My Little Sunshine

Chapter 266: Adopted Child

Chapter 266: Adopted Child

His answer made her speechless and she could only gape in response. 'Taylor isn't his biological son. How did I miss this? And if it's on public records, why didn't Adam mention it before me?' She thought to herself. 'But why would he mention it, it's not like he could have just brought the topic up causally.'

"I-I How?" She managed to speak up after a while.

"I adopted him when he was around five years of age." He paused briefly and took a deep breath before continuing. "There used to be a cafe in Berlin by which I used to stop by every morning to have my morning coffee. Me and your mother used to visit the place oftenly in our teens. It became my favorite place after your mother married your father and got settled with him as I could at least relive the days we spent there together."

"There used to be a homeless woman sitting on the sidewalk a couple of feet away from the entrance door of the cafe. Every time I used to visit the cafe, my eyes would fall on her, especially when she used to play with her boy, lost in their own bubble of happiness. I once saw the boy crying loudly, asking his mother for food. So, I decided to buy them some food. I don't know how or exactly when it became a habit of mine, but I started buying them food every morning and made sure it was enough to last a day."

Not believing her ears, Stella interrupted the man. "Are you kidding me?" She gave him a glaring look. 

"Hey, come-on. I accept that I made mistakes in the past, ones which I can't undo and I regret doing them. But that doesn't make me heartless." Carston rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you too soft for a murderer?" She scoffed in response. "Please continue. Don't stop on my account." Her words made him roll his eyes again.

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"Stop interrupting me then, brat." He fought the urge to smack the lady on her head. "So where was I?" He mumbled incoherently to himself, trying to recall where he was before she interrupted him. "One unfortunate day when I stepped out of the car to follow the same routine, I heard loud wails of child coming from the same direction where the duo used to sit. My eyes moved to see a large crowd of people gathered around the same place." 

Stella moved her gaze away from his figure and shook her head. "His mother couldn't survive." She added only to hear a no in response. 

"She was already dead when the boy woke up that morning." He spoke up and patted the top of her crown. "Well, you can use your brain to figure out the rest. I won't bore you any longer with my stories. You better leave now, it can rain any time. And being drenched in rain, that too in winters won't do you any good. Off you go now." He added with a pat on her shoulder.

"Alright. My driver is waiting for me outside anyways. Aren't you going to leave?" She nodded her head in agreement and questioned him at the same time when she didn't see any sign of him budging from his spot. 

He flicked her forehead lightly and shook his head. "There is no way I am going to leave without having a word with your mother, and I need privacy for that." He added to which she just shrugged.

Getting off from the ground, Stella dusted her clothes off and big him goodbye. "Do as you please, I am going to go now. Just don't stay here for too long or you might end up being drenched. I don't know much about tumors, but I do know that winter rain won't do your deteriorating health any good." She added as her steps started to take her down the same path she had followed inside.

Looking at her departing figure, a sad smile embraced his lips as his eyes began to tear up. "I will protect her no matter what. I just hope you can forgive me, Rose." He muttered under his breath as he shifted his eyes back to the gravestone right before him. "And to prove to you that I really meant what I said to her, I am going to do her husband a small favor." He took out his phone from his pocket and hit sent to the already typed message.


With a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, Stella opened the door to the office only to find her man sitting in her chair. A frown marred her forehead for a fleeting second when she realized that it was actually his place to begin with and she scolded herself for even thinking that it belonged to her. 'It actually belongs to both of you, now that you are husband and wife.' Her subconscious reminded her of the fact that they were a married couple.

Her eyes lingered over his face for a little while before she shut the door as quietly as possible. She wanted to give him a surprise, thinking that he could be inside the room, but nevermind. Based on how engrossed he was in reading a file, she could still proceed further with her plan. 

With light steps, she continued to walk towards the desk. Just when she was about to say something and startle him, the man spoke up without even looking up from the file. "You are back." 

"Ughh!" Stella groaned in annoyance and pursed her lips in a pout. "I wanted to startle you, couldn't you be any less aware of your surroundings." She added sarcastically and walked around the desk to where he was sitting. 

"What are you doing by the way?" She questioned him as she settled herself on his lap. 

"Nothing much, it's just some file regarding the take over from our PR team. There were some errors in the figures so I asked them to make the appropriate changes. It's the revised statement. I am just making sure that there are no errors." Adam answered her, wrapping his arms around her lowered to make sure that she was securely sitting in his lap.

"Oh! Do you need my help?" She could only offer him her help even though she knew that he didn't need it. 

"No, it's fine. You should rest for a while. Traveling to Amsterdam and then back home must have tired you out. And we don't even have much left to do. I have got this, you just look after yourself don't worry." He pressed a couple of kisses to her cheeks, holding her closer. 

"You seem like you are in a good mood." She added. "What else could make you this happy when I wasn't even here? And why aren't you wearing your mask?" 

Under her scrutinizing gaze, Adam chuckled lightly. "Because your personal assistant left early today as he wasn't feeling too well." He pinched her nose lightly. He looked as if he was about to continue but two consecutive beeping sounds from his phone, interrupted him. "Hold on." He excused himself and picked up the phone to check if it wasn't anything important. As soon as he clicked on the notifications, his bright and relaxed expression was replaced with a dark one. 


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