My Lycan Mate of Suicide Forest

Chapter 135 - Sacred Circle

Greta and August arrived in front of Sylvia's shop in the Jeep with Finn somewhere in the shadows. It was reassuring to know he was there, but the fact that August couldn't hear him or see him was a little unnerving. That meant that anyone here could be a few breaths away, stalking just a few paces back in the woods without her even knowing.

"Before we go in," Greta stopped. "I have an idea. Why don't you try focusing your senses to see if you can tell where Finn is right now."

"What do you mean? That doesn't have anything to do with the Veiled," August frowned.

"Maybe it does," Greta shrugged. "Just give it a try."

August looked around, not even knowing where to begin. She let the Veiled grow larger to her eyes, and she was met with the thrumming life of the forest on the air.

She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes to focus on the forest around her. Maybe she could sense Finn in a different way that didn't involve her eyes.

The sound of women laughing in Sylvia's shop came through the door, and the unique pulse each laugh played along felt like it tapped August in the chest—like within her was an instrument they were playing. Or she was the music that their laughter was dancing along. It was overwhelming in a good way—like that day in the market when she was walking with Greta and felt connected to those who were passing by.

Next to her, she felt Greta's presence—like a unique energy signature that was strong, healing, warm, and something uniquely Greta.

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With that sense, she mentally scanned out into the trees, feeling the energy meet her from each direction. There was the calm peace of steady, rooted trees; the scurrying, playful energy of squirrels; the swift patience of birds; and then there was Finn. She chuckled to herself.

"Found him," she opened her eyes and was staring out into the trees on the opposite side of the road near the market.

"Well done!" Greta exclaimed, impressed. "How did you do that?"

"Why do I have to hide again?" Finn peaked out from behind a tree.

"Just get some rest in your wolf," Greta laughed and turned to go inside.

They passed through the crystal shop into the back room where August had met Charlotte. Two women were in there chatting, and August could tell they were the two she had heard out front.

"Ethel and Agnes," Greta smiled and hugged them each in turn before introducing August.

"We're so pleased you're here with us," Agnes held August's hands in her own before drawing her into a hug. "Come meet the rest of us."

They led her through a door into another room—this one much larger. It was about the same size as the crystal shop, and August's mouth dropped open at both there even being another room—Sylvia's shop seemed to continue on and on like a magical building that grew the further you explored—and at the sight before her of the elaborate circle gridded on the floor.

There were five more women in the room all gathered at the far end where there appeared to be a tea station, but in the center of the room was a circle created on the floor with pine tree boughs surrounding a large lit candle. There appeared to be places for each woman to sit with small cushions and various materials arranged. August saw a circular dish of dried flowers and a bowl of water next to each cushion along with unlit taper candles in wooden holders.

Was this another ritual of some kind? And why wouldn't Greta have told her about this?

"Welcome!" Sylvia made her way from the other side of the room and gave both the girls hugs. "August, let me introduce you. I see you have already met these two trouble makers," she gestured toward Ethel and Agnes. "You know Charlotte."

Charlotte came forward to embrace August before holding her hands. "Welcome back, child."

"It's good to see you again," August smiled. Charlotte winked at her before backing up to let the introductions continue.

"And this is Vera and Liv," Sylvia introduced two women who appeared to be in their thirties—older than Greta and August but younger than the rest of the women in the gathering.

Vera had fiery red hair in a wavy bob, and Liv had long raven hair that reminded August of a starless night. Both of them embraced August and offered her a warm smile.

"And Raya," Sylvia introduced the last woman who looked to be closer to Sylvia's age. She had dark black hair like Liv and piercing blue eyes.

"We call this the 'sacred circle,'" Sylvia said, and August wasn't sure if she meant the women who were present or the literal circle that they had created with pine. "And now we have nine, which seems the perfect number for this circle. Doesn't it?"

There were hums of agreement.

"If anyone would like some tea, there are several herbal varieties," Sylvia gestured toward the back.

"Oh, yes please," Greta said and walked to the other side of the room to get herself some.

"And then we can get started. Make yourselves comfortable."

August watched as the women slipped off their shoes and left them by the door before finding spots around the circle. Vera who reminded August of a funky, carefree girl with her bob, hoodie, and converse slipped off her shoes to reveal wildly colored striped socks before sitting on a cushion with her knees tucked into her chest.

August slipped off her shoes just as the other women had and was grateful for the fact that her socks were clean and matching. She sat on one of the cushions cross-legged before Greta came with her tea and sat next to her.

"Thank you everyone who could join us today.. This is truly a special day for the sacred circle, because we have in our midst—for the first time ever—the mate of our Hallowell Alpha," Sylvia's kind eyes disappeared into smile lines as she focused on August who was seated across from her.

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