My Little Sunshine

Chapter 269: Rodeo (1)

Chapter 269: Rodeo (1)

With a screeching sound, a black luxurious car was pulled to a stop before a local bar in a downtown area. A woman stepped out of the car and handed the keys over to the valet, not forgetting to give him a stern look as he eyed her up and down. A woman dressed in a pair of black loose flared pants with a white full sleeved blouse, surely was not going with the surroundings. 

Stella glared at the man for a fleeting second before her eyes shifted to look at the neon board sign. The shabby looking place was called 'Rodeo'. She frowned as her gaze lingered over the broken second 'o', which kept blinking on and off. She shook her head sideways, looking at the neon green board sign. 'If he wanted to drown his sorrows by drinking, he could have chosen a better place.' She thought to herself as she walked up to the entrance. 

After getting herself stamped on the wrist, she entered the club with a frustrated expression. The loud music blasting through the speakers was enough to make her more nauseated from the place itself. It was almost dark inside the place with some colorful lights flashing every now and then. Green and red beams of light were focused more on the dance floor than elsewhere. 

Pushing her way through the crowd, she decided to first try finding him at the bar. The haziness inside was already making it hard for her to breathe. She hated congested places like this because somehow, they reminded her of the elevator incident from her childhood. 

After struggling for five whole minutes through the sea of sweaty bodies, she was finally able to get to the bar counter. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What do you need?" The bartender asked her in a not so polite tone which only caused her frown to deepen.

"Nothing." She replied with a mere word, not paying attention to the tall, bulky man on the other end of the counter. Her eyes rather roamed over the row of barstools which were lined next to the counter, stopping for a few seconds on each individual as she tried her best to find her husband in the dark. 

"Then you need to leave the bar." The bartender spoke up again in his gruff voice. "No need to hold up the place." 

Stella turned her face towards him and eyed him up and down. "Can you please keep your mouth shut for a while? I am trying to look for someone. I will leave when I have found them." She gave him an annoyed look before getting back to what she was doing earlier, looking for her husband.

The man across her, looked at her one more time and scoffed before getting back to serve his other customers. Stella continued to let her eyes wander around the small hall when she couldn't spot him by the bar. Just when she was lost in her thoughts, cursing at Adam, she felt someone sitting on the bar stool next to her. As she had her back facing the person, she couldn't see who he or she was. 

"May I get you a drink?" The person who had just joined, spoke up. His sudden question, made her jump in her seat slightly as she turned around. Her eyes landed on a man who seemed to be in his late thirties and was dressed as some thug. A toothpick was sticking out of one corner of his mouth as he chewed on it. His face, which had piercings on multiple sites, was leaning against his propped up elbow as he stared at her. 

"No, thank you." She replied to him as politely as she could, deciding to walk away from the place. Even with one glance, she could tell that the man was no simple one and it was better for her to stay away from him. She wouldn't want herself to get into trouble, especially at a place like this when she had no one else around and no money in her pockets. In her frenzied state to find her dear husband, she had ran out of the right after getting the location, not bothering to pick up anything besides the car keys and her spare phone. 

"Oh, come-on, honey buns. It's not like you have a partner." He spoke up again, spitting out the toothpick. "A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be out here alone in a place like this. Let me buy you a drink, you can pay me back later on." He added with a wink.

Even looking at his disgusting expressions and the lust which was evident in his eyes, Stella was starting to feel nauseous. She was about to spat back at him, but a tall figure blocked her line of sight as he leaned over the counter. 

"Here you are, sweetheart. I have been looking for you everywhere. I told you to stay put by the booths." A familiar voice entered her ears, easin her worrying mind a little bit. He was still wearing that baseball cap from earlier. 

She wanted to scold him so badly, but now wasn't the right time to lose her calm. "It's not my fault that it took you so long to make a call." She narrowed her eyes and played the part of an angry girlfriend perfectly. 

"I didn't know that it would take me this long. I apologise, babygirl." Adam spoke up sweetly and hugged her by her side. His trailed off to the man sitting next to her wife, his expressions turning from a lovesick fool to an enraged, possessive boyfriend. "Was this man bothering you?" He questioned her, without shifting his eyes away from the man. 

"No, he wasn't. Let's get out of here, I need some fresh air." She replied without even looking at the other person, grabbing his arm as she get down from the bar stool.


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