My Little Sunshine

Chapter 258: Let Me Dote On My Wife

Chapter 258: Let Me Dote On My Wife

"Well, there are your babies." The doctor's voice brought him out of his thoughts, making him turn his attention to the monitor where two miniature humans could be seen as the babies were already two months old. 

With his eyes still fixed on the monitor's screen, his hands moved to find hers, which was resting on the bed. The corners of his eyes began to glisten up with unshed tears as he tried to keep his emotions in check. He couldn't burst into tears before the doctor. Interlacing their fingers together, he finally moved his eyes from the screen to his woman. 

"Thank you." He managed to utter while suppressing his emotions. His lips curled up in a faint smile when he saw her winking in his direction. 

"The babies are doing fine and they seem healthy so far. It's still too early to tell their genders, but we could tell you that in three more months when the babies will be five months old." Dr. Matilda spoke up as she continued to move the probe over the lower half of her abdomen. She pressed a number of buttons of the keyboard as she took multiple monochromic shots of the twins. 

After she was sure that everything was fine, she out down the probe back in its initial position. "You can change back into your clothes after wiping the gel off your belly. I will wait for you in the office where we can discuss it further." She spoke up before heading out of the curtained portion, leaving the duo alone. Though it was weird for her, she could tell that they needed to talk. 

After the doctor had disappeared from his sight Adam finally moved from his position, letting go of her hand. He took out a couple of tissue papers from the box and walked back to her side. He began to wipe off the gel quietly as Stella continued to look up at his serious expressions. He was too immersed in the task to even notice that his woman was ogling at him. 

Placing a kiss on her exposed belly, he shifted his attention to her. "Let's get you changed." He spoke against her belly before he discarded the crumpled, sticky bunch of the used tissue papers. Picking her clothes up from the chair, he walked back to her side to help her out. 

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"I can do it myself." Stella frowned at the way he was treating her. She was just two months pregnant and this man was already in an over protective mode. She was about to ask him to leave when she felt him tugging at the hem of the hospital gown, but his next words forced her to keep her mouth shut. 

"Let me dote on my wife." He pressed a soft kiss on the crown of her head before getting back to the task at hand.

A couple of minutes later, the duo walked out and headed to the adjacent room which the doctor's office. As soon as they settled in the seats across her, the doctor hand out a white envelope to Stella. 

"You will find an ultrasonic picture in there." She spoke up. "The babies are doing completely fine. All you need to do is to take care of yourself. Make sure that you don't lift any heavy weight or stress yourself out. You can eat anything which is fine by you as long as it's fresh and doesn't cause your body to have a reaction. Like I told you earlier, make sure that fruits and vegetables are properly washed before you consume. Even though they are cooked, make sure to wash them properly." 

"Gotcha." Stella nodded her head as she paid attention to her every single word. Though she already knew all of this by now, it's better to listen to the same lines again and again to make sure you don't miss on a single thing which may cause any problem later on. 

"And please, stop eating those fast foods and all which you crave so much, and it includes pizza. Just ask your chef to make you the same thing at home." Dr. Matilda added as she narrowed her eyes at the woman sitting across her. "I don't want to hear on your next appointment that you are still eating those." 

"Uh sure. I have stopped eating those." Stella could nod her head and smile at her doctor. She was already mentally preparing herself for the scolding that was about to receive. There was no way that her man would let this matter go. She was only hoping that his mind was elsewhere when the woman said all of that. But the heated gaze coming from her right was telling otherwise. 

"I will see you on your next appointment. If you start to feel nauseated, you don't have to worry about it. It's normal to have morning sickness in early months of pregnancy. And if you get nauseated from eating a particular food item, then avoid eating it." Dr. Matilda spoke up as she saw the couple standing up. "And if you feel any sort of pain or discomfort in your lower belly, call me right away." She added.

"Alright, I will keep that in mind. Thank you so much." Stella replied to her. She was about to head towards the door with Adam in tow when a sudden thought popped up in her mind, which caused her to stop in her tracks. 

"I am sorry for troubling you, but I had a query." Stella spoke up as she scratched the back of her head.

"It's fine. You can ask me anything." Dr. Matilda shook her sideways and asked her to shoot her question.

"Is it okay to have sexual intercourse in pregnancy?" Hesitatingly, she managed to ask her. It wasn't only her husband who wanted to know the answer to her question. She wanted to know it as well. It was becoming so hard for her to keep her distance from him, especially because he had a habit of sleeping with his shirt off. How was she supposed to keep her core in check if she was to wake up each day with him by her side. It would be an understatement if she calls his body a delicacy for her. 

"Oh!" The doctor looked up at the duo and answered her. "It's usually fine to have sex after the first two months." 

Stella heaved out a relaxed sigh when she heard the doctor's words. Her body was rushing with happiness as she couldn't wait to finally have him inside her. But her happiness didn't last for long when she heard the doctor's next words.

"But you are pregnant with twins. I wouldn't suggest it. It's already too much for a woman's body to nurture twins or triplets, that having sexual intercourse may lead to preterm labour and even miscarriage at times. You can use other methods to please yourself which doesn't involve penetration. I wouldn't have suggested that if the placenta was located too low in your uterus. But since it's located in the top one-third, it's fine to have orgasms." 

After a brief pause, she continued. "Look Stella, I can understand that a woman's body is more demanding during pregnancy because of the hormones and all, but it's better if you don't have sexual intercourse until the babies are out in the world." 

"Alright. Thank you so much. I will keep that in mind." Stella could only smile at her before the duo headed out of the room. She didn't forget to hide her face as she put on her large shades and walked with her head slightly lowered with Adam walking next to her. 


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