My Little Sunshine

Chapter 231: Tears

Chapter 231: Tears

"You have definitely lost your mind." His words trailed off when he found her jumping right in his arms, burying her face in his chest as she began to sob.

Adam just wrapped her arms around her petite figure and hugged her closer to himself. He knew that no matter what he said then, wouldn't be able to justify his absence from her life. He rubbed her back lightly as she continued to sob in his chest. 

"Can you stop with the crying, please?" He finally spoke up after a while when he saw that there was no chance of her stopping anytime soon. He hated it when even a single tear made its way out of her beautiful eyes. But right now he hated himself as he was the sole reason behind her current state. 

"Sweetheart?" He called her softly as he tried to separate her figure from his chest, not because he was minding that her tears was drenching his shirt, but because he wanted to have a better look at her face. But Stella refused to let go of him, instead she tightened her hold around him as she was too afraid to let go of him, thinking that he might disappear again as soon as she would loosen up her hold. 

Heaving out a small sigh, Adam decided to change her position and shifted her body such that it was her side which was now resting against his chest. He cupped her face with his right palm while his other hand continued to hold on to her frail body. 

'Is it just me or her body seems a bit leaner than before?' He thought to himself but decided to push down the thought for now as he had more important things to do first.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He wiped off her streaming tears with his thumb before he angled her face up so that she was looking up at him. "Stop with the crying, please my love." He asked her again. "You know I couldn't bear to see you shedding a single tear." He wiped her tears again which refused to stop from sliding down her cheeks. 

"Y-you will le-leave m-me a-gain." She managed to speak in her choked up voice. 

"I am not going to leave you, not now, not ever again." He patted the top of her head as he tried his best to make her realize that he wasn't going anywhere without her ever again.

"Why did you leave me then? Why did you disappear and left me all on my own? Do you know how much pain I was in all this time? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to get through that on my own?" She threw a series of questions his way. 

"I am sorry." Adam could only apologize to the woman who was crying like a baby in his arms. He knew that he had a lot that he needed to explain to her, but calming her down and stop her from shedding those tears was at the top of his list at the moment. 

"I am so, so sorry." He apologized to her again as he shifted her body slightly so that he could have a better look at her face. Cupping her small face in his palms, he bent his face down, leaning his forehead against hers. 

"I am sorry for all of that. And I know my sorry won't undo all of that, but that's all I can do at the moment. I can just apologise to my little elf for being a bad boyfriend." He spoke as he gazed into her teary eyes which were barely open. 

"You have been a really, really bad boyfriend." She spoke up in her cramped up voice in between her sobs while Adam continued to nod his head like a broken bobblehead doll at her accusations. 

"I am not imagining you." She spoke up again only to see him shake his head lightly. "This is not a dream." Her lips quivered as she tried to make her believe that she wasn't dreaming all of this. 

Adam shook his head again, still keeping his forehead on hers. "Should I give you a hickey to make you believe that I am not some figment of your imagination or a part of some dream of yours." He gave her his signature smirk only to get an eye roll in response. 

He moved his head back slightly and wiped her tears as a frown marred his forehead. "Can you please stop shedding these precious pearls?" He asked her again, almost pleading her this time. 

He heaved out a long sigh of relief when he saw her nod her head in a yes as she tried to wipe off the remnants of her tears with the back of her hands.

"When did you come? And how?" She asked him when she was able to get a hold of herself. 

"Nobody knows that I am here except for Bella and that was a coincidence as well that walked in on me when I was going through the files which were resting on your office desk." He replied to her as he pulled her closer to him and made her body lean against his chest, making sure that her head was resting comfortably on his shoulder. 

"Then how did you come in?" Stella questioned him again as his answer made her confused. "There's no way that she saw you just because she entered without knocking on the door and you were just there in your office, sitting in front of your desk. Even if you took your personal elevator, at least the people out there must have seen you exiting it and then walking up to the office." She was becoming more and more confused as she analyzed the situation. 

'Just how could that happen?' 


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