My Little Sunshine

Chapter 256: James Bond Movies

Chapter 256: James Bond Movies

"What's wrong?" Adam asked her as he tried to keep his eyes fixed on the road ahead of him. They were now driving to the hospital as Stella had an appointment with her gynaecologist, and the man would never leave a chance to be there with his dear little wife. He was too excited about it as it would be the first time that he would be accompanying her. But his level of excitement had died down after he returned back to the store where he had left her earlier. 

The woman next to him, was already done with shopping for him. She had gotten a couple of formal suits for him and some casual wear as well, even though wasn't lacking either of them back at his apartment. 'Thinking about that, he better shift his belongings to her penthouse.' He made a mental note and put it down on his to do list.

"What has gotten into you?" He questioned her again when he didn't receive any response from her. 

"Nothing." She finally replied to him with a single word as she kept her gaze fixed to the buildings on the other side of the tinted windows. 

"I am sorry that it took me long with that call. You had to do my shopping on your own." He glanced at her and apologized before shifting his attention back to the road.

Without even realizing, he had spent longer at the jewellery store as he tried to find something unique for her. The small square shaped box was now peacefully snuggled inside one of the shopping bags which were resting on the back seat of the car. 

"Are you crazy?" She finally snapped her head in his direction when she heard him apologizing to her, the guilt in his voice was too obvious to go unnoticed by her. Everytime they were alone or in the confinements of the car, he would use his own voice. "I don't mind shopping for you at all. In fact, it's something that I enjoy dearly." She scolded him a little. 

"By the way, I always forget to ask you one thing." She spoke as she shifted in her seat slightly, facing towards him. "How do you do it?" She questioned him, narrowing her eyes. "Did you get a device fixed in your throat which turns on and off by a button you always keep on yourself, or you control it with your?" 

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After hearing the latter part, the confusion in his eyes died down as loud chuckle resonated through the quietness inside the car. 

"Don't tell me it's something more fancy? Like you control the voice modular thingy with your brain." Stella looked at him with her widened eyes which glowed with excitement.

Keeping his attention ahead, he replied to her with a bright smile. "Sorry to break your heart, my dear wifey, but it ain't something fancy like you are imagining it to be. It's actually something really basic." He began to explain it to her as he made a wide U turn and pulled the car up in the driveway of a restaurant. His wife demanded that she wanted to eat something Italian, so here they were before the most famous Italian restaurant of Berlin. 

After unfastening his seatbelt he leaned over to her side and unbuckled hers as well. He pulled her to his side, making her sit on his lap. Clearing his throat, he continued. "When I was a kid, I had this obsession with unique things and talents. I wanted to try every single thing which was able to hold my interest. One of those things was how to mimic someone else. Though I suck at it, at least I can modulate my voice." He gave her a proud smirk only receive a smack on his left shoulder. 

"And here I thought it was something like those James Bond movies." She pursed her lips in a pout and gave him an unsatisfied look. 

"I told you it's just a basic thing." He rubbed the back of her head head lovingly before pulling her into his embrace. "I am sorry for making you do the shopping on your own." He spoke above her head which was nestled securely in the crook of his neck. He was happy that her mood was better than before. He couldn't ask her the reason on his own, he knew that she would tell him on her own if she wanted to. Or it might have been something related to the take over which was troubling her.

"Ugh!" She groaned in annoyance and bit down the skin of his neck lightly. "Apologise to me one more time, and I will punch you where the Sun never shines." She spoke against his neck threateningly. 

"Alright, Ma'am. I won't dare to do." He replied, hugging her closer. 

Stella returned his hug, clutching his waist tightly as she became lost in her own thoughts again. She wanted to tell him about what had happened earlier, about the man who had popped out of nowhere and threw a bomb at her in their first meeting, the very same man who was apparently behind the accident which had killed her parents. She wanted to bring it into his knowledge, at the same time she had so many questions on her mind. 

Why come clean before her, wasn't he afraid that she would go and tell Adam all of the nonsense he had told her about. If he claimed to love her mother so much, he wouldn't kill her, right? Moreover, what was with him being all so emotional. What was she supposed to do now? Was she supposed to believe him and go to the graveyard and visit their graves? It had been long since she did that. The last time she visited them, was when she ran away from her so called home.

"Are you okay?" His words brought her out of her thoughts and she nodded, still clinging on to his figure. 

"I just wanted to hug for longer." She spoke  against his neck before letting go his waist as she moved a bit away from. An unsettling emotion engulfed her heart at the loss of his warmth 

"I thought my little vixen was hungry." Adam question her as he tucked a couple of locks begin her right ear. Ever since she had gotten this new hair cut, she hardly tied them up in a high pony and they were always let loose.

"I still am." She bobbed her head up and down a couple of times. "Our babies wanted to hug their father." She added with a smile. 

He hummed softly as he pinched both of her cheeks. "Can our babies kindly tell their mother that she doesn't need a reason to hug their father? She can just cling to him for as long as she wants. He doesn't mind it." He added. He could always see right through her. They were like open books to each other. 

Stella just shook her head sideways and smiled brightly. "They are saying it's done. Message conveyed. Do you need them to pass any other message to their mother?" 

"Oh, since they are asking, there is one." He replied to her silly question in his own silly way. Cupping her small face in between his palms, he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers. Gazing into her hazel orbs, he spoke up. "Can you ask them to tell their mother how madly in love their father is with her?" 

"I love you too." This time she replied to him right away as the corners of her eyes began to turn red, not bothering to twist her words. She repeated the same line once more before crashing her lips over his. 


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