My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 118 - Healing

"Isaac what happened?"

"What happened, Isaac!"

The pups who had been gathered around the cellar door with Finn after he appeared from the woods rushed to Isaac's side. His eyes were squinted closed in pain, and he clutched his leg as Finn set him down.

"You're going to be okay, little guy," Finn said reassuringly.

Greta came running out of the woods with Alice and Clementine following behind her. When the pups all heard Isaac's cries coming from the basement and realized August was likely down there with him, the two girls had rushed to go get Greta for help.

"Finn, what happened?" Greta asked as she rushed to kneel beside the boy.

"I-I don't know Miss Greta. Somehow they ended up trapped in the basement with a bunch of bears," he stammered with a bewildered expression.

"Where's August?" she asked.

"Still down there," he replied to receive a glower from Greta as she shot up and ran to the cellar. "She made me take him first!" He called after her in explanation. Greta groaned back at him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At the bottom of the cellar steps, August was resting her head back against the wall. Greta smelled blood and the unique musky, sweet scent of bear that was laced with protective warning, which could only mean it was a mama with her cubs. Why would they be down here?

It wasn't necessarily unheard of for a bear to find its way into an abandoned basement and use it as a den, but most often they were found in hollowed trees or under coarse woody debris that provided enough shelter without an entire basement being necessary.

"Goddess August," Greta said softly and put a hand testingly on her shoulder. Her sweater was shredded, so Greta took off her cardigan and draped it over August's chest before lifting her to carry her up above. August groaned a little from the movement, but other than that, she didn't complain.

Finn was already on his phone trying to dial Graeme for a second time when the girls appeared from the cellar opening. For some reason his calls weren't going through.

"Have you heard from Graeme since he's been gone?" Finn asked Greta when she approached.

"No," she answered. "We should move further away from the cottage in case the bears decide to wander out of their new home tonight."

Finn nodded and picked Isaac back up.

"I can walk," August told Greta, noticing the pups looking at them worriedly but seeming too afraid to approach.

"Are you sure? You're badly injured. I need to take a look at the scratches to see how deep they are," Greta replied. She set August down on a soft patch of grass. "Finn, why don't you lead the pups back to the warehouse. A few of their parents will be coming to get them in a little bit. The rest can just head home now."

"Sure, Miss Greta," Finn answered.

"And make sure to be smart about how you explain what happened if you speak to anyone, okay?" Greta added.

"Miss August saved me," Isaac whimpered from Finn's arms. "I didn't know there would be a bear. I swear I didn't."

"You're going to heal just fine, kiddo," Greta assured him before Finn carried him back the way they had came with the pups slowly beginning to trail him.

"Feel better, Miss August!"

"Yeah, feel better!"

"Heal quickly!" A few of the pups called. T

"Don't worry, we'll work on your projects next time!" August managed while holding Greta's cardigan lightly against her.

"Okay, let me see those scratches," Greta said, reaching for her cardigan before lifting August's own sweater gently. "I'm going to have to take this off to get a better look," Greta explained, and she watched August for a reaction. She simply nodded and let her.

There were five angry red gashes running diagonally across her chest, but they didn't appear nearly as bad as Greta imagined with all the blood that had soaked through the sweater.

"You're healing already," Greta mumbled, and August's eyes grew wide. Greta gave her a crooked smile. "The mate mark," they said in unison.

"You're healing like a lycan," Greta said with a satisfied grin before she took a deep, relieved breath. "Goddess, I was afraid there for a second. How did you get the bear to leave you alone?"

August diverted her eyes guiltily. "Uh, well let's just say that we may have a problem with the map."

"Oh," Greta grimaced momentarily. "Oh well. It was necessary. You did what you had to do, and you saved yourself and that little shit Isaac. Don't worry about it." Greta patted her knee. "We need to get home and get you cleaned up."

"How are you feeling?" August asked as she pushed herself up gingerly from the ground. Greta offered her a hand and pulled her up the rest of the way.

Greta giggled. "Only you would be bleeding from a bear attack and ask about the pregnant lady's morning sickness."

When they arrived back at the warehouse where Greta's Jeep was parked, they saw Clementine standing nearby with her hands in her jacket pockets. A young woman with dreads was standing with her. August recognized her as being part of the band that was playing during the bonfire.

"Hey Indigo," Greta called as they approached.

"Hi, Greta," the young woman replied.

"Is everything okay?" Greta asked.

"Oh, yeah. Everything is okay. Clem just told me what happened, and I wanted to wait and make sure you were both all right," she said, and she turned to August with her hand out. "I'm Indigo. You can call me Indie," she said in a shy, awkward manner.

August took her hand with a smile. "Hi Indie. I'm August."

"I know," the girl laughed.

"You play violin?" August asked for the girl's eyes to go wide before they darted around.

"Oh, yes," she laughed.

"I saw you at the bonfire. It was wonderful," August said reassuringly, because the girl seemed embarrassed.

"Thank you," she looked down at her feet. "I've been hoping to get a chance to meet you. When Clem told me what happened, I couldn't believe it. I can't remember the last time anyone has been attacked by a bear around here."

"It was definitely unexpected," August laughed softly.

"Are you okay?" Indie asked, her eyes now arriving on August again.

August nodded and looked at Greta. "Apparently I'm healing quickly thanks to my mate," she said, and then she realized how natural it sounded speaking to someone else about Graeme that way. Her chest swelled with pride a little at the thought of Graeme being hers to refer to like that.

"That's so great," Indie sighed. "Well, Luna, if you need anything, please let us know." And the two girls gave August and Greta a happy wave as they turned to leave.

Greta nudged August with an elbow and winked.

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