My Little Sunshine

Chapter 249: Runs In Their Blood

Chapter 249: Runs In Their Blood

"Don't tell me that my feather like punch have made you deaf as well?" Stella let out a sarcastic chuckle as she continued to glare at the man. She had gotten so familiar with him that she could read him like an open book. The slightest shift in his expressions was enough for her to tell what exactly was going on in that stupid mind of his. 

"Turn around, Adam." She asked him in a not so polite manner as she gazed into his gray orbs. 

Under her scrutinizing gaze, Adam shifted on his left as Wilson helped him. He knew that it was useless to make any more excuses as the aggravated woman before him was in no mood to accept any further of those. Moreover, she was supposed to find about it sooner or later. And the sooner it happened, the better it was for him.

A loud gasp escaped Stella's lips as they started to quiver. Her hands moved on their own and covered her gaping mouth as she continued to stay rooted to her spot. Her hazel eyes teared up as they stayed fixated on his shoulder blade where a ghastly long scar waited for them.

A long vertical line could be seen running from the tip of his shoulder blade and down to his lower half of his rib cage. The pinkish brown skin covering the area where previously a deep, horrendous wound must had been, was too obvious in relation to his contrasting fair skin for anyone to not notice it. 

"Is it from that day?" Gritting her teeth, Stella managed to ask him. She was still not over her shock, but she needed to know this. 

"Yeah!" That was the only reply which Adam could give her. Just from the way her voice shook while asking him the question, he could tell that her lips were trembling. He was regretting not telling about it earlier, but everything happened in such an haste just because his mask got ruined that it completely escaped his mind. 

His words settled in her mind, making her more enraged. Blinking her tears away, she shifted her attention to the man who was standing by the side of bed quietly all this while. "Do your job. Let me know if you need anything at all. I will be in my office." She asked Wilson who nodded back at her.

"Stella?" Adam called out to her but didn't get a response. He wanted turn back as his current position wasn't allowing him to have a proper look at her, but Wilson stopped him to do so. He placed a flat palm on his lower back and made his lie on his abdomen. He wanted to push his hand away, but the sharp pain stopped him from doing so. 

"Stella?" He called out to again only to get a response in the form of footsteps. But to his dismay, there weren't moving towards him, rather out of the room. 

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"I am doomed, ain't I?" He questioned to Wilson after the door to the room was shut close with a loud thud. 

"That, you are." Wilson chuckled lightly as he began to examine the long scar. "Don't worry, she will come around. Just give her some time and be patient." He muttered after a minute or so. 

"I know that. You just keep your mouth shut and do your work." Adam gave him a side glance and gritted through his teeth, earning an eye roll from the man. 


The bright blue canvas was clear from any clouds as the sun shone high up in the sky. Tall buildings stood proudly under the assaulting bright rays of the sun, reflecting them back as they glimmered in their own way. The weather was finally pleasant after a whole week of cold, freezing winds. But it wouldn't last for long as there was a prediction of a snow storm arriving next week. 

Keeping her eyes set on the tall buildings, Stella gazed into the distance through the floor to ceiling glass windows. Every time she closed her eyes, the scar would pop up in her mind, turning the already red rims of her eyes more red. 

Taking in a long, deep breath, she tried to calm herself down. It wasn't easy for her to stop herself from crying. The only person she held dear to herself was in so much pain because of her. Not only that, he even tried to keep it a secret from her. The pain of being kept in the dark was much more worse than her guilt for causing him harm. 

"It's done." Wilson walked out of the room and spoke up, bringing her out of her guilt trip. 

Stella blinked her tears away which had pooled in her eyes. She hummed softly as she turned around after composing herself. Even though Wilson was among those few people whom she considered a family, only Adam had the right to see her in a broken state. It was only him she could be vulnerable before. 

"I have prescribed some high potency painkillers to him. I have asked someone from the hospital to get them for you. The person will be here soon. Just don't let him skip a dose or the pain will relapse. The wound was a deep one, so it's still in its healing stage. It's better if he doesn't use his right hand too much, especially for lifting weight." Wilson, who was in his doctor mode, explained to her only to get a firm nod from her in return. 

He walked up to where she was standing and engulfed her in a bear hug. "He will be fine in no time. You just need to make sure that he sticks to the instructions which I have given." He spoke above her head as he lightly patted her back. 

"Thank you." Stella gave him a faint smile and thanked him for coming over on her call. 

Wilson flicked her forehead as he let go of her. "Are you seriously thanking me? I thought we were family." He pursed his lips in a pout as he faked wiping a tear from his cheeks. 

"Alright, alright. No thanks." Stella raised her hands up in the air. 

"That's more like it. You don't have to thank me at all. Just treat me out to a fancy lunch or dinner, that will do." He winked at her and made his way out, leaving her with a gaping mouth. 

"Shamelessness definitely runs in their blood." She muttered to herself, shaking her head sideways. Both of these cousins were on par with each other when it came to being shameless. Her eyes trailed off to the brown door which was slightly left ajar while she was lost in her own thoughts. Tilting her head slightly, she tried to have a look inside. But all she could see was the other end of the bed. She rolled her eyes knowing fully well that Wilson must have left the door in that position on purpose. And just like he has predicted, her curiosity got the best of her. 

Moreover, how could she bear to leave him on his own when he was in pain. No matter how much irked she was by him, her heart wouldn't let her do so. Heaving out a long sigh, she headed towards the room.

As soon as she entered the room, a frown marred her forehead when her eyes landed on the empty bed. The duvets which were covering his body earlier, were now lying on the floor. Her panicked eyes wandered around the room as they searched for the man. The unsettling feeling in her heart died down when two toned arms wrapped around her lower waist and a face nestled itself in the crook of her neck. 

"I am sorry." Adam muttered lightly below her ear, his warm breath tingling her neck. 

"How long are you going to keep apologizing to me?" Stella asked him as she stood rooted to the floor. "And why the f***ing hell are you out of the bed? You are supposed to be resting. You do know what does it mean, right?" She scolded him as she pushed his arms away, careful of her movements as not to hurt him again. 

"I can't rest without having you in my arms. Lay down with me." He spoke up when he was her dragging him to the bed. When she saw her turning her head around, he scrunched his eyebrows together and pursed his lips to give her an innocent look.

Stella glared at the man child before her who was trying his best to seem like an adorable pup. 

"Pretty please." He blinked his eyes a couple of times as he tried to sound more pitiful. 

Letting out an annoyed groan, she decided to agree with her big baby, for now. "Okay! But this doesn't mean that I am not mad at you anymore."


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