My Little Sunshine

Chapter 234: A Bad Dream

Chapter 234: A Bad Dream

His eyes lingered over the face of his sleeping beauty as he had his face resting on his propped up elbow. His other hand was draped over her waist as he held her close.

He wanted to do the deed with her, and the longing he had for exploring her body once again after so long. He didn't want to leave any part of her body left untouched by his lips, but he had to stop himself from proceeding any further when he saw her trying to stifle a yawn when his fingers were working on her leather belt. 

Though she was adamant to continue their passionate activities, he had forced her to take some rest. And to his surprise, she had fallen asleep as soon as she closed her eyes after he had changed her into some comfortable clothes. He was thankful to Katherine for making sure that her closets were filled with clothes suitable for the weather. 

He continued to gaze at her petite figure as his thoughts drifted back to the moment he was cupping her breasts. 'What is it just me or they seemed changed more Fuller?' He thought inwardly as he doubted himself. 'Maybe it's just that I am holding her after so long.' Her body did seem more petite than before. 

'All of this must have taken a toll on her.' He shook his head in helplessness. He was on a guilt trip as he blamed himself for her messed up health, but he came out of it when he saw her furrowing her brows. A deep frown marred her  forehead, urging his fingers go move and caress the spot as he tried to smoothen the creases.

"I am here, sweetheart." He murmured softly next to her ear as he tried to calm her down. 'She must be having some bad dream.' He continued to murmur sweet nothings into her ear, trying to smoothen the folds of skin on her forehead. 

He saw her getting up with a jolt, pushing his hand away from her face. She looked around herself in a dazed state. Her forehead was covered with droplets of sweat as her eyes  continued to move around as if they were searching for someone. As soon as her eyes landed on his frame, she threw herself on him with so much force that it knocked him down on the bed again. 

Not caring about himself, Adam just wrapped his arms around her lower back and hugged her back. He rubbed his back slowly when he heard a couple of sobs vibrating against her chest. Soon his shirt was drenched again as the woman in his arms continued to shed her precious tears. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Sshhhh! Why are you crying again? It was just a bad dream." He tried to coax her. Though he didn't know what the context of her dream was, but looking at her shaken state, he could tell that it wasn't something good and that it definitely had something to do with him. 

"It was a bad dream." He heard her mutter against his chest in her croaked up voice. 

"Hmm." He just hummed in response as he continued to rub her back gently. He didn't ask her about her bad dream, his curiosity could wait a little longer. Calming her down at the moment was his priority. 

"I saw you left, more like disappear." She continued after a while. "I saw that you being David was all a dream. And you were gone after I woke up from a deep slumber." 

"It's not a dream, my baby girl. I am really here and I am not going anywhere this time." He muttered softly as he bent his face down and placed a lingering kiss on the crown on her head.

"You promise?" She spoke, finally looking up at his face. 

Adam gave her a bright smile and nodded his head. "I promise. Didn't I find my back to you like I promised to you on the phone?" He rubbed the top of her head lovingly, messing up her hair. 

His actions earned him a scowl from his little elf before she questioned him again. "Where were you all this while? And how did you escape all those blasts?" These questions were troubling her mind a lot. She knew her mind won't rest and her soul won't be at ease unless she gets them answered by him. She was way more than thankful to the heavens above for sending him back to her and that too in a better health. 

"It's a long story, I will tell you that some other time. But stop thinking it over and over again." He shook his head in a no. He didn't think she would be able to handle the whole truth at the moment, and he didn't want to lie to her even the slightest bit.

Stella pursed her lips a pout when he didn't answer her. Giving him an annoyed look she wiped her teary face with his shirt, earning a chuckle from the man whose clothes were being used as a tissue paper. But he could care less even if it was his own self in place of his shirt. She would always be his number one priority. 

"Talking about being annoyed, why did you cut your hair so short?" He narrowed his eyes at her face as she tried to avoid looking into his gray orbs. "Answer me, Stella." He toughened his voice and asked her.

"Actually, I did not lie to David. What I told him I mean you earlier, was the truth. They were too long for me to handle while managing the company." She answered him honestly. 

Adam hummed in response as she tucked a few tendrils of her hair behind her ear to get them away from her face as they were blocking his view. "I have to agree that this hairstyle suits you better. They make you look younger and more adorable, but there's a drawback to it as well."

"What drawback?" She frowned at the latter part of his sentence. 

"Even those pesky teenagers are going to hit on you now. I better hire a whole team of bodyguards to keep those unwanted little flies away from you." He answered her as he recalled the elevator incident from earlier. 

Stella let out a hearty chuckle when she saw his scrunched up face. "Is someone getting jealous?" She wiggled her eyebrows while enjoying this side of her man. 

"Why would I be jealous of them? Are you forgetting whose name is on your marriage certificate, Mrs. Adam Levinson?" His lips curled up in a lop-sided grin when he saw her burying her face in his chest as a faint blush crept up on her cheeks. "Who's the one blushing now?" He lightly tapped on the back of her head to make her look up. 

Stella rolled her eyes as she tried to think of a way to divert the topic away from herself. "Oh! It's a good thing that you are back. Even if you choose to continue as David, you can at least help me run this whole empire. It's not easy to run an entire conglomerate. It's too much of stress, especially for a pregnant woman."

Adam hummed in response. "You are right. I can help you out as your personal assistant since my identity is no longer a secret from you. You won't have to do this...." He trailed off as his mind registered her words from earlier. 


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