herself as before her employees back at the company. 

Stella could only nod her head as she tried to avoid looking directly into his eyes. She couldn't understand why this closeness was bothering her so much. There was still a decent amount of distance between them. Maybe it was due to how he had acted and handled the situation. She knew Adam would have done the exact same thing for. What was with her missing him so much these days? 

"Are you sure?" She heard him ask again as his minty breath wafted up her nose. "Why does your face look so red?" She looked up at his face only to see him staring back at her with concern. 

"Yeah!" She could only mustered up the courage to say a single world as she bobbed her head up and down. 

"You sure?" He questioned her again. He was trying his best to suppress the smile which was threatening to bloom on his face. He saw her face scrunching up clearly showing her annoyance by his repetitive inquiring. 

"Can you stop asking me the same thing again and again?" She held his gaze and continued. "I already told you that I am okay. Didn't you get it the first time? Don't you understand what a nod means?" She questioned him as she went back to being her usual self.


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